Item not showing up in item restore page

Hi, I accidentally disenchanted the wrong item and when I try to item restore the webpage bugs out. Other items show up, just not this one item. Tried a ticket, got a typical answer that GMs can’t restore even though they can as seen in this post.

My ticker number is Ticket Number: EU86372370

Any ideas what else I can do?

If other items exist in the list then it’s not bugging out. You won’t be able to restore it.

TBC Classic does not exist any more.

Did you try what Ananda suggests in the thread you link?

The item that I DE’d was the Malygos 25m Boots of Healing Energy. I DE’d them on the 4th of December.

Apparently the GM team cannot help me with the restore, but they clearly can as shown in the thread I linked.

If an item does not appear on the item restoration page, then not even GM’s are allowed to restore it. GM’s use the same item restoration list. If its not on the list, they have no proof that you ever had it to begin with.

No, they don’t accept player submitted screenshots or photos as proof. Too easily forged.