Its about time feral gets some attention

id go as far and say your a complete clown


Nah, their ideal feral would be:

  • As good or better defensive as the best melee.
  • Same or better heals than Shadow Priest.
  • Same or better passive Survivability than current DH or others.
  • Feral bleeds to do high tick dmg.
  • FB to deal dmg since if it deals too low they will cry.
  • Rework class tree so they will get stronger by default. Thats what reworking class tree works.

While offering: Small nerf on FB and not being forced to use cyclone all the time for the dmg.

While already having:

  • Immunity to Polymorph and Hex.
  • Passive 30% movement speed and the ability to shapeshift out of every root/slow.

Now, add all that and guess how broken feral would be.

Obviously its only certain few “feral mains” who demands it.

I mean, you’re entitled to your opinion. And you’re allowed to disagree, but that was just plain abusive :dracthyr_hehe:

Representation in 2’s and 3’s I can’t comment on but just cause its low doesn’t mean its bad, but theres druids around 2.6/2.7in shuffle as feral, so they’re clearly not unplayable by any factor. Hard to punch above the belt as a dot class in current game.

Guess you must of missed out on the flat buff in legion where druids were running double feral in 3’s cause they had a flat 20–30% damage buff in PVE / PVP. Let me tell you, you don’t want it.

again just irrelevent weird bullshi**t. :laughing:

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Where are all those ferals? When even pros say it sucks it probably sucks. When commentators during AWC laugh at ferals that probably means something. When ferals have the lowest winrate, highest deathrate, lowest healing, below average dmg in all solo shuffle brackets, that probably means something. It needs buffs and a whole class tree and gameplay redesign. Numbers probably won’t fix broken gameplay.


And ask those ferals about how was it to play feral. They’ll tell you that it was super hard, super punishing, even though they have been pro feral players for 10 years and every other spec they play and hit 2500+ was 10x easier and more fun to play. We had tank specs at top rating, does that suddenly mean tanks are viable lol? You only had to play 10k games to achieve that while you can do the same with anything else in 100+ games, but yeah is “doable”…

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You can say that if the specc would actually rotate at some point. But DH / War / rogue been dominating all expansion long, While Feral and Fdk are waiting to be viable outside of cheese comps that you cant find people to even play with.

When was jungle the last time meta relevant ?

What adventage does a feral bring to a team atm , that cant be done better by a other dps ?

I’m just memeing OP. I know feral is paper. I would still prefer if they lose damage in favor of survivability though.

Is it that time of the season again with the usual offenders crying about their spec making it out it’s much worse than it factually is?

Feral is currently the 5th most represented melee above 2400 in 3s, 6th most represented DPS spec (i.e, more represented than every single caster other than 1: Destro). Above 2700 in EU 3v3, it is the 2nd most represented DPS spec, only has less than DH.

Any suggestion that it is in an overall weak state is nonsense.

It’s clear from the way you extremely bad Feral Druids type that in your ideal world all you would do is run in and spam some damage and stuns and win games with it. That’s not how it works, which is why some players are being successful with it, and the rest of you are…well, you.


Feral is one of 3 melee out of what lets see 9 melee classes which can off heal especially since all mana pools got upped to 250k now so its not like 2 heals and oom anymore either, I’ve not played them since shadowlands–but i know after shadowlands druid deserved a good whack with the nerf bat after that fiesta.

Undispellable cc (cyclone) unless you somehow queue into priest back to back but even then MD got nerfed now.

Roots, instant cast roots even be it a talent or a proc, thorns if you play into melee heavy lobbies. Sure its not ‘good’ but its an option some classes dont even get the option to even consider. They have access to two stuns through maim and bash, you’re probably a nelf if you’re a druid so default that to 3 since you always have meld as a last resort too.

Theres alot im probably missing cause I don’t main one, per say. But thats at minimum the utility

I’ve seen “R1 glads” playing ferals in my lobby recently actually, if thats anything to go off. No wonder druids at 1.8 struggle to play feral, they have 0 respect and play the game like they’re a DH, ret or monk. So I’m not shocked about the forum outcry about it.

Also what the above poster said, 5th/6th most played melee :hammer:

You mean the heal that does nothing? Check stats, feral healing is only above rogue and only by a small margin. If only regrowth was a good heal, if only 90% of our defensives were not killed by dampening. You can’t even outheal most dots.

Yeah try casting that with say 2 melees on top of you, you die cause you aint in bear form running away. Cyclone is OP when you are not the kill target and is useless if you are. Delete Wild Attunement, nerf cyclone, make it instant. Buff the rest of our kit. Cyclone spam is bad gameplay and it aint working for anyone.

Most of the time you can’t take it. Even if you take it it’s minimal DMG. We already have 3 pretty mandatory PvP talents. You can’t really take thorns 99% of the time.

Yes, they really do help with running away all game, but we don’t wanna be forced to run away all game.

Who? Last time I checked the stats out of the thousands of games that happen in solo shuffle above 2100 you had only 100 feral games, so they are like less than 1%. 3v3 feral again is like 1% of games above 2100 and 2v2 you maybe have 5%. Where are all those R1 ferals? The stats show nobody is actually playing feral but you seem to meet them?

I call BS on everything you say.

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combining our burst in a spell that is already OP(cyclone) while being a squishy melee is probably the stupidiest design I saw in a video game ever. Its like everyone with a braincell will just stick to feral because its already squishy but also very dangerous if left alone and so you have the miserable playstyle where you are supposed to be a big cat bleeding players instead you run around trying to cast a clone in front of everyone? what kind of stupid design is this…
Almost every PvP Feral player wants the hit and run playstyle with big bleeds and better mobility and maybe clone in clutch plays not this stupid design we have now

the ferals they are talking about are like 2 players with 5 alts.feral was the worse spec in every awc.only delusional trolls are denying that feral is bad.

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For the sake of your sanity and the preservation of brain cells, these Feral Druid players are lost causes and a waste of your time. Last season Feral was the best performing melee, they still lived on forums crying how unplayable it is. (Conveniently, just like this season, they had negative win rates at very low ratings. Yeah, definitely the spec’s fault!).

All of their copium does not change the statistical facts that Feral Druid is not in a weak state overall right now.

Basing your arguments of spec performance on a niche tournament played by a maximum of 64 players across 2 regions that are min maxing and crafting the best compositions they can to give them the best chance of winning is a pathetic position to take. Do better and use some brain cells.

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Thats nice dear, you’re welcome to your opinion. Also precog, i dont record my games couldnt tell you who it was or what it was.

All I know is that if they wont bear form with glad exp, then I fully expect it to occur all the way up to duelist too, current meta is hard. You have my condolences, i got my duelist done so i can basically afk this patch either way now. Might try for cheeky glad, good luck you 3 druids with your own duelist climbs xo :kissing_cat:

thats just wrong.your biased cause your a shadow priest.the only class that feral can beat cause they dont have interrupt and blink and wear cloth armor.your super biased against feral.your position is pathetic.imagine playing a turret class that does top damge while being trainded in every awc. literraly doing top dps instant dot burst and instant have no clue what feral gameplay is you dont even cast your cc. edited by moderator

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Talking with Veetea is a waste of time. You can show him every single stat showing that out of 10k SS games you have 100 feral game, but he will still claim he meets ferals every other game and they are OP!

You can show him that the win rate for 2100+ is 45% and he’ll say “But I played against rank1 feral and he has a positive win rate!”.

You can show him that Feral burst and dps is below average and he’ll say “But bite hits for a lot!”.

You can show him that feral has the highest death rate due to it’s bad defensives and he’ll say feral is just so OP that you must kill him or you automatically lose!

You can show him AWC from last season and this season and he’ll say the pros just played feral the wrong way.

You can show him everything and he’ll still make up some weird excuse like Feral is OP cause it has one 3v3 comp that works cause the class that Feral plays with is a caster that when left alone will solo your team.

Pros saying feral is bad are all wrong cause he knows one person that says its good. AWC doesent matter. Stats dont matter. Everyone complaining that the gameplay sucks are all just wrong. He knows best, he never played feral, but he knows that the spec is OP and gameplay is amazing and we all just suck!

And don’t forget that in every single comment he’ll bring up your rating and he’s right cause he has higher rating and never played against a feral cause no ferals are left.


Ah yes, because Shadow Priest performed excellently in the AWC, didn’t it? :roll_eyes:

Shadow Priest is also fine into Feral, so idk what this argument is. Must be an 1100 rated thing.

Feral Druid is currently the 5th most represented melee, 6th most represented DPS spec above 2400 in EU 3v3 with 51. Do you want to know how many SP’s there are above 2400? 25, and I’m 2 of them. Over twice as many Feral Druids above 2.4 than SP’s. Pal, there are many classes that Feral is beating.

All good though, I see your Feral Druid is at 1100 rating with a 42% win rate from 72 rounds. Definitely a spec issue, not a skill issue at all /s.

‘Your position of using statistics from ladder play where Feral Druid is played against every composition in the game is pathetic, but my position of analysing niche tournament play is not’.

Wait, you’re surprised that a spec that plays with a Rogue that is CC’ing the enemy all game, was top damage? I guess you’re conveniently ignoring the SP vs Destro/DH matches and the Ret Warr FW and DK Warr games into SP. All good though, that doesn’t fit your agenda.

And yet, I still wouldn’t be at 1100 rating from 72 rounds on it.

Do you cast Maim? Do you cast Rake stun? Do you cast Bash? Do you cast predatory swiftness roots?

The only CC that Feral Druids (competent ones) cast is Cyclone. Priests cast Mind Control (a cc). Factually wrong. Unlucky.

You, out of all people, talking about dismissing statistics is hilarious. Feral Druid is fine, unfortunately for you, you are just a bottom of the barrel player that has spent the last 2 seasons losing more than you win on Feral at a rating that’s way below the placement level that players are put at by default.

Is your ego really that big that you can’t accept that the problem is you?

I remember when you clowns challenged somebody to go and play Feral and prove you wrong, and then they got to a way higher rating (by your standards) than you’d been all season in 1 session, when by their own admission, they had no idea what they were doing.

90% of the people complaining here are either 15 hundo ferals or people that are still used to shadowlands autopilot. It’s been years since ferals had to work a bit for wins, feels refreshing.

Or ppl that see a 45% winrate in solo shuffle for ferals (lowest for all specs) with the highest death rate at 70%. Or ppl that just hate the cyclone spam gameplay?

Snuppy also complains alot about feral and he was rank1 multiple times, multiple different seasons. He also just a 1500 rando that has no idea what he is talking about?