Its about time feral gets some attention

im 1800 on feral.your a clown.i ignore you.shadow priest was in final 10 times in awc.your the biggest clown.your so bad u die to every feral.

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Because low rated Feral Druid players are proven to be very bad at the game.

That’s a design issue and is on you if you do not play how you’re supposed to.

Can you show me Snupy complaining about Feral? I’ve tuned into that guy many times and he is the most positive, chilled guy I’ve ever seen in the PvP community.

Ah yes I see! 1740 cr from 669 rounds with a 51% win rate and an 1800 peak. Unironically, your 1100 42% win rate Feral is less embarrassing than that.

In the NA ones where there are 2 good teams, and we saw what happened to them when they faced EU with ping disadvantage.

I play with Warlocks and Boomkins, so if anybody is dying to Feral, it’s not me :kissing_closed_eyes:

And please, don’t call somebody whose higher rated than you will ever be in your entire life ‘bad’ without admitting you’re bad yourself, it’s kinda cringe.

your kinda cringe bragging about your rating cause noone likes you.every feral awc player complains about feral being trash.u spend last 10 years in this game get a life. stp talking about ferals when your a caster u clown.

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The extremely bad, chronically online Feral Druid players don’t like the guy that’s better than all of them combined? Shall I pretend to be shocked now or later?

Feral Druid is outperforming every single caster in 3s except for 1. You’re gonna have to try a bit harder if you wanna use the ‘caster’ argument.

You are making a fool out of yourself. His rating is the proof that he has the experience to back up his words. Your feral is proof that you have room to improve. If you are willing to accept that you are not snupy, cassidy, tony etc.

Do you think they always was as good as they are? Dedication, discipline, patiance and training. I lack all of those that is why i will never get high rating, but i am at least being honest with it.

Being low rated is nothing to be ashamed of, but it is kind of embarrasing to be 1100-1700 arguing against more experienced players when you are prooved wrong time and time again.

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u play the game for a 100 years get one is impressed by your rating.your such a clown.agian every awc feral perfomed awful.your saying feral is your iq is trash.admit it

You don’t have to be impressed, but as Fladen says very well, I can at least back up my words with experience. The only SPs higher than me in shuffle right now are a botter and a guy that spam plays way more than I do. I also have 2 sp’s at 2400 in 3s, (it’s not high, but compared to you it’s godly).

AWC is not a fair reflection of ladder play, especially not where you play.

Factually is. 5th most represented melee above 2400, 6th most represented dps, outperforming all but 1 caster: Destro.

If you spent as much time trying to improve as you do crying on forums…who am I kidding, you’d still be awful.

You are wasting your time. Just report the trolls and move on. His comments shaming you for your rating are irrelevant, are trolling, should get reported and eventually will get him banned from forums again.

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thanks .i was very objective and hes like ur 1100 and feral would be so op.those rank 1 are just beyond pathetic in my eyes.i played feral for one season like cmon.

The delusions… it’s stunning.

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More people play Shadow Priest than Feral Druid. According to stats, SP is the 14th most played spec in the game. Feral is the 17th most. So more people play SP, yet Feral has twice as many characters above 2400 than Shadow. Make it make sense.

There is a very clear and direct correlation between low rated players and spewing nonsense. You Feral Druids are the epitome of that.

I’m wasting my time by making an extra character so I can play with more people and learn more about the game? Let that argument sink in for a second, maybe you should try it yourself one day.

Only for you because they are contrary to the views of your echo chamber.

your still saying feral is good omg haha

There are several kinds of skills to master in arena and a lot of them can be transfered from one class to another. For example positioning and awareness.

And it is not like you forget what a demon hunter can do because you rerolled from X-Y class.

And if you played feral for one season and reached 1700 rating do you think that you know enough to argue the way you do?

Factually is. Just like you’re factually horrendous.

Not only that but they’ve played almost 800 rounds of Feral Druid and their peak is 1800.

i play since idc.your trying everything to make me look bad cause your l a low life.your solo shuffle rating is so have put tthousands of hours into the game and still your just a toxic loser.just the fact that in awcs feral is always awful is a proof that feral is bad currently.u need to get off the game your rating means nothing after all the time you spend on this game

So maybe be quiet and listen to players who have played more than you and are significantly better than you?

You make yourself look bad.

Ah, so me being in the top 0.1% is irrelevant for the backing of my opinions (which are also in line with facts), but your performance at very low ratings and the statistics of your fellow poorly performing players IS relevant? And you have the audacity to call ME biased?


No it isn’t. I genuinely feel sympathy for you that you can’t understand the difference between ladder play and tournament play.

By your logic, AWC shows that Resto Druid is bad currently. Do you agree that is the truth?

I will direct you to this:

u play shadow priest since wod.every rank 1 feral hates ferals df design and thinks is bad.after 10 years of being a no life arena player you have audacity to insult someone even if i would 1100 rated ur still the biggest clown to me.imagine having played wod legion bfa shadowlands.your a loser imo

I’ve played it since BFA s1, can you make sure your fan fiction is accurate please?

You can think the design is bad all you want, and in fact I’d agree with you that it is. But its performance is not. In fact, above 2700 in EU 3s right now, which is flirting with r1 range in 3s, Feral is the 2nd most represented DPS spec. There is 1 more DH character above 2700 than Feral. Factually an excellent spec.

Oh buddy wait until you find out there are people that have played since 2004!

u play the game since wod so shut up allready

I mean it is interesting that he/she says everyone who have played since wod is a loser.