Its about time feral gets some attention

they should work on all druid specs they all seem to getting trained into the ground and being forced to be cyclone bot and lose automaticly when they cant have precog whole game

buffing this class on bite/bleed only wont fix anything

this class need´s a complete rework, buffing bite, or bleeds, would be only a bandaid fix, and will cause many problems later

i mean it´s the same as dps evoker, buffing everything into 1 spell wont fix anything

Gameplay, and having bad deff cd´s is the biggest problem, and i think the chance is pretty high, that this talent getting nerfed/removed next xpac

but the current gameplay should be illegal when i compare it with every other xpac

no they dont, feral isnt about dmg, it´s more about controll, and cyclone spam. feral isnt a w press button, or “scary dmg class” like it was in legion/bfa/sl

and no they dont need a dmg buff, this would be the worst walmart thing what they can do

it need´s more likely a rework, so u can stay longer in cat without running out of energy, and ofc better survivability.

Idk, if you target me with that

you know, that feral have the worst hp´s and a normal meele heals more? okay then dont buff it, but nerf the heal from every other class.

never said it, but 3 min cd for 50% dmg reduce over 6 sec is a joke, because every other class got overloaded deff cd´s, or cd reduce on their deff cd

was always like that, so not only cyclone isnt the problem, the movement speed too?

Bleed do a joke dmg, because we cant take Swarm, and they balanced bleeds around swarm in the normal feral tree, the class tree just makes too many problems when u play a hybrid

  • Feral need just better ofhealing for his teammates

  • maybe general more healing, or survivalbility buff instead, like dmg reduce/armor in cat form

  • better energy regg, or revert the soul of the forrest nerf.

    the main problem about feral just is, that u have to spam clone, cuz u instantly run out of energy, so u get energy, and 5 cps when u land a clone, it wasnt the case in other expansions, yes u had in every other xpac except legion a downtime too, but not as much as now, and i can understand why peoples who never played feral, dont see/reallize it

so give feral the best dmg/ heal/ or something is just troll, and i never said it.

na it´s not unplayable, but twinkle, axtin, tony and other ferals complain more likely about the gameplay, and some classes counter it and thinking “yuum a feral, we train him like a punching bag, and counter snipe with an shaman”

like i said, a class can be viable, but still unfun to play, and this class just stucks in the beta, and devs dont know what to do with him, because THE FERAL DEV LEFT WITH DF

it´s just unlucky, and i hope That in another parallel universe the dh dev left instead of the druid dev

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Jesus christ. In AWC they will most likely know when they face a feral, specially since most feral teams tend to be 3 man rosters. You can tailor your comp to be anti-feral. You can play comps that would never make it to the top in ladder but in the specific match versus feral they can dismantle them completely. That does not mean feral is bad.

And none of you ferals in here will ever set foot in AWC so the problem will never arise for you.

My point were that in some ppls minds the ideal feral would be:

While some actual feral mains know more about what actually could be potentially changed without being broken.
A rework is a rework. But asking for basically everything buffed like some particular ppl do is insane.

ahh, i think u have this with every class, i remember the ret Peoples, thats why u never should give a random people “might” 9/10 will abuse it for the own advantage

imagine u give a dh player the right, to balance every class in pvp for 1 day, u dont want to know, what will happen

it´s not a specific feral thing, i think the difference is, that peoples dont get any communication at all, and “cry/ yell louder” when it comes to a class, where we didn’t get a rework at all

and i mean it´s understandable, people pay for a game, want to play it now, and not in 2 years later, and getting only :poop: instead

it´s the same in sod atm, some classes are completely broken, and some are a joke, and blizz does nothing about it

what does it mean? people quit

i mean rework is anyway a “joke” in blizz, at the start it´s always broken af and getting tuned down

the thing is, i dont really care that much, about buffing only % dmg, because if it is too much, it gets tuned down anyway

i care more about the gameplay, i rather having a undertuned class when it comes to dmg, but is fun to play, than having a class what is viable but unfun to play

for me, i liked bfa sn1/ legion feral, i would do everything to have this gameplay back, only problem what i had with this xpac, we didnt had cyclone, and cyclone is a cool spell in situational fights, like u clone someone low, to leap to the enemy heal, stun him and clone him.

stuff like this felt satisfying, but spaming it, feels not satisfying

i just hope, they can manage the energy regg, and a passive survivalbility buff, nerfing the pvp talent, or change it

we wont see anything in this xpac, i think it´s already over, devs have hardly have any resources left and using it for the next xpac

My biggest concern is the new talent tree from war within, there is a talent, what increase the heal from regrowth by 50%

but i think it get´s tuned down from 50% to 20 or 15% because of resto druid, resto druid also can pick it, and they heal way more with regrowth, but since it counts only for “his own” it wont fall under the radar, we will see

but 50% sounds a bit crazy, i rather we have heal for both, teammates and for the class itself

but when did u saw feral offhealing his mates? i kinda miss the gameplay, u tanked a free counterspell/ for it and your heal can heal

for me idc about % buff´s just make feral fun for everyone again

for high players, for good players, for normal players, for bad players

I mean sure, reworks are usually a joke even when warned millions of times about things being massively overtuned (rets who actually cared about rets before release) but then you also have beginner rerollers who full out defended it while knowing nothing about paladins to begin with.

I think one of the more bigger issues with feral if they get an actual offheal that are good/strong it could potentially make it too strong based on instant regrowth every 5 combo hit.
Remove the instant regrowth or put it on a CD like rets could potentially work but im honestly not sure. It was broken when rets had a serious offhealing aswell that was instant.
This is based on if they also buffed defensives at the same time.

But yea, im not sure what they are thinking currently since they are in a “shush” mode until pirate patch. I hope they are aiming for something actual good for S4 but my hopes are low.

I did read what you mirror posted which makes alot more sense than some wannabe “feral mains” who argued for everything buffed.

yeah, this fotm reroll is also a problem

it is a difference if u see a overtuned class who is played by 5k players, or only 1k players
The meta gameplay has increased significantly over the years

it wasnt as bad in mop,wod, or legion as now, if we dont count the bm hunter thing in mop

the thing is, for the “instant proc” u need uptime, combo points" so it´s most likely 2 globals to use it, it´s less powerful, compared to a cd who have only a “short cd, and cost a bit of mana”

i mean, i dont mind if this spell gets a cd, because of “balance issues” and feral get some passive deff instead

the most problem just is, that this class takes so much dmg,
I don’t know anyone who doesn’t like tunnel a feral, because it looks satisfying to watch, how is hp get´s up and down

it´s not like, u use offensive cd´s his healthbar drops and then nothing happens, it always moves up and down (i wish every class would be like that…^^)

i mean back in the days, we had a talent, what reduce the dmg income in catform when we get stunned, but i think this is also too op?

this class just need´s something that you are no longer the favored class for tunneling, but i dont know what instead of heal buff, or passive dmg reduce buff

yeah, while sod getting 2-4 class tunings in under 1 month, it´s a joke at this point, maybe our pvp devs got hit by the layoff?

yeah i think Axtin have more clue than anyone of us, when it comes to feral, and it´s nice to have the pov from a multi r1 player, who plays the class for longer, and makes it still work, but also have no fun with it, even if he made it work

i just hope blizz reads it on us, and change the class in the next xpac, because at the end, we just want to have fun, for me atleast :smiley:

and i kinda miss to play wow arena, for more than 2 Weeks per season :smiley:

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I did add that it was based on if ferals also gets a defensive buff at the same time.
I understand that ferals dont want the be the main target all the time, but sadly, as long as they have the cyclone playstyle they will. It can be abit hard to understand fully what ferals needs in terms of defensives if they are not entirely forced to use cyclone over and over again.

Kinda what the mirror post said, they arent entirely squishy but it becomes worse due to cyclone spamming which if left alone can control the entire scene.
So you are basically forced to tunnel the feral so he cant entirely do that.

Which is why I do enjoy reading when ppl are more indepth about pos vs cons and actually argue if something could get too strong or not.

Also why I get tired when ppl refuse to do it and just base things on their own PoV and demands buffs for what they personally feel. :person_shrugging:

I actually get mad everytime I check mmo champion due to this LOL.
Its like, hello, retail exists, can we get some tunings for certain specs if possible instead of one every 2-3 days for SoD? xd
I know they have different devs but it makes it feel like they gave up on this season for retail when nothing is being said. I mean DH is still the way they are and every single time they get a small change its a slap on the wrist.

i mean yeah, this is a reason too, BUT even without in most of the matchups u will still tunnel the feral, because his hp bar moves so fast up and down and dont have a immunity i mean it depends what he is playing u dont know how hard i go ham on my twinks when i saw a feral

if the feral have a destro, or mage in his team, ofc u will train his mate instead

but if the feral plays with an ww/warri/ret/rogue/sv/dh u pref to train the feral, cuz he dies faster :smiley:

it looks like it, the worst thing is, they went into vacation mode, without a single communicating, they could say atleast “we have at the moment too much to do, u guys will see a bit later some tunings but they will come in the coming future”

but i think it´s already too much to write from a guy who makes 20 mio $ each month

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