Its about time feral gets some attention

yea because he played since wod and insulting lower rated players.ur ignoring the context just fk off.

Last I checked the only thing you did was spout nonsense with no hard ground proof but ok dood, you’ve been given stats and you’re still in denial and just going off what top1% of players are doing with their free time.

I have played since vanilla what does that make me then? You are being replied to that way because you have an attitude. I am even lower rated than you on the char i play at the moment and he is being respectful towards me. You have an attitude like a 15 year old that is lashing out because the adults don’t agree with your immature view of the world.

And the irony is that even in the top 0.1% Feral is performing better in 3s than every DPS spec in the game other than DH, rofl.

Indicates everyone. Not just that single person. But sure.

haha typical toxic wow players insulting me for 5 hours and then saying its my fault.cause they have a rank 1 boyfriend that plays arena since wod.

Has anybody else noticed what all of these Feral Druid players have in common yet? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I didnt say a single thing until you actively insulted everyone who played since WoD or earlier. That includes me.

Been like this since atleast legion, should see the reactions you can get from people when you start mentioning shadowmeld too :dracthyr_hehe:

okay but pvp in earlier expansions was just a the biggest clown fiesta so idc.

How do you know?


u staretd it by bringing up some char thats 1100 and that ur would be the best player.your such toxic little loser.

These are the things you said before I sent my first reply:

YOU were the one that started insulting people before I even posted anything.

You wanna spread any more factually incorrect nonsense? It’s impressive how much you have tbh.

that was like your first really made my day had a lot of laughs.espicially that you play arena since wod and say all feral are crybabyies or something and that the awc best feral get destroyed cause they suck or they dont even qualify anymore.

My first answer where I gave factual statistics and then called you a factually bad Feral Druid? Do you disagree? Don’t give it if you can’t take it, quite simple.

Because you are. Feral is one of the best performing specs in the game.

So did the best Resto Druids. Are Resto Druids bad?

dude u play since wod so ur at least like 12 or so.just stop lying.feral is has no survivalbility.just ahaha like admit it and stop being a clown

Indeed, I came out of the womb and immediately logged on to World of Warcraft.

Congratulations on your first correct comment about me though, I am indeed at least 12.

Yours doesn’t, because you’re bad. It’s outperforming all but 1 DPS spec in 3s. Git gud.

yes feral is outperforming every spec but dh

At 2700+ 3v3 in EU, it is outperforming every single DPS spec in the game other than DH.

Feral is an exemplification of the better you are at the game, the better it does, but the worse you are at the game, the worse it does.

Mate don’t waste your time. I told you you can list every single stat and just because 1 Feral somewhere out there exists that is doing well they’ll say Feral is ok. No it’s not ok, it requires you to work 10x harder than any spec to achieve the same results. You need to CC, kite, cast as a melee, outplay ppl, your whole spec is one spell - Cyclone, if you don’t master it the whole spec falls apart cause that one spell is EVERYTHING. They don’t seem to understand that this is trash gameplay and makes the spec trash if you are actually the kill target.

We’ve seen it in AWC, the best ferals of the best when focused down and countered deal half the DMG of everyone else, we have commentators laugh at the spec, we see feral for more than half the game running away and in bear form. No other spec has to play like that. And players just don’t like that gameplay.

Stats show that we had 1295 feral solo shuffle games. We are one of the least played specs overall, with tanks under us, enh, frost DK equal to us. 2100+ again 100 feral games and again we are at the very bottom. The stats say everything - players don’t like the current feral playstyle and we need Blizzard to change it. Simple. Rework Feral, thank you.