Exactly the same issue, and the same boilerplate response to my ticket from blizzard. Switched from Night Fae to Kyrian. Haephus NPC non interactive, cannot progress to soulbinds, add conduits or any other covenant activities. Quite disappointing.
Yep, I’m renown 3 but no soulbinds, sanctum upgrades, callings or anything. Only the abilities. Didn’t get anything from random hero or mythic key though
well so its pointless to get renown 3 bcs you cannot have soulbind sanctum etc right ?
and you got 1 renown from World boss and 2nd from myth 0 or ?
correct. that’s all I’ve done to not waste any anima in case I get the 1k quest
yeah i hope they will fix it soon so we can do our stuff
I’m also stuck. Where is the blue post ? This bug is gamebreaking, we’re already losing time by switching covenant, we can’t just wait like this!?
22 days wait time for my ticket… what the acctual…
You can actually get the reknown from M0 even with the bug.
Time to rollback people who tried resetting their covenants.
Because i for one will NOT do a freaking “proove your worth” -quest due to their freaking issue.
I received an automated response too… This is enraging.
so i am completely gagged now…hotfixes for december 16, no mentioning, no fix…this is…insane ^^ "
There’s now hundreds of posts about this exact issue scattered across several threads, it’s a litteral game-breaking bug. Anyone who creates a ticket about this only gets an automated response, so that doesn’t work. There a lot of people, included myself who’ve reported the bug to the developers.
As of now it feels like my character is bricked, can’t really do anything.
Yea I feel there’s no point in doing anything on my char since I feel bricked on that char as Londar said. How the hell was this not tested .
The automated response that tells you to check 3rd party sites is just a joke. We better get some sweet compensation for this since its 1 of the main features in the game thats not working
Dude, its really about time we get a blue post in here. I got a answer on my ticket tho, same silly auto response. i wanna play the game i PAY u for… Jeez.
It’s so annoying. I changed to Kyrian yesterday and got stuck at this too. Hoped it’d be fixed with hotfix and got nothing. Oh, did I mention that I also didn’t get any daily calling today. We pay real money and can’t even get a Blue post or proper ticket answer. Nowadays, being a WoW player sucks
Yep, missing three callings now. No answer for my ticket, no addition in the lates hotfixes.
Same here, covenant swap yesterday hoping to get nice start on the reset. Still stuck on this.
Hello everyone,
Thanks for the reports!
We’re aware of this issue and the investigation is ongoing. Some players have noted that completing the calling for 3 WQ in Bastion can resolve it, if available/possible.
For more info, as well as any future updates on this, keep an eye on the support article here:
A hotfix was deployed as well yesterday to address this, but would require affected characters to travel to Oribos and relog in order to pick up the fix.
If neither of these worked please send an in-game Bug Report from the affected character, as well as reply to this thread.
Sorry for the disruption and thanks for your help with looking into this!
Completing a calling in bastion probably would help, but most of us have no such a quest…
What does one do if you dont get a calling and the travel to Oribos doesnt fix it?