I am in the same boat. I have not received any callings since changing to Kyrian, and travelling to Oribos yields nothing…
Just relogged in Oribos and still can’t interact with the NPC.
a) I dont have a calling up
b) Travelling to Oribos, relogging, travelling back did not solve the issue
same here unfortunately. Yet my transmog was resetted on Login Screen so I hoped…trying again with quest not accepted, relogging
Hello, and thanks for the information. I am having this issue and I have tried to travel to Oribos, relogged, and gone back to check. Still same issue. The complete-a-calling-trick is not a sollution, because I can’t even get daily callings in the state my character is in, I got no calling yesterday, and none today.
If the chosen way to fix this issue is to manually fix each character stuck in this state, then I’d like to get inline for this. But I don’t think contacting support is the way to do this, because most of us are getting an automated response giving us a basic tutorial on how to complete a quest, or to go and check out Wowhead.
Thanks for the replies! I’ve passed it along so we can keep digging.
Im having the same problem with this quest.
I am having the same bug with this quest cannot contınue with my covenbant quests because of this.
None of that worked.
“Outside of these reports, we currently do not have a workaround that we can provide.” now that doesn’t sound like I’d be able to continue the campaign anytime soon
Of course it’ll be solved eventually. But how will we compensate from this setback? I couldn’t get into raid with my guild yesterday because i had no soulbinds and conduits, people scolded me in M+ because i had no buff from soulbinds… Moreover people are missing daily profits of covenants.
It’s really annoying people are enjoying their progress while we sit in our chairs waiting for solution
Missing out on callings, missing out on adventures/follower XP
Relogging with or without doesnt change anything - for the records
- Unfortunately no calling quest for me neither.
- Relogging in Oribus does not help on this issue.
Also for the records…
Still doesn’t work.
- No calling quests for me neither.
- Relogging in Oribus didn’t help, both with or without the quest.
thx for replying, i’ve tried relogging in Oribos but doesent do anything. also i dont recive any calling quest, so im stuck.
Same doesn’t work
got no calling since 2 days
can’t xp character
had to raid without soulbind/conduit
it’s not acceptable
I am also stuck on this quest. Like to get in line for any fixes as well. If I have to wait 21days for the ticket, the fun part of the early expansion is basically over.
Same here, I disconnected at Oribos, didn’t fix it. I do not have any calling either. Pretty much dead main character right now… please fix it fast.
I am stuck on this quest as well, don’t have any callings, relogging in Oribos didn’t fix it. It’s sad because it’s a big part of this expansion and I can’t progress any further.
Have the same problem, its propably because we take first " Return to Adrestes" from Highlord Bolvar Fordragon and game “think” we just doing this quest OR game “think” we should doing pre quest in the Maw now…