It's all Coming Together covenant quest bugged

no way, If Blizzard NOT FIX it ASAP he should donate 10$ for every player who the same bug. WE PAY FOR THIS GAME!

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Really frustrating not being able to advance just because of a silly bug.

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Just create a item or something that we can consume so it makes the quest complete for a quick fix so we can continue play while working on the fix. Then work on how to compensate all of us who have/had this problem.

I mean whoever made this quest or whoever just had to look after Kyrian quest design needs a hard smack. Who in their right mind thought that locking an NPC who unlocks soulbinds interactability behind a soulbind calling for players switching covenants has severe mental impairment. Like, Yes you can change but you have to have unlocked soulbinds for this covenant to even be able to talk to the guy that unlocks soulbinds for you that gives you a calling to enable you to talk to the guy that gives you soulbinds.

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Just literally remove the NPC phasing and change the quest to just an interact where it shows the anima deposit page which completes the quest for you. I really don’t understand how this would be so hard to implement .

Still not able to interact…relogging in Oribos does nothing at all and we are not able to get the calling “fix” because you DONT EVEN GET CALLINGS at this stage of the campaing (it is literally the second quest in the chain)

How can you be “digging” if this problem exists for multiple days and making characters that are affected useless (as in no soulbind)? This is the first mythic week and ppl can brick their main character…

I did a torghast run yesterday and found some followers, but considering the fact that I haven’t even unlocked the ability to have followers yet (due to this bug)…, I really wonder what’s going to happen to them as well… Will I suddenly get these followers when I’ve unlocked them? Or will they be lost?

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Because they need to devote devs to fixing bosses on the world first raid instead. You know that 0.01% of the wow population that gets instant fixes.

Fun fact: If this would happen to a raider participating in the World First Race (0,00000001% of the playerbase), this would be fixed within 10 minutes. Would be fun to see how Limit cannot kill a single boss because their raiders get nerfed by 20%.

hahahaha! Was taking to my mates exactly about the same thing this morrning.
Sure Blizz would not have to “digg” then :smiley:

Wihoo my only free day to play rated arenas and this happens. No conduits no nothing :frowning:

Cant blizz just put us on renown 10 for all the lost progress?


Tried relogging, didn’t work.
Didn’t get the calling.

Same for me as well, trapped in Covenant limbo - tried relogging with and without the quest in Oribos and no luck. Was holding out hope for the daily calling to fix it but turns out we just don’t get them at all. What a joke.

They returned my ticket with the same automated response…
This needs to be fixed asap.

The fact that this is a gamebreaking bug for a lot of people, and their progress is stopped makes it so annoying. I really dont think it’s a hard fix, it’s just a quest, but still they are leaving it like this for days, and despite all the reports they just give an automated response. Makes me wanna unsubscribe just for this.


Please you gotta fix this asap! I cannot join my guild in raid nor m+ … can’t be delayed anymore!


I also can’t stress enough how much impact this bug has. It doesn’t only stop the player from progressing through their covenant campaign and making us fall behind on renown as well as follower levels, it makes it unrealistic to compete in rated PvP, or raids because of how much power the soulbinds and conduits have. With limited time to play, I might not be able to get a single weekly vault chest from PvP, which is the content I personally do. Thus falling more behind if this doesn’t get solved soon.

And what if the fix doesn’t come soon? Should a segment of the playerbase simply be denied progress for a week because of such as small error like this? I also suspect, as many other, that if this issue directly compromised the world first race, it would be fixed instantly. In my mind, for a literally game-breaking bug, blizzard should keep us posted on the status of the issue untill the problem is fixed, and not treat it like som random side-quest issue.


I am also having this issue. So annoying, its raid night and I dont have soulbinds.

same issue