It's almost impossible to farm new reps

3 quests each zone 75 rep each. 1 weekly for each zone and some random events that gives 50 rep excluding pet battles which gives 75 rep per day. I can’t see myself even reaching honored at the end of the week and reaching exalted in 2 months… Farmed 2 hours of Uldum and 1.5 hours of pandaland rares/events today and encountered 6 uldum and 2 Pandaland events. I didn’t even get 1k total rep for wasting 3.5 hours of my time. Can easily say rare hunting is useless cuz they don’t give anything. Make at least those rares give like 50-250 rep to make it usefull because those 10-25 vision currency also is useless considering the fact that you need 10k of those makes rare hunting for entering visions impossible.


It’s definitely a slow grind, am currently barely into friendly with both.


1825/6000 rajani 1150/6000 uldum and i’m legit about to kms. Wasted too much time before realising it is completely useless to grind.


Personally I’m not even gonna try to get them exalted, it’ll happen when it happens.

The rewards are pretty lackluster so I aint in a hurry. Kinda miss getting pumped to get exalted with a faction for a specific reward though.


Doesn’t seem to be anything more to them, than what we are already doing. The contracts give so little extra rep even when we do get them.

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75 rep for each daily is so much fun, seriously!

each daily takes either 3 years to complete or is bugged.

gonna be exalted with these reps in 9.2 probably.


Hope the drop rate is high from any Paragon, because I can’t see us getting many at this rate.


I think I might just drop the daily and just do the assaults when they’re up. 30 mins searching for eyes of N’zoth on both mains for a pathetic 75 rep isn’t worth it.


Paragon ? i don’t see myself getting exalted before shadowlands…


i’m hoping that once we reach honored / revered more ways to get rep unlock.

it’s so unsatisfying to spend hours doing 3/4 dailies for 75 rep each. it’s insulting.

I took me until a fair way into BfA to get all my Paragon mounts from Legion. I’m not a fan of the system.


I don’t se anything wrong with slow rep grinds, that happend since vanilla, it’s more like everyone wants everything fast these days.


I can easily say there isn’t any rep grind compared to this one in the game. This grind makes any other rep grind looks like they were meant for most casual player

We only getting pets from this patch paragon boxes, if u get bad luck u can always buy em at the auction house.

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Maybe because people have other things to do? I like wow because I can play a bit every day and still get all I want done. It’s good after a long day at work. With the 8.3 quests it’s not the case. Respawn rates are too long. Hundreds of people trying to do the same at the same time.

I am exalted with 98 factions. I do not mind doing crazy things for rep (Hydraxian Waterlords!) but this is just too much!


The problem isn’t just the respawn rates. Rares gives nothing. There isn’t anything to hunt. Rare hunting is literally useless , events are unreliable and seems like events are the only source to farm this rep. Legit farmed 3.5 hours combined today and couldn’t even get 1k total rep


Why do you even grind the rep for these new factions? Yeah you can buy couple of mounts, pets and toys but really?

Rank 3 's are tied to this rep


As well as the infinite augment rune.


This might be a bit too slow though, to be honest. I’ve never seen a reputation that was this slow. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind putting in effort and having reputations take a bit, but this is a bit of an overkill in my opinion. :frowning:

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