It's comical how little changes warlock is getting

It would be “enough” for me if Shadowfury came back instantly. On the teleport “it would be enough” for me to be able to place instants (like monks) and not with the classic half second of atrocious cast that only the warlock has the “pleasure” of knowing. P.s. Demon Bolt also originally had 0.5 sec cast during the proc

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These changes are not going to break the class fantasy (blizzard seem to being doing that) and it won’t make Warlocks overpowered. Just quality of life changes to a class that hasn’t see its utility change much.

On that note, make our curses more impactful. Curse of the Satyr is actually interesting. I see people talk about raid buffs and maybe us putting a curse on the boss might be our unique way of buffing.

Demonic circle teleport off gcd
Burning rush off gcd
These two that came in mind for a start,adds fluidity and finesse.
Demo and affliction both need an overhaul,especially aff is depressing to play AF in its current form…Both specs don’t belong in 2025.

As for destruction apart from a small dmg buff i want a talent that let’s us cast incinerate while moving.


The penalty for burning rush could stand to be adjusted, too. Maybe allowing it to only start dealing damage after a few seconds have passed. When so many classes have gap closers with no real drawbacks it’s only fair our mobility gets another look.


I personally find the concept of the burning rush Jurassic, it would be enough to sprint for a few seconds using a pre-established amount of life, and with a CD. Just like a Soul Harvester talent was previously


Problem isn’t with burning rush,problem is they need to f bring us on par with most classes already.
We are left behind in almost every degree,i never played paladin or ret in my entire life and i am playing ret atm and actually loving it,light years ahead of warlock in everything.
Don’t get me started talking about mage…
I am really starting to lose my patience with this game and this incompetent company.

Edit: they took them 20 years to separate pvp abilities from pve and gear in the same manner while 20 years the community has been telling them this is the right way to do it.Just an example,we are talking about this level of incompetence.


I agree that the burning rush isn’t the problem, I was only responding to these. The problem is as you wrote and as I have thought for several years, the class in all three specs appears to have a design that is too old and which does not work well in various current and less current gaming contexts.

It’s not possible in 2024 to still have to use the voidwalker to not die while leveling or in a delve, it’s not possible to have to cast anything. As soon as I get the dk or the mage it’s a totally different game, I continue to play warlock because of the affection I’ve had for my first character for 20 years


Now if you see post on the US forums they say our utility is fine and we don’t need a caster based interrupt and the void Walker is great in delves. Completely discounting other people’s complaints.

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I fairly enjoy playing all three specs. However, I’m fed up with Malefic Rapture for Affliction.


Word! If the encounter is tough ,we sometimes have the choice between move with burning rush and die or move slow without burning rush and die

Is this just facts. The amount of times burning rush has nearly been the death of me because I’m trying to dodge something that will be the death of me!

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US is brainwashed by the PvE warlock content creators who is only interested in being viable in keys and raids. Anything else is not on their radar.

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Yeah, burning rush is barely viable in PvP. It’s particularly funny because I was playing my - very casual - hunter alt and disengage is just so much smoother a tool for escaping sticky situations. Not in the least due to being easy to combine with a trap to slow/freeze an enemy in pursuit.

On my warlock my portals, teleport and burning rush don’t succeed most of the time…especially since death knights and paladins have a lot more mobility now. Warriors have heroic leap and so on…so it just generally immediately negates our escape. Plus it’s telegraphed in advance where we’ll try to retreat to in order to get distance.

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in a last minute nerf fix to dh frost and mage arcane they specified that there will be details on further fixes this week that will affect other classes for next week. Being the warlock the only class not to have received anything, I believe and hope that there will be some interesting improvements.

Sure a nerf would be really too comical, but never say never in life :laughing:

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Hope you’re right, finger’s crossed

As long as Vile taint does not go down to 20sc CD and RNG shard gen is gone Aff spec will remain disgusting. Aff spec is an abomination.


Tbf we did get a nerf.
Ritual can no longer be triggered before a boss pull and it now resets.
So in a way the only thing we got this patch is a nerf to diabolist.

another comical situation: today they further buffed the feral.

Although 8/10 topics on the forums focus on the request to nerf the spec

The same thing happened with the frost mage, where not only did it remain practically the same but they also buffed the damage on some spells such as the frostfire bolt (which in PvP with 28% and damage reductions from talents and soul link hit me for 1.2 mil


So, all this time we should have been asking for nerfs instead of complaining about bugs and the class not being competitive. :upside_down_face:

reading around I saw that according to the mythic + and raid logs all three warlock specs are far behind the class average. Some even said that both Demonology and Destruction, despite receiving an absurdly flat 40% increase in damage, would reach the (exaggerated) levels of an elemental shaman. This is to say how big the damage gap is between classes currently.

However, I fear two things: the first is that playing almost exclusively PvP could give a buff to increase damage but only in PvE… second thing is that the problem is not only about numbers, but in the gameplay itself and in the talents