You have problem with one class, SP has issues with number of classes. It clearly states that SP problem is more important that inability of Melee to deal with Mage.
Yet i realy seems that they designed melee toolkit of mobility and utility so all the melees can somehow deal with an riddiculous toolkit of mages.
In the end, melees still cant keep up with them and all casters that arent broken af like mages in terms of mobility and kiting kit get absolutely gutted by zuglords.
SP lost Damnation, instant void form and still suffers from nerfed self heal through VT and DP. I’m really not sure of their idea for SP. You aren’t a Warlock who has means and ways to sustain the pressure to a certain degree. Even when I watch some really good Spriest players on high rating they’re always the train target and if the healer doesn’t know exaxtly what he’s doing the SP will go down.
Even if you gave a melee a single charge to connect to something every melee still would have 100% uptime on SP
SP has 0 mobility and is designed to be considerably beefy with short defensive cds. Clear L2P issue here
Melee should not have such level of mobility with the such level of CC and CC immunity.
All things should come at the cost of something. In the case of Warriors Heroic leap should cost you fury, Immunity during the bladestorm should cost you handful of talents to invest. And All melees should be designed like this, when some really good gameplay spells should came at the cost of good talent investment.
Warlocks right now Get their mobility at the cost of several talents.
First Demonic Circle and Gateways need to be unlocked via talents, then you need to get Soulburn to be able to insta cast gateways or get sprint from Circle and then you need a PvP talents for each of those spells to make them even competitive in PvP, not to mention that soul burn requires a soul shard, and it adds additional layer of gameplay for Gateways/Circle to be viable.
If Demonic Gateways would have been designed by the same rules or approach that blizzard shows when design Melee, then Every use of Gateways by the warlock would have rooted or knocked back all enemies around gateways during the use or something like that.
If SP had such level of design that Melee had then Shadowfiend would had disarmed melee and then ran away with it’s weapon or something like that.
SP just like a warlock need to invest a lot into the talents to gain some benefits, but unlike warlock SP doesn’t have such raw damage to compensate for the lack of good design or utility useful for PvP.
This just demonstrates the difference of how Blizz designs melees and Casters - in the case of Melee it is a blend of Gameplay design mixed with unreasonably high damage and when Blizz would decide to deal with Melee they could tune Gameplay and Damage. When with casters they just crank up our damage to compensate the lack of a good design - where it would usually end with Melees whining about Caster ability X dealing too much damage in their “humble” opinion.
In DF S4 i didnt even counter SP in shuffle where i had finally uptime. Immortal tanks. I never killed a single R1 SP that season ig. Rn its probably not much better and if then its just fury being giga op and dk too ig.
How mages just hilariously hardcounter warriors, warriors should hardcounter sps as immobile cloth wearers but they dont do that at all.
Anyway such ridiculous hardcounters like mage vs warriors shouldnt exist. Cant kill the worst trash mage as R1 glad.
Youre correct in your first statement. Hoewer i would say that for me it isnt about the dying, even though you beign constantly at 20% while getting massaged by melees with ofgcd kicks and having to cast everything while all defensives are shadow…so if you get kicked on these casts you cannot use anything defensively either is a real blast, its about the experience.
It simple to say “just fakecast it” when theres billion other way how to stop the cast that ppl arent even thinking about just mashing it on cd. You often spend half the game trying to fakecast two melees like a moron, then you say f it just tank the kick and die in a global cuz of it.
It is unbeliveably infuriating and frustrating gameplay let me tell you. Its the same if you as a melee got disarmed every other global all game by two casters and a healer. Like why dk have low cd divine shield, kick, 15 grips, amz, stun pet stun etc…like that class alone is just like designed to delete shadows.
They just went overboar with all the stops kicks grounding dispells imminities reflects etc etc…atm in this game theres little to no space for class that actualy have to cast. Like there isnt a space for a melee that has zero mobility tools.
Also, it must be a real fun for devs to balance this . Coz you have class like shadow that does literaly nothing if properly focused by decent melees, but if left alone to freecast it melts the entire team. How do you balance that?
I don’t think that spriest should get more mobility but they should get better tools to handle getting trained by double (or potentially tripple with fistweaver) meele. Having to cast is ridiculous with the amount of micro cc and low cd interrupts in the game, it needs a fundamental redesign.
instant casts need straight up removing before we look at nerfing melee, the fact mages can walk circles around you while sustaining high burst uptime is laughable, especially with the cringe stun gimmick going around atm
Instant casts came as a consequence of melees having 100% uptime on casters.
Frost mage was unplayable for a good half of Dragonflight, and utterly trash for the entierity of Shadowlands.
The reason why all mages played fire in Shadowlands ?
'Cause you wouldn’t get a single cast off as frost, and fire was all about instant casts which made up for melees having 17 gap closer, interrupt, blanket, micro ccs and ccs galore.
While i think youre just beign sarcastic, i would like to say that we all should remember this is a game. Behind the wheel of each character is a person (not counting bots) and each and every person should be treated as much equaly as possible in terms of gameplay experience and design. Imho. We cannot in the name of “uniqueness” left some class or spec in the dust and just throw comments like yours or the type of “l2p” ones. Yes, players on forums can and tend to exaggerate, but if the same “trend” ocur more often by different ppl, dont you think theres something to it?
On the finish line better player win, that is given…no mater how many intterupts or micro cc anyone have (ofc class balance in terms of number is another story, and everything goes right back to blizzard again). If someone in the game is getting killed by another player ,because that person is bad and learning or making mistakes etc, i realy realy dont think its necessairy for this experience to be an absolute hopeless infuriating beatdown on top of that, where you actualy feel like you dont even play the game or cannot do absolutely nothing just because how badly your class is designed. That is misserable for any person.
And that goes the other way around too. If melee is facing mage with 150 blinks, casting while blinking, perma slowed rooted or straight up cced…that must be same as for shadow getting zugdowned.
Shadow was a “punching” bag in pvp for as long as i can remember with breef cases where sp played with another caster that actualy have toolkit to make room for priest to breathe like mages in godcomp in like mop, or when theres other “punching” and more thereathning bag present in your comp (warlock). And im not saying sp was never viable or bad or OP or anthing like that, im just simply saying that we were the walking (literaly) target for long enough to get some new tools to deal with melees that got over the years their new tools to deal with beasts like mages. For example the eternal call from DK’s and Ret’s about how immobile and easily kiteable they are…it was almost their niche like for enha and moonkins to be considered “bad”. And look at them now, nobody will call a DK “slow” juggernaut anymore…they got their tools …same for rets and many others…why does shadow class design have to be stuck in 2008 and deal with all the same issues it had back then?
Its realy not about the losing for me, its about how you lose and the frustrating hopeless feeling of getting deleted from the game in the process.
The whole class balancing is built around mythic + which is why every class is overloaded with everything to avoid the “no one invites me to mythic because i only have one single target stun and no mobility!”
Without pruning melees uptime n micro there is only one way to force casters to cast again n that would be going back to chaos bolt doing 80% of your max hp n the whole game turns into “if they get a cast off you lose”.
The reason affli is busted atm is because it gets instant procs, can apply its dots instantly n on the crap it actually do hardcast it has talents to speed up the cast speed making them permanently play with bloodlust.
I dont see hardcasting making a big return in general because it wouldnt be possible to balance around that.
I mained spriest back in wotlk up till sometime around mop n the spec has always been a melee tunneling target. Its identity in that regard has indeed never changed as it doesnt have the mobility to get away from any melee, it does however have alot of tankiness n utility. Not to mention the fact if you leave a spriest alone its going to kill your whole team within secounds.
Its abit like warlock, if you´re against one warlock you can tunnel it down but then you throw a mage into the mix n suddenly you cant touch the warlock, if you balance spriest/lock around being solo capable of handling those situations they would be completely unstoppable when paired with one of their main comps due to their teammates covering for their own weaknesses.
Being team n comp reliant is the secound biggest reason as to why i dropped my spriest, its simply not fun not having any sense of self sufficency, the biggest reason i dropped spriest was that they´ve reworked the whole theme of the spec like 14 times. Cataclysm was my favorite version of the spec where it had its unique niche of switching between dot preasure n extreme hardcasted burstdamage.