Its march tomorrow and we still have no words about cata

I’m sorry ( not really ) but levelling and questing is the real meat of WoW . I absolutely hate raiding and Pvp . I respect your opinion even if it is an example of elitism and snobbery … I bet you use Geascore don’t you :slight_smile:

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Cool. That means you’re part of a tiny minority.

Raiding is what most people playing the game do, and the only thing that matters really from a player retention standpoint. Good raid = good playerbase. Bad raid = bad playerbase. PvP barely matters and leveling and questing doesn’t matter one bit.

bruh u gotta be a troll xd

Most players do questing and levelling but you don’t know because the vast majority don’t do guilds , the majority of guilds do raids yes but guild membership is a minority of players in the game .

The best expansion is loosing subs right now and if players won’t get the content the Classic progression project should be shut down. Cata is not the worst expansion, well untill the end of Fire lands that is, Draenor and BfA are.

If that were true i should see all sorts of people leveling their alts while i level my warlock right now but lo and behold - only 4 people in Barrens yesterday in prime time. And i’m playing on Golemagg - a server that i think can’t be considered low pop yet. 80% of my guildmates have 1 main and 1 or 2 alts and they even used level boost for those. Literally almost no one cares about leveling.

Most players what… xD mby noobs like you but you are definitely not in the majority. Why whould you pay sub if you only level bcs you are bad at everything else at the game :clown_face::clown_face::clown_face:

Warrior zombie named whitehammer talking about anything in the game cant be taken seriously, Cata is far superior than the stupid wotlk even if you dont think that its better for us to not have noobs like you playing with the rest of us who wants to enjoy cata, so you can go back to warmane and lvl there for the rest of your pathetic life.

Most players complete the chore that is leveling so they can raid.

If leveling and questing was do damn popular why would so many people pay 80€ to skip it?

Why would they add JJ and on SOD panic add a 100% XP buff?

The reality is leveling is a chore to complete before you can play the main game and most people see it that way. That’s why every time it takes too long (see: sod p2) people start leaving en masse


What reality? The reality that wotlk has been dead since the first month it came out? lmao

Then why do you play WoW? lol if that’s all you enjoy there are way better games and far more challenging. WoW leveling is so faceroll you can even do it half asleep.

Why Cata copers always lie? Wotlk had most amount of players at every given point of time since it’s launch comparing to the same point since launch of TBC or Vanila.
And Cata will be 1/4 of current Wotlk population in like half a year after release.

Yes, Flying Spaghetti Monster forbid people like doing different things in games, crazy concept I know.

I personally agree with Whitehammer. I hate raiding, it’s much too crowded and hectic. As for PvP, I used to do it back in TBC. I don’t enjoy it anymore.

I personally prefer leveling in the old world because it is nice and cozy. It’s very easy but at least you spend time in the world instead of repeating the same instanced content ad nauseam. Also, you get a sense of character progression - the core of any RPG. At max level, there is no more progression, except by means of equipment (and reputation). In addition, leveling can be done solo as well as in group, at your own leisure, without having to rely on others. More freedom of choice in how to do it.

That been said, I know I’m in a minority here - most people prefer endgame, and that’s fine and understandable. Also, I don’t like leveling in WotLK - which is why I now play exclusively on Era and (to a lesser extent) SoD.

Idk overall but lets make quick mafs. R1 in 5s is 0,1%. In tbc there were 8 R1 teams which is 40 people ±. Rn there are 9 R1 spots (which is 9 people) in 5s. Other brackets are similar.

Get help and start play some good single player games instead of waisting your life on leveling.

I play single player games as well and enjoy leveling in Era! Fancy people having different tastes than you :exploding_head:

Cata beta in a week hopefully?

I actually love noobz like you to kill them while i am leveling it helps me to do something while i am bored out of my mind from questing, i just cant understand why someone can love to level its just so pointless but hey i guess you are bad at everything else but still love to play something.

It’s been a while since I have read this level of cringe. I tought you were all banned.

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I feel kinda bad for the little guy, he seems to have a lot of issues :frowning: