Its not a good sign when

I means, someone enjoys being blunt, direct or a purebred A-honky-hole while others goes in the opposite direction.

Whatever floats your boat = Do whatever makes you feel happy is what he says


I stilldon’t get it why it works with mine origal reply but ok.

So what did that ‘eh???’ really mean?

Becouse I 100% didn’t understood is first reply to me

Most people who are happy with the game don’t come to the forums to recant their happiness.

Maybe Blizzard could encourage some sort of positive feedback comments from a prompt on the launcher etc.
We have to do that with our university website; people often need to be prompted to give positive feedback.

So you are not seeing a really bad WoW community on show, you’re just seeing natural human behaviour. I think the WoW community is still full of nice, kind players, and we do ourselves an injustice by constantly labelling it as ‘toxic’. The vast majority of interactions I have with people ingame are respectful and endearing.
If you show warmth and compassion, most players will continue to reciprocate, just like they always have.

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Your reply was about false friendly attitude.

Kretías wrote: Whatever floats your boat.

In a long version it just mean: That friendly attitude you dislike is just a part of that theater culture we have buildt up over the years with forums, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc etc etc

You can’t change that, because this is how they want you to see them.

False or not, if this is their persona on this forum, then you know what you will get when they enter a thread.


That’s why I think there maybe there is a way of saying that better reflects this behavior, becouse I don’t think the play makes them happy especially if they are the opposite in real life.

We don’t know how people are unless we stand before them.

You can only judge on what is presented to you here, so I think this is what you should focus on.

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But I see a lot of users acting like 50-60 old on Facebook and only difference is that there is no Mugsy the dog gif for now.


Well… There is a perfectly good reason for that …

But does that really matter?

There is flow from the forum - some poster to dislike - some to like… Follow those you like, decide if you want to to comment on those you don’t :woman_shrugging:

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Becouse I noticed how many times this users unites thogheter to silence/censors others that have diffetent views, i saw user getting istant flagged not even after 5 min they write a reply that goes aganist their thinking.
They got even a discord server, and yes this scares me, that “if you don’t follow the pack then you are an enemy” .

If you are on this forum long enough you will end up in a group…

Just because you aren’t participating in a debate, doesn’t it mean you don’t flagg if you find something annoying or innapropriate - the flagg button is often used as a downvote button.

Get on the wrong side of the srong crowd and you will always experince this.

In my experince on this forum:

If you are able to debate in a reasonable manner, then even those who you dislike can and will continue the debate without any flagging.

But sometimes we end up in periods where people sees red when particular posters enter - and that goes for both sides


Well I saw most time people tiping in all fairness being addresses and silenced as “elitists” “rude” ecc… ecc…by this people, just for saying game personal preferences like having ML in mythic raid as example.

And how was the discussion prior to that?

A lot of these silly arguments are long going discussions and hate towards each others - you can choose to jump in, or just leave it be.

this people

Who are you referring to?
On the top of my head I have about 15 posters who does that, plus some groups outside this calculation, that belongs in other places than GD

All of these I think of, are very much guilty of the same.

This is how this forum is - and if you think only one Discord friendship is made between different posters, than you will be sad when you hear how friendships are made - even those who disagree here, have played together on different occations

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Considering that just saying their names can get you a 1 day ban for no reason I will limit to say: an mvp and his friends.

It’s a bit like politics. You will have liberal and conservative gamers. You’ll have gamers who care most about the in game world and the story, and gamers who care most about balance. Ones who want a purist experience and ones who want convenience.
Once you start thinking like that, you’ll realise people just often have similar or differing views on things, and what they feel is important.

Add into that, certain ‘gaming politics’ are more likely to be voiced on forums like this then others. The more passionate and extreme voices always find a way through :wink:

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No one gives you a ban for that…

Context is the important thing here - and when people gets those, it’s because they went out of line in order to harm someone.

And by doing so, you aren’t reasonable either


I don’t think naming and shaming people, or being paranoid about some forum conspiracy are necessary helpful to your argument Grrimmmwar.

If you have an argument to make, take out the emotion and the personal, and let the facts speak.


The best advice is to listen to Tauren Druids. We are wise


Taurens are very much awesome :muscle: :cow: