Its not a good sign when

I have no idea what you are talking about now. :woman_shrugging:t3:

You changed what you said. The previous reply stated you were not taking the bait. Hence my reply.

I don’t like having to quote people but I guess from now on I’ll have to with you.

Naaaaaaaaah. I shall live with the consequences.

Some feel that way, they’d rather express themselves fully and suffer the consquences and that is fair enough :slight_smile:

If you are talking about the fortune favoured discord why don’t you join it and see for yourself that the ridiculous conspiracy theory perpetuated by a group of sour individuals who can’t remain within the forum code of conduct is not true?

The discord is open to everyone to join.

The conspiracy started because one person called a number of females on the forum a derogatory name, got banned for it and can’t get over it. Other, equally disruptive to the forum, posters latched on to it and now its a meme that other people who break the code of conduct but refuse to accept they did so use as a crutch to play victim with.

The best part is, not one person who spouts this conspiracy has ever been on the discord or seen what actually goes on there.

We literally just chat about stuff, wow stuff and general life stuff.

We’ve made friends over the 7 months its been active and we have a laugh, we organise in game content together (m+, rp, pvp etc etc) and have bigger events like achievement runs which are advertised on the forum.

Yeah we chat about the forums but we all met here so why wouldn’t we talk about posts of interest?

Perhaps find out what we are about before spreading lies about us?


im just going to re post the reply i did before and stop it becouse i dont want to finish in the same situation.

I noticed one of the two is not reading this so i will no longer reply to anyone after this

I’m going to chance it and, without scrolling down to the replies, bet that you got nothing but gobby little saddos and scrotes saying you’re no better with yOuR nEgAtIvItY and completely missing your point :joy:

These forums are worthless though mate. Don’t waste your energy here believe me, it’ll seep into you

Nothing else to do

If you are accusing me of this then I have posted once today before this thread, didn’t respond to the reply I got because it was obviously not worth engaging with that person who was clearly baiting and so I walked away and went back to work.

I most certainly did not engage in any type of argument with that poster or “play the victim card”

As I said before: join the discord, its open to everyone. Then you can see how ridiculous your conspiracy theory is and perhaps act like an adult and stop spreading malicious lies.

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i have no other choice than put you too on ignore for a bit, i dont want to be baited in a ban

Baited how? By being openly invited to a discord you are spreading malicious lies about so you can actually see how wrong you are?

The discord is there, it is open to all. Bring your cat pics! Bring pizza!

conspiracies being degraded to mere “theories” is a much too common occurrence these days. it is typically done by those trying to block the truth from emerging but thankfully highly intellectual people like myself and grrimmwar are not that easily dissuaded

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Make your intentions clear than while you are a lone wolf/old oddity poster in my case: You are not their ennemies, give them proof of your neutrality and even support toward them, try to honestly and genuinely interact and be friendy and not only you will be allowed to “wet your beak a little quietly” but You may also create a small link/some friendship you did not excepted with some of them , make the first move and your intention clear and don’t play both ways !

They are groups Like on any social media but they aren’t malicious fr the most part until now and the moderator won’t fall for it too, if your intentions were clear from the get go you wouldn’t feel endangered too.

On a last resort ( don’t do this unless they are willingly trying to get rid of you) just like when you fight an hydra there is always a “main head”, someone than after standing your ground to even countless time, they will go for someone else, there is no reasons they would or should even bother with you to start with unless you are making one … !

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Imagine slandering others for having a passion and being a fan of the game.

Sounds like your life revolves around nothing but hating on people whose life revolve around wow.

not all the time :3


You know that targetted harassment of posters is against the code of conduct of the forums right?

The discussion ended five days ago so why are you starting it up again on a classic alt with an attack on someone who wasn’t involved in it?

Shame really, because the thing you claim to want to avoid you have literally brought down on yourself for no reason at all.


WoW IS my hobby
and i want it to be good


As soon as someone perceives something as problematic, it is a problem for them. We live in a very privileged part of the world, where struggles that others have just don’t exist for us. This doesn’t mean we don’t have problems, although in relation ours are less serious than the problems of people in less “easy” places.

I think it’s absolutely fair to have first-world problems. In real life, people around me almost make me feel bad when I complain about my current inability to travel. Of course, travelling is not essential and I’m very happy to have enough food. Still, I think it’s not any less of a valid problem that I complain about the fact that I can’t leave the country thanks to COVID for example.

These forums clearly revolve around WoW, this doesn’t mean that people who participate only care about WoW. These forums are just very specific on a topic.

I have tons, and so do other people, though we usually don’t talk about those hobbies on a WoW forum.

Negative feedback does not imply any hate for the game, but simply the wish to improve certain aspects of it. Negative feedback is as valuable as positive feedback.


To the poster who mentioned the Fortune Favored discord group - I took a step in there the other day and thoroughly enjoyed myself. There were a lot of posters there who didnt agree with some of the things I had posted on the forums and all, and I do mean all, were lovely people. Just because a person disagrees with you doesnt mean there is some weird conspiracy against you :slight_smile:


is that why you left? :scream: I was wondering
We barely agree on anything, it’s a nice community nontheless and everyone is welcome, regardless of their views. :slight_smile:


becouse it’s an example of your duplicity, and the flag proves that there are 2 kinds of users, the ones of your group that can do what they want on this forum, and the rest that must be catious to everything we say otherwise you will flag us for your personal amusement.

and this what you have just done to me, giving proves and flagging them as "harrassement.

time to ignore you again.