Its not fun

To sit out the whole raid tier, cause Shadowpriest sucks. Its actually so bad…
Since the beginning of BFA its hard to find m+ groups. Now after the nerfs my guild is only taking me in on farm mode. Im not getting any gear, its super frustrating! And its only cause blizz thinks shadow was strong (actually it was only on 2-3fights in eternal palace).
I hope there can be a st buff cause otherwise i may think of being offline til shadowlands…CAUSE WE ARE GETTING IGNORED…

So what is your guild aiming for, world 100? Because if not, they’re just a sh*tty guild tbh.
Either that or you are lying, could we see some source, so we know what character this is about?


Shadow was one of the best spec throughout whole Eternal Palace, including single target fights. Shadow really had only one bad fight in EP and that was Radiance.
Doesn’t justify the heavy nerfs though, but trying to downplay just how good Shadow was doesn’t help either.
And unless your guild is literally aiming for high world rankings (I’d say 300 or above) your spec shouldn’t matter if you can pull the required numbers with it.

Yes, we are in that rankings, so ppl want a good rank. But tbh it should be in blizz interest that there isnt that high gap between classes. warlocks are doing 150k dmg in mythic illgynoth. multitarget was shadows best one, now warlocks are laughing hard. wtf

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Honestly, though you can make the argument that “Top 100 is the only place it matters” it’s very rarely that simple in reality.

Most mythic raid rosters, regardless of world rank, are about 24-27 members. And though there are a few better and a few worse players in every raid roster. There is competition for spots, and being one of the worst dps class options is not helping you, even if you are a better player than some of your mages etc.

Early bosses it’s ‘fine’, there’s no need to have perfect comps and often its more about optimising loot. But once we get to fights like Raden and Carapace. Shadow is going to ride the bench if there’s any better option within your roster at all, unless bliz do a significant bump to our single target / priority target / boss damage.

Lots of fights have very tight dps checks / stacked cleave burns, require immunities and high mobility, or even in some cases class specific utility to handle. None of which is provided by shadow.

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True, but i havent really had that much trouble with shadow, granted i do dont play at a level where it should matter and i understand the complaints, but i do think a lot of people are overexaggerating what is happening.

These nerfs hurt us yes, but for instance immunitywise and all, top guilds are often running with holy now, which is quite possible the worst spec in the game immunity/defensive wise.

Imo its atm more the problem of corruptions benching people here and there, but that seems to slowly be fixed atm.

You play at quite the level, my point(this might also be due to waaay too many negative experiences with these types of people, and also a thing in my head) is that i absolutely hate moaning about things but then not providing sufficient information to see if that person is even remotely speaking the truth.
Lets say the person would be 2/12hc now and got curve last tier, in that case id say it would be justified to call BS on a person.
Not saying that is the case here, but that is also why i asked.

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We are a bottomspec only beating tanks and healers in singletarget. If people are happy with that I guess fine. Im far from happy with it.

Maybe its also a bit because i play holypriest in m+ and am already used to it a bit :stuck_out_tongue:

To put things into just simple raw numbers. The nerfs in 8.3 equated to 9-12% single target DPS nerf, and an 18-25% DPS nerf on fights with multiple targets.

In EP, the performance difference between the top and bottom single target DPS (Excluding frost mage) was about 10%. Shadow literally went from top 5 to bottom 2. And took a massive hit to its performance on the fights that would in any other tier be making up for the lack of single target performance.

Regarding the holy comment, there was one holy priest in methods kill of Hivemind, but that was because method doesn’t bring healers or tanks to early bosses and instead has DPS play offspecs where possible to get more loot onto them overall. They planned to bring 1 shadow for drest and ilg so he played holy on earlier bosses.

True, but i that still does only start matter in serious mythic raiding.
Allthough the nerfs were bad, no one can deny that, the question i asked was for sufficient character information.
Im in an hc guild that dabbles a bit in mythic after getting curve, and there is no way i, or anyone, would be benched because i play a spec thats in a bad spot.
And any guild at that level that does that shouldnt be calling themselves casual or hc

Edit: thats why i said i play holy in m+, didnt talk about holy in raid, in which it is far from in a good spot:p

That’s fair, this is the internet and anonymity is a purculiar luxury. I’m quick to relate because I am in that position, though our raid roster isn’t as finely tuned or optimised as any top 100 guild.

My initial post was mostly aimed at the common “top 100” generalisation, and that though in a perfect world anyone outside of that would be perfectly fine for any boss, fact is guilds have multiple options for DPS to bring, and will likely aim to field the best comp they have available.

For the top guilds, and with that i mean serious mythic guilds, such as you are in, that is the sad truth and it is those spots where being nerfed this hard really showed.

But yeah anonymity is indeed a right and a luxury, but i cant take people who rant like that and dont provide ‘sources’ or things to go off of, seriously.
You did, and i can fully understand your situation, and it completely sucks, to say the least

Im in a two day CE raiding guild. We are not playing with a perfect comp whatsoever. We got a frost mage for example (yeah I know) but we got like 25 raiders so some people are gonna sit out. Im not sure but Im assuming we are gonna meet a few dps checks along the way progressing the raid. Who is gonna sit out? The guy parsing as good as the rest if not better but still getting crushed by the damn fire mage. Maybe I get to tag along because im usually pretty decent on mechanics…

In guild like yours there is probably a bigger difference in skill and gearlevels between players making the spec pretty irrelevant as long as the player with the weak spec farms gear a little harder and plays a little better. You can see these things in my guild aswell ofc (im playing like crazy to be one step ahead of the rest) but its harder to cut that line shorter between a weak and strong spec since everyone is farming gear pretty hard and im assuming the skillgap between players is smaller aswell.

Above my type of guild im guessing Its gonna be really really rough to play shadow.

My guild isn’t even in the top 200 and they are benching me as well. I’m surprised if I’m going to get taken in on any bosses and just solely getting freaking rekills instead, I’m on the edge of quitting entirely right now…
Despite outperforming (higher percentiles, sadly same output of dmg/ dps), some of the other players there’s such a bullsh*t bias to the “shadows are just bad, because method/ limit didn’t bring them” and the fact some top priests apparantly quit due to the nerfs as well didn’t help that bias either. So even if you do better, the bias will bench you either way, and it’s not the first time I’ve read it either sadly.

People don’t really look past logs/ statistics at times or how good a player performs in terms of mechanics/ prio targets and it’s sad. Doesn’t help we have a roster of 29 people though… But if I compare our guild to other guilds of the same level, those guilds at least bring in 1 shadowpriest who often does really good performance/ DPS wise. I accept we’re not godlike on most fights and getting benched, but the entire tier most likely, or maybe 1 or 2 bosses? Screw that :(.

And discipline priests also had to pay the price in M+ of being good in raids.

Which was also a “not really” situation,since a discipline priest dominant position relies heavily on well timed innervates.

A paladin on the other has no conditions and they only got a slap in the wrist.

to be fair, its Quite shocking how far Shadow Priests have dropped, i get they wanna change the meta… but throwing Shadow priests to the bottom 5 was abit drastic.

I am in a very small guild, we are now trying on Nzoth normal.

But i was very low dps on first week, and now last night i was on top for Raden and Fury of Nzoth …
(Also i had two infinite stars and play with 50 corruption, so maybe that’s why. )

Anyway, it gave me hope for the futur of this patch. But we’ll see.

I’m surprised guilds dont want SP even for the last fights of the raid. I mean, maybe a warlock or a fire mage will do better, but i cant believe a SP cant be usefull at all.

The last two bosses on mythic are about three things right now.

The ability to move long distances quickly.

The ability to use an immunity.

The ability to burst down 2-3 stacked up targets in a 15 second window.

And we worthless on all three of these. Rip.

Been pumping “high” M+ today really hard for for the first time since patch (14-16 keys) together with a havoc dh, enhancement shammy and a WW monk joined on a few runs. The dh is doing absolute crazy dps right now. Im not even kidding when I say hes 20k above me on total for some dungeons. WW trashed me aswell. With the enhancement I could almost compete.

And its fortified week… Blizz help us out here.

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Rank 3 infinity stars makes me look competitive in m+, but thats simply because they don’t have it / an equivalent.