Its over with SoD PVP Shamans/Pala/Boomies The God Classes

The forums are full with only shamans boomkins and pala’s crying how weak they are while in reality i get 1 shot by every one of them if im caught out of stealth and do 900 ambush crits to them :slight_smile:

In sod if you are a hybrid you’re eating good boys, why go through the hassle to only be able to dps when you can tank heal and dps at the same time and do it better then the pure dps, its tottaly balanced right hybrids :clown_face: it doesn’t make you op in pvp at all no…

And to all the ppl crying about killshot, obv don’t get it that hunters are a free kill if you get in melee or can outheal their dmg :slight_smile:

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wdym , hunter is above the 3 of them since p1?

but a lot of runes/spell should be deleted from pvp like starfall/killshot/trap launcher/bubble and a lot more.

you guys forgot so fast how hunter used to deleted 40man in a single explosive trap in AV :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


bruh you rly don’t know the game if you think Divine Shield is a rune XD
all hunters can do is preform well when they get healed once every 1 min for 15 sec XD in a 1v1 or when they get targeted they melt in 3 shots ezer then any other class since we don’t got any tank runes like the rest of you all have to increase your armor, and btw you’re a lock not my fault you don’t play meta and kill almost every class in pvp :clown_face:

meta is currently the worst spec you can play in pvp bozo :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

and dw i still kill every class in 1v1.
P7 was pretty nice to warlocks.

apply sebacious to your dagger, then you do 1.2ks per backstab and 1.5k on ambush, also one of the best 1v1 classes with insane mobility and CC complains about paladin is just a dented take.

killshot does not have a deadzone, so if you are inbetween 0-41y you will die from 100-0 within a few killshots. Every minute whilst Rapid Fire lasts for 15s or 25% of the CD.
Paladin bubble can’t safe you from dying every minute, shamanistic rage and barkskin are more likely to safe you than that.

just add a line of code to killshot that it cannot be used above 20%, the fix it actually needs. it’s failed design to spam 1 ability and be able to kill people without a setup.
Anyone with BWL gear 2-3 shots people with 5k HP.

And jesus christ fix tankspecs in PvP or disable tanks runes completely in PvP.

Even as a permanent horde (and an evil shammy) I’d always argue against removing bubble. It’s been a staple of the class design for the entire game and should remain in any rendition of paladin pvp. Maybe have some limitations on mobility while in bubble, but it seems crazy to remove something so important to their tool kit.

having never fought shammy tanks being a horde, I mostly took everyone’s word for it as usually the masses don’t usually lie. 1 duel against one and I immediately understood why everyone hated them and I wont be bothering with anymore duels against them. Lucky me

Another rant about PvP balance, which was officially declared by the devs to be unimportant before the season even started

You bought a Porsche GT and complain that it is not very good off the road, which you knew well in advance would be the case


Can provide where you’ve got this information from? There’s numerous examples of pvp adjustment/attempts to balance some skills/classes, as well as pvp events throughout the season itself. Constant posts would suggest the community would like it addressed or at least some communication from the devs regarding plans for pvp.

All I ever see is this same thing said, yet the only thing I’ve ever found is them saying they weren’t going to introduce arena because balancing around arena would take too much time and testing not PVP. If you’re able to provide something that says they aren’t going to address any of this, you wont see me at least, because I’ll know where I stand. Top tip if this is the case; don’t provide access to pvp if you don’t want to address feedback and problems around it.

If you’re personally finding it annoying, don’t engage with the posts. I don’t look at any posts regarding pve, cause it’s a part of the game which doesn’t interest me. It’s really easy, try it out

This was said on Blizzcon when SoD was announced. They said that the main purpose of the season was to try various stuff and conduct experiments in order to see what works and what does not, that they would not dedicate resources to balancing and that we should not expect it to be balanced (which clearly refers to PvP first and foremost for obvious reasons)

PvP and PvE are not equal counterparts existing independently. WoW is a PvE game, PvP is merely a diversity activity. It is disproportionately popular among the tryhards but comprises a very small % of regular players’ play time. Constant PvP whines from the committed players distract the developers from real problems concerning normal players. I find this especially inappropriate in a season which is clearly the least PvP - oriented of all

Being balanced and allowing for PVP to be a suitable form of gameplay are two wildly different things. I wouldn’t expect it to be something where all classes are equally capable fighting every other class, but that’s entirely different from a handful of classes not having to do anything other than use 1 global or 1 ability. Asking for adjustments in damage so fights between players last longer than 2 secs is completely ok. Vanilla isn’t balanced, rogues and mages dismantle pretty much all classes, but there is gameplay to enjoy regardless of what you play.

It’s actually an MMORPG where people can decide what their preferred activity is. You’re effectively trying to tell people how to enjoy a game, and one that is 20 years old at that. People grew up playing this and you have no business telling them what is or is not the correct way of playing it. It has PVP servers and PVP activities and some people are drawn to that. Some play the game solely for leveling and questing or gold making, but the majority may only play to get more purples to clear a 20yr old raid 5 minutes faster… All of which is ok

I’ll say it again, if the developers didn’t want this to be something they would recieve feedback for or didn’t care for then don’t support pvp servers and better yet, don’t release pvp events. You wouldn’t get any of these posts if that was the case.

There have been 7 phases where the core has been based on raid and dungeon releases. At no point has anyone expected or wanted a phase devoted to pvp, you’re conflated this beyond what it is. From what I can see, those that play this for PVE don’t even want to play it, majority of posts are asking for old content to be made useless and have gear and mechanics put in place so everyone can “complete” the content. If anything would cause problems is facilitating people like this rather than those saying “Hey blizz, can I not get 1 shot please”

All in all, if you don’t like it, don’t engage with it and imo don’t be so selfish, everyone should be allowed to enjoy a game they love.

You are distorting my words, that’s not what I said, I am not telling anyone how to play or how to enjoy the game. You can play whatever you want, you can roleplay in an inn or just fish or just PvP, or just collect herbs if that’s what you want. What I am saying however is that WoW is an overwhelmingly PvE game and that both now and over the last 20 years 95%+ of an average person’s gameplay has always been PvE and that PvP is just a diversity activity and therefore dedicating significant resources to PvP is a bad move objectively from the standpoint of game development and will negatively affect most players

You haven’t engaged with anything else that’s been said either. The majority of the playerbase is being focused on. The entire game is being built around those who play this solely for the activity you enjoy most, whether that’s SoD or wow. As I’ve said there’s not a single phase that has been, will be or should be based purely on PVP. However, whether it’s an offshoot activity for most or a core focus for others, it should be FUN. Having a feral put rake on you or paladin delete you with 1 global isn’t fun and should be looked at, largely because these are changes that the developers have made to something that’s existed in their game for over a year and people have actively engaged with over that time.

You are telling those who are complaining about PVP to be quiet and let the team focus on the other areas. I would interpret that as gatekeeping, whether you want to split hairs over if you’re actively telling people to play one way or not. You have what you want, but don’t care for what another side of the community are saying so you see it best to tell those people they’re wrong and need to be quiet. I pay a subscription just like everyone else and engage with an activity that is offered within the game, so therefore my feedback should be considered regardless of whether it focusses on the areas you see fit.

Making something fun requires resources and time. Resources are finite. The devs are very few in number, overworked and develop 2-3 different versions of classic at the same time. Every time they dedicate resources to something minor they do not dedicate it to something important. In our case, PvP balance has been sacrificed so that the devs can focus on the things important to the season.

This is a valid point in a perfect scenario where everyone leaves feedback. However in reality normal players are very unlikely to partake in forum activities, whereas committed players are very likely. And committed players are disproportionately PvP - oriented. As a result we have a scenario where the opinions of PvP players are already overrepresented so I kindly ask that you do not bloat them even further

I don’t disagree, but there should be an announcement or form of communication to confirm this. As of right now it’s just people such as yourself parotting the same thing and there seems to be no official posts confirming this. The only thing I’ve been able to find - because I’ve looked - is about balancing around arena. If there was anything, I wouldn’t be here.

Until then, people will complain because things like this aren’t fun and people will complain when they’re playing that was fun and now isn’t, it’s not complicated. So imo, you and Onedeath should take your toxic attitudes elsewhere.

if you get global’d by a paladin thats a different issue and nothing really with paladins.

  • rake 2pc t3 is insane
  • Killshot still 100-0ing people
  • Shamans 1k DoT + potential instant casts to delete whilst having the tools to survive
  • Balance Starsurge > Starfight OR 2 DoTs = Dead
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Mate, lets not go through all this again. It has everything to do with the tier set bonuses and the shoulder enchants of paladins. Look around, it’s not just shammies complaining. If you can’t kill players without rets doing 12k dmg in 1 sec that just confirms what everyone has to say about you…

Tbh though, I’m just done with talking to you about any form of pvp gameplay involving paladins, I’d get more thoughtful and insightful conversation with a labradoodle

Don’t take him seriously he’s crazy

Yeah man i get why you hate all of those but, you’re suggesting removing them and keeping pala seal twisting the same XD you’re the biggest :clown_face: paladin of them all!

The wheelchair class (paladins) they absolutely truck with no skill, hoj → delete.

Boomies starfall is also stupid tier same as hunters with their traps and no cd shots

Its all teets up

In every thread u crying or flame others, GJ

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