It's the Weekend! [Thread] 💃

Watching my hockey team compete for a 2nd place ranking at the end of the season (3 games left).

I like making apple pie tbh :smiley:


what cake are we talking about, when is it ready, where do i have to go and how many slices do i get?


Chocolate Fantasy. Two layers of cake and two layers of cream and all of that upon one layer of biscuit. And some strawberries on top. Will be done by tomorrow morning, and you’ll have to travel to Montenegro to get two slices.


Omg that sounds so delicious :yum:

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Since when do orcs clean their huts? :thinking:

Same as every other day of the week… sat in front of my PC either reading Forums (not just these) & occasionally playing WoW.


Omg you need to self isolate and bulk buy toilet roll and sanatizer. World’s gone mad.

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I should make a cake :thinking:


Nothing special as always.
Could try to get Conflict Strike essence if PvP wasn’t awful this expansion.

Edit: never mind, I have a RP event today, that might boost my mood a little bit.

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We don’t do it often, but when sh*t starts to smell you know it’s time and well… twas time.


Does it even work to get the rank 3 back ?

Ah, I see you’re a man of culture

Edit : as for mine, work and working toward the long boi I guess ?

tryharding to get Jaina`s mount on alts

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Oh! So that’s where your name comes from :sunglasses: My team is yet again winning the regular season, 3rd time in a row


What happened!?

Just a server transfer :blush:

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Ah… sucks to lose your TL because of a server transfer.

I got banned once for throwing a joke and it seems I can’t regain my TL3 anymore :frowning:

I didn’t even get banned, I just didn’t like enough posts or something… have no idea why 3 months later I am still without. Oh well.


I know others have regained it after bans :thinking: seems silly if not.

Well, at least i could swap posting char to trigger those that wants everyone to post on their main if they want to have an opinion about stuff :joy:


I like the ida, that fox with those googles reminds me of some psychopathic fox N-gine from Crash Bandicoot 3:Warped :smiley: