It's the Weekend! [Thread] 💃

I lost my level 3 when I faction changed.

I think its ridiculous that we lose our trust level when we give Blizzard money.

I don’t think money should be related in anyway.

But I do think the trust level system is kinda weird and should be adjusted/fixed.

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I didn’t mean paying for trust level.
I meant we shouldn’t lose our level if we faction, server or race change.
We are the same character after All.

I’m going to become emperor of most of the world by means of military conquest in a few weeks time. Still working out some of the details, but doing it on a saturday as most people don’t expect that.

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Reposting auctions, playing other games, waiting for shadowlands mostly.

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I think they are looking at making some changes, flags are going to be account wide to get rid of the flag abuse, likes too I think so that should make TLs account wide so hopefully that would get rid of the losing TL3 if you faction/server change

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on my way! :racing_car: (taking the racing car, gotta go fast :cake:)


Pinky & The Brain have been trying to do that for years without success.

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Problem is there’s two of them; one is a genius, the other’s insane. There’s only one of me.

So you’re a mad genius then?

Yep! At the very least I qualify for half of that statement.

So just a madman then? :face_with_monocle: could work!


I did not make a cake :frowning:

You dyed your hair! :open_mouth:

And you cut yours!

I guess, but have to grind all the days back xD

Well thank you :smiley:

That sounds just splendid i say! xD

Pinky & the Brain - brain - brain - brain :notes:



Haha yes. Although I would like to get an ‘Imperial Red’ variation, she could look better.


I dyed my hair red irl this weekend. While I do have the same deathly pale skin as Caylia, I don’t quite have the blood elf physique! :slightly_frowning_face:


Ah neato :smiley: that awesome!

And dont worry neither do i xD

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Not everyone can sport that lovely skin tone though!

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Too late. Weekend is done for… til next weekend :smiley: