It's the Weekend! [Thread] 💃

@Punyelf: You were very unlucky, if you got bad side effects. :frowning: My father was vaccinated on Monday for 1st time and had no side effects at all. I am probably going to have to wait something like a month more before I am even eligible for first shot and the second might be as far as over four months away still.


I join Puny in the ‘unlucky’ stakes then. :smiley: Had mine a few weeks ago and it knocked me out like a pint of Jaegermeister then being hit with a club, Didn’t kick in right away, about five hours later, and lasted about a day and a half, then fine again. Which to be honest, is a small price to pay to be immunised to a global disease that if I contract it, I have been advised -Will- kill me. Definitely having my second jab, even if I roll bad dice and get side effects again :smiley:


I look forward to getting my vaccine sometime in 2022, you UK’ians are steamrolling through them, already at 36% country coverege last time I checked xd (my country’s at about 12% still high on the global scale)

I haven’t had mine yet, chances are I’ll get mine right after I get my first appt and my meds sorted out because I have underlying health issues.

least it will be better than shoving a 10 inch cotton bud up each nostril and playing roundabouts…


Same here :rofl: My mother is 78 and high risk and she is still waiting. I don’t think I’ll be seeing the vaccine anytime soon.

The weekend ahead is going to be pretty unremarkable. Clean a little, game a lot, and spend sometime with mom. I’ll finish the Kyrian campaign and get courage this weekend :slightly_smiling_face:

Your hair, finger and toe nails tell a different story.

Yeah, that sucks…I mean it probably -is- the only thing our government did right during this Pandemic was bulk buying in advance, on a plus note for people when they get the jab, especially those who are afraid of needles, it actually doesn’t hurt at all, getting the jab, very tiny thin needle, if you don’t look, you probably won’t notice. I mean I’m good with needles anyway, but you still feel them. This one? Nothing. I was literally chatting to the other nurse at the table about something or other and then she was like “That’s you done” “What? Really? Why, I was expecting to feel like I had been shot with an elephant gun?” “Nope, that’s it” and I saw the needle chucked into the ‘Disposables’ box.
Genuinely did not feel a thing from the jab itself. So get it done y’all :slight_smile:

@Brigante, Punyelf: Do you two happen to know, which manufacturer’s vaccine you were given? curiosity mode activated

Yeah, you get a little card, at least in the UK you do. Mine was Pfizer. Because obviously they want to match up the booster to the original dose, so it is all recorded.

I don’t think the side effects are related to the brand of vaccine at all, as I know people who have had them from all the available ones, and some have side effects, most don’t. It’s just bad luck.

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Lvled my last class to 60, did my cleaning, did my school hw…all out of things to do :thinking:

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@Brigante: Thanks. :slight_smile: I was just curious, because the A4 my father got did not clearly specify what he got, though the code that was something like CoMitRNATY or close to that made me think he might have been injected with Moderna’s vaccine.

As for side effects, I agree with you. They are not tied to some specific vaccine, just (at least apparently random) bad luck.

@Tifa: Has your looking for new friends add worked yet? :slight_smile:

Oh snap how do you know :face_with_hand_over_mouth: And don’t tell me it’s science, you’re not a gnome.

closes the blinds and puts on tinfoil hat

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Nope :frowning: still bored and lonely!

Neuralyzer… working as intended.

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GET. VACCINATED. Seriously. Wasn’t the MMR anti vaxx debacle enough for these people?


I had Astra Zeneca

Heard of a lot of people being ill after receiving this. And they plan to use it on children in summer here…don’t understand that.

It’s an immuno reaction, it’s you forming anti bodies. It’s not harming the people. It’s what vaccines do. Some people are lucky and get no side effects.

The vaccine is not licensed for children here in the UK, so they wont be getting it unless they do more clinical trials. I believe some manufacturers are looking doing that but for now I believe it’s 18+.

I know. But people seem to be reacting more badly to Astrazeneca compared to Pfizer. I had Pfizer at work and no one had any problems with it. I would prefer they use this one on the little ones :stuck_out_tongue:

That is just mis information. Pfizer has the same reactions to it as Astra Zeneca. It’s down to individuals how they react to it. Some have no reactions, or mild ones and others end up feeling dreadful.

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