It's the Weekend! [Thread] 💃

Pretty much that, my mother had Astra Zeneca and was fine, I had Pfizer and felt like absolute rubbish for two days, I equally know people who had Pfizer and were fine, and had Astra Zeneca and felt rubbish.

Really is just luck of the draw and how your immune system works.
I mean look at it in a metaphorical sense. Wars are horrible things, but somebody wins. That’s what it is when you feel rubbish after a vaccine. Just that your body is the battlefield. Doesn’t mean you lost, just means you fought to win, and fighting involves a bit of suffering.

Absolutey 10/10 get Vaccinated as soon as you are offered it. Not just for yourself, but for everyone around you, your friends, family, lovers,

Plus, if you do work somewhere where you are able to go to work, look at it this way, you can blag two days off work citing “Vaccine side effects” as a reason, so more time to run Torghast eh? :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s da weeeeeekeeeeeend babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!


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Wait, what? :confused: It’s not the weekend until Friday’s work is done. What time zone are you in?

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I’m also still stuck at work but its the thought that counts xD

  • Twiluna
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And this is the day that I cherish for a a whole week! Rejoice people, it’s the weekend!

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Enjoy :tada:

Time for some gaming, reading and relaxing, perhaps a little house cleaning. The weather is so disgustingly beautiful here, it’s a shame we still can’t go out to eat and just spend sometime soaking the sun :unamused:

No beta friday…
Worst weekend ever…

You’re forgetting you can get long covid, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, exhaustion etc

I cant get covid, I dont go outside :woozy_face:

You can get it from other people. Many people carry the virus without symptoms, and they can transmit it. Just because you are not going outside doesn’t mean you are not being exposed to the virus.

And it’s not just 90 year old people with pre-existing conditions that are dying. Although in smaller numbers, adults and young people can also die or get a serious infection and have sequels.

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Who is gonna give it to me exactly? a ghost?

Excellent advice.


Just need to finish work today then im home free!!!


Beautiful Saturday morning! Have a nice one all!


Heres a fun idea, lets sing [BIG IRON]

To the town of Agua Fria rode a stranger one fine day
Hardly spoke to folks around him, didn’t have too much to say


Errr. That isn’t how it works.
Interesting that you describe it as a ‘meme flu’ because it does spread like a meme does online. I mean that is why we describe things as ‘going viral’. One person sees a funny meme, they share it with their friends, who then share it with their friends, and so on ad infintum.

Now if you mean it doesn’t exist, well, how else do you explain the huge and rising death toll worldwide who all share the same viral symptoms?

It also doesn’t just target the elderly, Got asthma? Your age won’t matter, it could prove deadly, got COPD? It -Will- prove deadly no matter your age (I was advised this in no uncertain terms by my GP, and it was the reason I got put on the vaccine list early on), feeling a bit peaky before you catch it? It could prove deadly. It is no respecter of age at all, and can, and has struck down people as young as 21 I think was the youngest age in the UK.

Also consider this. Immunity does not mean you cannot transmit it. ask the tens of thousands of Native Americans who died of smallpox when America was settled by Europeans who had -kind of- developed an immunity to it.
It’s why the Sentinelese island is a ‘No go’ zone, the population of that island has not progressed much further than the Stone age times, certainly they do not know how to make metals, though they did scavenge metals from foolhardy people who tried to go to the island and were promptly killed. It is estimated that they have lived in complete isolation for 60,000 years. Very little is known about them, because the Indian navy patrols the coastline at a 3 mile radius preventing people getting there.

Basically if your average European -did- get there, and somehow was not instantly peppered with arrows and spears, contact with them would wipe them out. We have so many small diseases that we can transmit, that we don’t even know we carry, that would prove deadly to a people separated from the rest of humanity since before recorded history began.

Now imagine this. Everyone apart from a few stubborn people have had the vaccine. Those people who have had the vaccine are now immune. But they can still carry and transmit it, to those who have -not- had the Vaccine. This is why Anti-Vaxxers are basically a paranoid suicide cult. “I reserve my right to die of a disease that I could have been immune to!”

We’ll see a spike once Lockdown ends, for sure. But it will be a spike in deaths of those who refused the vaccination, everyone else will be fine.

Or a door handle, or being near someone breathing who is immune but asymptomatic, or receiving online shopping bags or parcels, or going to social occasions. It’s a tricky beast of a thing. It’s like saying “Well I can’t catch a cold” and then catching a cold (Which is another type of Coronavirus, just one that we have built up an immunity to, so is no longer fatal).

So for your own good, like get the jab when it is offered. Makes me laugh when you see Yanks going “It’s got microchips that allows the Government to track you” They say from their internet devices…that allow the government to track them anyway. Also, how small do they think microchips are these days? Because the Vaccine needle is so tiny you don’t even feel the jab. A Microchip could not fit in that.


(No idea why that replied to Vulpie, I was quoting a quote from a quote)

Still, Weekend! I’m not doing much, quiet one this weekend, do some writing, have some beers tonight, maybe log on this evening and see what is going on RPwise in Silvermoon or Orgrimmar, Might level my Warlock so Brigante can get rid of all the damned cloth he is carrying as she is a Tailor/Enchanter. Might do some VA recording tomorrow, but to be honest the Author I’m narrating the book for has said she doesn’t expect anything until after Lockdown, which is surreal, given that VA work is something you -can- do from home, with the right rig and quiet room, so I might knock out a few chapters to send to her once this is all over,
Then Sunday catch up on some TV, and some cheeky, nay, insolent drinkies in the evening, and then Monday it is back to shooting mutants and corrupt Intelligence officers in the face.

It’s a hard life.


It’ll be a quiet weekend here, I suspect. Feeling a bit under the weather after some really good and productive weeks, so I’ll try to recharge and take care of myself the best that I can so I’ll be ready to go back to work on wednesday.