It's the Weekend! [Thread] 💃

Finally weekend :pray: I am having tea and thinking about ordering some take away .
Me and ladybug is taking it slow and easy while we are watching national treasure.
It has been one draining week for sure.
So in all to all of you who have had a tough week i want to wish you guys a peaceful weekend.
Stay safe :sunflower:

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To match your name, instead of singing along, I’m going to fix this.

♫ “To the town of Agua Fwia wode a stwangah one fine day.
Ha’dly spoke to folks awound him, didn’t have too much to saaaaaaaay!” ♫

*Mr New Vegas gives news report about hulking individuals in the hidden valley after dusk*

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Well, I’ve given the shed a proper clean out, serviced the lawn mower, lunch consisted of a full English breakfast (obviously late).
In work tonight and all day tomorrow then off for a week, so started planning this years garden theme (looks like Alpine theme this year). Couple of beers after work and a bit of WoW


Full English Brunch


Someone doesn’t understand how respiration and their linked infections work

Cough cough !!

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Well, I gotta order a bat to eat !

Again, who is gonna give it to me?


Every single person around you who may be infected, as well as you picking it up from any

Place they may have just touched.

Really. Are you even aware of the basic rules of hygiene and airborne infection prevention?

Or are you just a very VERY poor troll who is just posting ignorance thinking it’s funny and going to get you kudos points from the idiotnet?

I think it’s the latter and more fool us for feeding you.

So, goodbye and good riddance.

I live alone and don`t go outside. So again, who is gonna give me the wuhan flu?

I ordered a Meatloaf from a takeaway owned by people from a certain country -it arrived like a ‘Bat out of Hell’

so how do you get your groceries?? you do realise those carrier bags could carry the virus via asymptomatic people and also the delivery driver could be asymptomatic. it doesnt mean you wont catch it or are you one of those who beleive its a worldwide plot by Bill Gates to control people

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You`re more ore likely to die in a car accident than getting the meme flu like that. Also im not an already sick 80 year old so I would have a 99.9% survival rate, scary, I know.


Sunday is funday!

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