It's the Weekend! [Thread] šŸ’ƒ

When you live in a place like Scotland where ā€œthe sunā€ is regarded as a mythical entity, seldom seen, you have no choice but to embrace the deathly pallor! Nd then turn lobster red on the one day per year when the sun comes out!


Easy, coming weekend nioh 2, next week doom eternal, the week after that the new borderlands dlc XD

WEEKEND! I still gotta work tomorrow though :C

since i finally got light at the end of the tunnel yesterday with a rare drop, il be going mount hunting this weekend!


Iā€™ll make popcorn ready for the weekend topics :popcorn::partying_face:


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Already having a blast reading ā€œnā€™zoth needs a Nerfā€ thread XD thatā€™s just gold

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Iā€™ve just read the first 10 posts, but iā€™ll get through it during the day :popcorn: iā€™m sure it will be a poop show!

We need some TL3 to repost that one!

@Drea @Marius @Punyelf @everyone
your country needs you!

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Next Weekend inc!!!

And I do not care that itā€™s Friday,13th :crown:


Omg i didnt even realize xD


Didnā€™t even notice till nowā€¦ have to watch a spooky movie tonight then.

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Maybe see if you can find a hozen documentary about spooky dooks.

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Sad weekend coming up for me. I have to euathanize my little buddy Cleo, and iā€™m supposed to be working but i donā€™t know if I can take it, as i have to get her little plot ready tomorrow as well. All while explaining what the Rainbow Bridge is to my two grandchildren.

This will explain why i have been trying to be cheerful/funny/a general dick this week, trying to take my mind of it.

However on the plus side, the week coming up is good gamewise, Doom Eternal comes out and so does the PSO2 open beta.


Going to be hard this weekend.
Basically have to relearn how to play WoW.

I have a problem with my left thumb. Canā€™t raise it up.
Resulted in a accident I had with my left arm when I had 11 years.

Because of that my right hand managed the keyboard (spells, targeting, strafe right and left) while my less efficient left hand handled the mouse (movement and friendly Target selection).

Lately my right thumb started to feel painful, probably result of too much repetitive grabbing moves at work.
So now I have to figure a way to work with a left thumb that doesnā€™t go up and a right thumb that needs to rest.

Trying to use at the moment my left hand to handle the movement, while my right hand uses the mouse to Target and activate spells.
Unfortunately I keep reverting to the old ways of using the mouse to move and the right thumb to press attack (5 button mouse).

So far I only managed to play my mage.
Got a corrupted 415 ring that I hope it helps mask my inefficiency, in terms of response time, in heroic dungeons. :weary:
The rest of of the characters are basically parked as I still have to figure out how to play them.
Before next time walking dungeon event.



Good luck player, i know that can be one of the hardest things to do.

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Someoneā€™s gotta make the troll post of the weekend.