It's the Weekend! [Thread] 💃

Weekend’s going to be epic. I get to paint myself up as a malevolent Celtic cannibal spirit (A redcap) which is my actual LARP character, go into deepest darkest Teutonia (the In-game Germany) and scare the natives. Including their Vampire overlords. Who will suddenly go "Oh, crap, we can’t drink -that- kind of blood, who invited him in? Why did we invite -that- in? Damn, we’ve Invited it in (Which they have, without knowing what he is) Then tell spooky stories and do political shenanigans and Diplomancy, and I bet not one of these Vampire Overlords will go “Well, we can’t drink his blood, but has anybody thought about just…stabbing him?” (Which in fairness would drop me in a heartbeat). Shenanigans will abound, in a playfully malicious way. Think a darker version of ‘Puck’ from a Midsummer’s Nights Dream…

I’m gonna have me some FUN!

Oh, this is a LARP weekend fest by the way, I’m not actually a malevolent Celtic Cannibal spirit…



Can’t wait for this Weekend! On Sunday I’m going to Milan for some antiques shopping in the Navigli antiques market. It sucks that it will probably rain but whatever… :blue_heart:

Happy Friday everyone! :dancer: :man_dancing:


Wow. That sounds really nice! Not into buying antiques, but that seems like a great place to visit. Happy friday :slight_smile:


may I ask where this event takes place? it sounds really awesome! I have always wanted to try LARP, but I am too timid IRL and worried people would think I was too old and so on…Maybe irrational fears, I am not sure.

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He witnessed the pyramids being built. If he’s not too old for it, no one is :+1:t2:


Haha, in that case he is pretty old. And I would care to hear the tale of how they were built. I wish to visit the pyramids once in my life.

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So, I went for a pineapple, bell pepper , peas and onion pizza and now I am seeing Chicago Med…I am having the ultimate happy hour! :pizza: :hospital:

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Don’t forget he also oversaw the writing of the Ten Commandments :wink:


It is. Navigli is a very nice zone of Milan. Sadly the trip was canceled by the tour operator because too much people canceled due to the shi**y weather this weekend (after weeks of sun, it’s so unfair). I’m so upset!! People cannot even handle a bit of rain anymore, it’s crazy. It’s not even going to rain that much probably… :unamused: :sob:

I could still go there by train, it takes about the same time (less than 2 h) but still, it’s less convenient and it costs more. I’m so disappointed, my Weekend got officially ruined even before it started. :unamused:


Me running from my incoming hangover in the morning:


Amen, brother!!


How I imagine Fabioso and his mates right now…


but close enough :smiley:


Good mornin ya beautiful bastards! :smiley:

weekend is upon us! the gaming shall commence!

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It’s still the weekend. Let’s make it count!

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Apparently I am needed at work tomorrow morning. Boo…


saaaad :c

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No Sunday funday for me, also they woke me up today to ask me if I could come in. So they ruined my Saturday sleeps as well.

Oh well, I will power through.


Depends on your job, who you are as a person and I’m sure other stuff too.
For me, Sat-Sun = Phone on Airplane mode :slight_smile: