It's the Weekend! [Thread] 💃

It’s like chikkins.

Both being horrible and US slang ways of saying “chicken”

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Ah, I see. Thanks for explaing that. It’s never too late to learn something new! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Indeed it isn’t :+1:t2: Though I’m not going to claim ever teaching anything worthwhile!


What I really miss most of all…

Zaxby’s six finger chicken plate…


But I am now hungry, and as I can’t have either Zaxby’s or Chic-fil-a… and I look with scorn on the UK KFC and wouldn’t even spit on a US Mcdoanlds never mind a UK one…

I shall have to make do with black pudding on a roll with an egg and HP Sauce.

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While Sweden CLAIMS to have the most cleverEST kebabs, I say fake news,

If they be so clever, how come Norway is the richest in the Nordic(maybe even EU) ?

I have more theories. Most of them are X-Files related

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Good thing about living in Bristol (aside from all the Hot Fuzz jokes) is the amount of food places including independent chicken shops that make your weird American chicken fried in sugar batter look (and taste) worse than chicken Mcnuggets that you bought on the way home at 3am and forgot about when you fell asleep in hallway!

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I regret asking for food pics. #MydietsucksHelpme

PICS! or it doesnt exist.

Of me asleep in the hallway cuddling chicken Mcnuggets? Dear lord they got burned and the ashes buried a loooong time ago :joy:

Mcdonkeys nuggets? I see!
Thought you were speaking of something better, more local and more independent in the UK!

Also. BK nuggets > McD

Everytime I see Brigante typing I get a little bit excited :;D

I was, google Miss Millies, Bristol

First pic. Looks tastier than several of my exes.

Local chicken joints are usually better than chains. Same goes with burgers and pizzas.


Yo fabby, you forgot to mention/complain about the lack of Indian food in Sweden.

Do it

Not sure if currently the case, but richest in the world at times.

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Just looks like my Skin graft :smiley:

Have seen an American cook bacon by wrapping it around the barrel of an AR-15 and firing it…

Which admittedly is probably better than impaling it on a twig and trying to cook it over a burning crisp packet, you’d have to be a real idiot to do that. Looks shiftily

Who isn’t though, really? I mean their fries are the best out of the Big Three, and the Quarter Pounder tastes suspiciously like they have put narcotics in there, or a human version of Catnip…

Well if they -will- go throwing tea into Boston harbour then it’s only fair, really…

I so had KFC on the way back from a LARP event yesterday. “What meal would you like?”


I mean I had spent so long in a remote campsite we were about to start eating our own young…

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Willing to ship you some KFC action. We’ll meet at the border :wink:

Followed up by a quick flight to Amsterdam and…rest is history

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I have to mention. The only thing I eat from McDonalds is, Big Mac, fries, Double/Triple Cheese/Bacon burger, their milkshake and applepies

You should go vegan. I can give you nice recipes for great good food! :watermelon::stuffed_flatbread:

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