It's the Weekend! [Thread] 💃

Guy Forks had the right idea - but thats not a discussion for a games forum

his real name has a word that is not allowed and hes a historical person???

looking for a new social guild after my old one slipped into decline as no leaders/officers have logged for months

so now it is applying to join social/level ups if they bother to check for applications until I get bored enough to try chat (never a good way to find an active guild)

glorious weekend to everybody!

except that one guy

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You know what you did :expressionless:


Ahhh Guido F*****…

“The only man who ever went into the house of parliament with honest intentions”.

Except he didnt.

It was the House of Lords. The OLD House of Lords.

Edit. Guido’s second name didn’t make it past the naughty list


I’m heading for Finland next






Collateral damage to neighbouring countries is exactly that. Collateral.

So shush or you’re next


You clearly never had MFI furniture…


Had same problem with his name - hence why I changed it to an eating utensil

Ok, so first Souldefiler wants to destroy Helsinki and Finland, and now you too, Frizzle? What the hell is going on here? :eyes:

I don’t want to destroy it. I’m just trying to return it to its former glory ^^

There’s no difference between “destruction” and “zerg creep” “swedish influence”.

Ah, no thank you. We definitely don’t want to be a part of your Grand Mechagnome Empire :wink:

Just make all furniture slightly taller and there’s not much he can do :+1:t2:

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That’s so true. He can hardly invade us if he cannot even reach us!

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I’m quite surprised to be up so early at a weekend but hey ho, sleeping didn’t want to happen for long last night xD

That is chilling. My part of Norway is blue there!

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