wow,it is an actual dance of Kul Tirans
Yes, a very rainbowy dance actually.
i read the forum that 9.4 has been leaked,did you see it?
it hurts me a lot
What? The 9.4 leak?
Friday Feeling!!!
Fridays makes you feel like a hotel receptionist?
I used to work as a hotel receptionist in 2005-06 and often Friday was actually the end of my weekend.
Is it a nice job?
It was fun, especially gossiping with hotel maids about weird guests was hilarious. But it’s also stressful at times, you work with shifts, sometimes you finish let’s say at 10pm and the next day you begin at 6am…and don’t get me started on split shifts (is that the correct word? When you work early in the morning, make a long break in the afternoon and come back for the evening) - that was terrible but thankfully where I worked it was pretty rare.
I was 20 y.o. back then so it was alright - now that I’m older and a lot grumpier I couldn’t do it anymore. You have to enjoy such a lifestyle really, it’s not your regular random job, but it can be fun and hotels are fascinating!
Started the weekend by learning stuff! Thank you.
Dunno. I’m kind of clueless when it comes to vocational and cooking terms in English.
As an avid hotel stayer I’d like to apologize for me and others like me for every time we come down to the reception in the middle of the night, hella drunk having either thrown up in our rooms, clogged the toilet or locked ourself out… Or all three ^^
That is the correct term. Hated them when I was working in a restaurant
Fun fact: this thread has celebrated weekend (plans) for just over 2 years now.
How I choose to play dress ups is none of your business tyvm.
I don’t think you’ll find anyone who disagrees with that.