It's time for Vashj and KT to be nerfed - check the timeline from original TBC

The trash has also value lore-wise, just like the bosses. It wouldn’t make sense for Kael or Illidan to have zero guards or minions walking around his main base of operations.
We had a trashless raid once (Trial in Wotlk), and it was received as being a bit meh, even though the bosses were great.

Youre right, they should have guards, minions, etc.
Is it necessary that they are way more dangerous and take way longer than bosses tho?

Yeah. I wasn’t saying they should remove all the trash. They could just remove half the packs.
Or give them all half the HP which would by degrees accomplish the same thing.

I think many would prefer that to nerfing the bosses. At least at this stage anyway.

I realise it produces a yawn from the people who are already speed running both raids in under 3 hours and have nothing else to do - but I’m not sure I really care. The whole game is always going to be trivial for them.

The game will not be better if more players manage to get a kill on these bosses.

Kael is actually quite easy, we killed him after 8-10 pulls or something. 5th week because before we were trying to kill Vashj. Well, Vashj feels like much more random and killing her does require some luck (if you aren’t in some super sweaty raid) so we didn’t get enough time to kill her last week + we had some problems with missing people. 8/10 feels really easy for any reasonably formed pug with enough locks/hunters/mages, Kael and Vashj however, I feel they will be too hard for pugs to kill until the phase end where everyone will be decently geared. And this is fair. Any guild with ok raid will eventually 10/10 if people are able to listen and learn some mechanics. If not, well, they can wait for nerfs. That is fair difficulty. We are now 10/10 but we didn’t manage to kill Kael and Vashj both last week. I think we’ll manage to do that this week tho.

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well, your wish is here. FYI around 75% of guilds didnt kill vashj or KT back in original TBC, they just waited until the attunement for it was dropped and went to BT and MH instead. They were always the harder bosses in TBC Pre sunwell and i am glad they didnt nerf them.

Why they are nerfing them next reset is any bodies guess though, its a damn shame!

Since Blizzard is apparently reading the comments here:

This is a horrible change, it nullifys all competitive achievements up to this points, basically rendering 8 weeks useless. One of the beautys of having classic TBC and not the original is, that you can streamline it to be more competitive - and you did so far but meddling with the current content during a phase is just bad. Please reconsider.

Lots of things are already different in terms of conent release, to not follow the original TBC releaseschedule means you also cannot follow the original TBC nerfschedule - but you need to be consistant!


I welcome the nerf. But I would welcome the nerf to the trash more.
One way or another, nerds QQ moar it will get nerfed next week.

You welcome it because you haven’t managed it yet?

I mean that’s on you and your guild(s). I would be very upset if nerfs came on a boss before I managed to kill it. It takes away the achievement and all the effort is just meaninglessness after that.

Well, they just un-announced the nerfs, so they are not coming tomorrow after all.

There is no point in nerfing or removing trash… Just step on the pedal. Don’t die to stupid stuff, don’t take 5 min breaks between packs etc. just kill → drink for 15-20s → pull next → repeat.

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