It's time to let us LFR queue for normal, heroic and mythic

Players are tired of waiting in queues before they can actually play the game. This is 2022 yet Blizzard still insists on this outdated wait-for-invite model. I propose a very simple solution, just expand LFR queue to include other raid modes. If mythic raiders are worried about “casuals” partaking in their content then just unlock mythic LFR after Hall of Fame is full. Put a basic ilevel restriction to queue up, for example to join heroic LFR you need an ilevel of the previous raid tier, so minimum 252.

This simple fix could bring back millions of players for whom the game was becoming too inaccessible, like all the raid leaders with crazy requirements like 265+ double leggo 4-tier 10/10 to get an invite. The sad thing is those raid leaders are just admitting they want to be carried. Not to mention the mythic guild leaders who require you to summit a resume and dedicate your life to join their special club. Normal/Heroic/Mythic LFR will create an even playing field for all.


This is what is driving me out the game again, waiting for groups or trying to form my own.

Tried joining guilds that’s no good as we’re still trying to get pugs who come in and leave anyway.

Hours wasted trying to play the game. I really enjoy myself when I get to play the content but that’s the thing, when I GET to play. 80% of my time is group finder.

Coming back and gearing for the first month was enjoyable, I felt good for progressing, now it’s at that point where I need organised groups to do the juicy content and it’s been very tiresome trying to get into groups that don’t disband after 1 game and then it’s a matter of you don’t want to invite people into your group because they don’t even have a legendary on or not even geared and want to be carried in blues. If you do get a decent geared player it’s then a case of do they have a brain or not?
This makes me think, just put solo que in for everything as it’s extremely hard as it is right now, they should figure something out, at least a solo que opens the chance up to get people better by actually participating in harder content maybe?
Btw, rbgs is the content I’m doing right now, but I remember very well what it was like in bfa to do M+ with group finder too.

TLDR; Really think all end game content should have easier access.

P.S, they say play with friends, like most people have 5 or 10 active friends online and doing the content you want to do :crazy_face:


But you did the same in nyalotha, have you forgotten that?

This idea isn’t even worthy of consideration.

Queue for mythic? You’d have loads of people queuing hoping for that magic group that manages to carry them to victory.

No communication on CD usage, who kills what add or does a mechanic etc etc. It would be a disaster from start to finish.


And lose them immediately after they realize that they cannot go past the fist boss on mythic or heroic with a group full of random people with no rime or reason of class setup. Good plan.


You whined normal Anduin was to hard now you want to do heroic and mythic plus you are a serial key leaver well known to groups and even leave you own pug raids as shown by another poster.


It’s just his altruistic nature, he believes he is one of the worst players in the game so Anduin being hard for him only means that 99% (or millions as he stated) of the player base would completely crush him with a random group with no communication. Like I said in the other tread he is the hero we need.


You must lack reading comprehension, because I said Anduin was overtuned for a NORMAL raid boss and Blizzard clearly agreed with me because soon after they nerfed it. This topic has nothing to do with false accusations but about making the game more accessible for all. People want to be able to log in at any time and queue up for a raid just like LFR, even at 4am which isn’t possible with the current system. Yes that includes heroic and MYTHIC. If the group wipes, then it wipes. The point is people get to at least try it without going through a hundred obstacles like a guild that demands you devote your life to them.

Nobody wants to do that.

Screenshots of you leaving keys and raids are on the forums so you can not deny it.

You lack any playing skill being honest if you need nerfs in normal shows how bad you are.

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this is like the people asking to queue for m+ keys, it would just lead to a disaster and drive off even more people from the game

If you want to raid without the leaders in lfg asking for the achievement or being picky with your ilvl then you need to join a guild, this has always been the case

Not possible for two reasons. I don’t want feel compelled to play at set hours by a mythic raiding guild that demands way too much of my time and second reason, my server only has a few dozen people on it and I refuse to pay Blizzard extortion money to transfer for a problem they refuse to fix. There are many players in the same situation as me.

Your highest key is an 8 and your highest raid experince in 7/11 NORMAL there is no way you could handle mythic due to the way you ask for nerfs in normal .

Vinzoru - Character (

Vinzora - Character (

Dolva - Character (

you are not even geared for it.


The hero we need.

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Well that sucks, sounds like you won’t be able to clear any mythic bosses since they take multiple hours to down with a coordinated group, can’t even imagine what it would be with a random group

Will they be getting a stacking determination buff XD?


He even leaves groups he makes

Look at the screenshot and he is also a leaver in keys and does it on purprose at start of keys.

As much as I only do LFR when it comes to end content this proposal gets a firm no from me.

LFR queues just shows the absolute chaos that random grouping would bring to higher difficulty modes.

But if anything, LFR needs to be worked on. Cata LFR when it was brought in with Dragon Soul was good.
It was excellent in MoP.
Then in subsequent expansions, it has been systematically destroyed so it is now exactly what the “heroic heroes” and the “normal normans” decry it as.


Ah so it’s a troll then, it all makes sense now


He is a well known troll on the forums he once even said the people abused in blizzard work place “they asked for it”.

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Your close-mindedness prevents you from considering bold ideas to improve the game. Just look at raid numbers, it’s a disaster and Blizzard knows urgent action is needed to make it more accessible. I never claimed I’m ready to raid mythic right now, but in time I will be just like many others who want it to simply queue up instead of going through all the hassle of manually signing up for groups and the mythic lockout. Stop clinging to pointless limitations which only segregate the playerbase. We would like a queue for all forms of content, not just raid but also rated BGs.