It's time to let us LFR queue for normal, heroic and mythic

If that’s true then the apathy I held for him swiftly changed to contempt.


Ok memes aside, this is a direct question to Vinzora, answer me this and I will consider the idea of LFR Normal-Mythic. How would an LFR Mythic group kill Holondrus (or how I call him Horrendous) when plain LFR groups still wipe on the lowest difficulty where there is no dps check, the only mechanics are spread, move with boss and do not get knocked out of the platform (literally seen Demon hunters fail this)? Answer me this and we may speak seriously.


Here is an idea for you .

Gear up and sign up for raids and dungeons and stop leaving groups you make and stop leaving others keys then you might actually improve in items and ability.

Asking for LFR for other types of raids and dungeons is a joke idea.


You have that option. It’s called LFR and Random battlegrounds.

You just want to be able to crash in to a higher difficulty raid or battleground and leech off the players who actually took the time to prepare accordingly.

You actually think people who take the time to prepare accordingly are going to appreciate some random jumping into their game and potentially causing chaos?


He once upvoted his own OP with 10 alts :stuck_out_tongue:

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Here’s a simple solution, only let people sign up for heroic LFR if they cleared 10/10 normal. Same goes for mythic LFR. By the time they cleared heroic they know what they’re doing. See how easy that was?

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Only once?


You dont even know how many bosses are in the current raid :woman_facepalming:

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Ahm no, even if someone has cleared the previous difficulty that does not mean they know how to kill this difficulty, if that were the case you could create a HC group with only 11/11 NM people and have a smooth clear, in reality that is not the case. You don’t get clear runs with people who are 11/11 HC even.

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And what exactly makes you think that your ideas are improving game exactly? Just because it makes sense in your little head doesn’t mean that it actually does.

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So let me get this straight.

To queue for an LFR you first have to go through the queue system for lower difficulty raid.

Did you actually think about what you typed before you hit “RETURN”?

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He is the logic, it makes the game convenient for him, therefor millions of players will return to help him clear mythic with 0 effort and at the time he desires. I fail to see how this does not make sense.


It’s ironic that you would suddenly be against mythic LFR, because here is a direct post from you affirming you would highly benefit from it.

Solution found.


It is not sudden I was never on board with LRF to begin with. The roster boss does not mean what you think it means.
We lacked people to raid with. Not because of scheduling but due to a lack of A) Alliance players and B) skilled players. Your idea does not fix those issues, the guild I mentioned stopped raiding because it turned into a revolving door of unskilled players coming in failing and leaving the guild. Your solution makes this environment the norm not the exception.

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So if I join mythic LFR and someone keeps failing repeatedly after being explained the tactics, the raid simply vote kicks them and hopefully they get replaced by someone who knows what they’re doing. The mechanism to deal with this problem already exists in game for LFR, and it’s much more convenient than trying to recruit a new guild member.

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You mean… You?

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And this has been proven to fail in LFR where even on easy bosses groups ending up exceeding the determination stack and still wiping. Need I remind you of the horrors of LFR N’zoth whole groups of people refused to press their very special button to regain sanity (which on LFR you didn even have to manage because of it’s 1min CD). Also need I remind you that you can only kick 1 person pre given time limit in LFG created groups. So lets say you have 5 really bad player, you will end up waiting atleast 25 mins between a pull if you want to replace them. See how this starts falling apart ?


No it won’t. As LFR has consistently proved. The LFR queue doesn’t have a sub option for “Ive cleared this on mythic and I know what I’m doing” It grabs the first people in the queue and throws them into the group regardless if they’ve got RWF or just dinged a fresh 60 and have catchup BoA gear.

And I refer you to my previous answer.


People didn’t even get to do that when I tried doing it on LFR. It was just like, 70% of the raid mind controlled as nzoth was pulled. I legit killed nzoth on heroic before I killed him on LFR.


You’re right, it will be EXTREMELY challenging. But that’s fine. This is about solving the even more challenging obstacle of trying to get a group together for mythic raid. Players who enjoy challenges should welcome this idea the most because no longer will they be relying on picky raid leaders to invite overgeared overqualified players to carry them. The group composition will be more random.