It's time to let us LFR queue for normal, heroic and mythic

I still don’t know how they were losing so much sanity, you literally had to stand in the black poo to do that and never mind that how does one simply ignore the creepy black screen effects when close to low sanity… I was just… amazed really.

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Clear heroic, look for a mythic guild problem solved.

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Im done bashing my head against another brick wall poster who simply won’t accept he’s wrong.

I think the entire underlying reason you want LFR implemented in higher difficulties is you’re just peeved you’re just not… good enough to get into a raiding group, be it normal or mythic.

I just sighed and assumed they were trolling and jumped off the edge of the area and killed myself. LFR N’Zoth was hilarious for the wrong reasons.

You should see LFR Horrendous this tier, it is peak cringe XD. People are stacking with missiles.

've actually seen them run and stack in the aoe warning circle when he stomps when he’s transitioning to a new area.

its like “Are you taking the piss here???”

I got killed when we were running to the next spot, another priest in the raid decided to just randomly grip me when we were about to get that knockback or w/e to call it and we both flew off from it. Like, why. WHY EVEN GRIP ME, WHAT WAS THE PURPOSE OF THAT GRIP?

We should do an LRF together sometime XD.

That literally happened to me aswell, I have this rock spot I always use on one platform and this guy just yoinked me and then I was dead, I didn’t know if I wanted to start flaming or laugh.

Nobody would be forcing you to use mythic LFR if it doesn’t appeal to because non-pros might sign up, but those of us who want a challenge welcome it so we can queue up at anytime of our choosing, not a guild leader’s schedule. The most important thing to accept about mythic LFR is that no, you will not be carried. If someone is confused about a mechanic you will have to patiently explain it to them, which might be hard for you.

Nobody is forcing you, but then nobody is stopping the bads from entering either.

Go do layer 8 of jailer’s gauntlet, there’s your challenge. Nobody that can interfere with you in there either, all of it is on you and you alone.

You really, really haven’t grasped the flaws in your proposal have you?
I said I was tired of watching you bash your head against a brick wall trying to argue a point which has been proven countless times to be of as much use as a chocolate kettle.

Now you just resemble a bored 6 year old poking a dead hedgehog with a stick out of morbid curiosity.

I’ll just leave you as both of us know it will never ever happen except in some dreams you have.

I now leave you with a part of a certain Aerosmith song.

Dream on… Dream on…

Well it wount be you with your history of leaving raids with screenshot proof of it. And with how you wanted normal nerfed you could not handle mythic so its a moot point by you.

Have you considered making your own group? I mean you can make it at whatever time you want and you are fine with waiting for HoF to end, coincidentally Mythic pugging only becomes available then, you are also fine with being patient and explaining the tactics and again conveniently you can do that in the group you create yourself in fact I am sure most of the people that sign up will expect you to do so. Sooooo why aren’t you creating the group yourself but require an LFG tool again ?

He’ll just leave it. :joy:

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Good night Amonet keep up the good fight trying to explain to that person what happens in the real world :slight_smile:

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He is the reason why we don’t have master loot in the game anymore isn’t he ?

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terrbol idd mythic sould be done guilds or community not some rendom pugger hc fine pug normaal 2 but mythic ye i cross line no way thet going fly also why lfr relly bad already most join lfr are terrbol lfr nice tourist mode sould stay way no offens

Nah, that would be people like my guild in wotlk by the time we got to toc/icc. Trials never got any loot, trials lasted like 3-4 weeks and they were just being used for manpower and often they were kicked and never became members. They rather gave an alt loot than give it to a trial. Brought pugs into vault of archavon as well if we couldn’t fill the raid and then they got saved, while the lootmaster never intended to give them a shot at any loot.

I didn’t give it much thought back then because I was buddies with an officer in the guild from the time we raided karazhan together who recruited me to that wotlk guild but looking back, it was pretty messed up.

I honestly had to check the date, it’s not April 1st

What a horrendous suggestions. LFR has specially dumbed down mechanics so that no coordination/organisation is required to complete it. Even when mechanics are failed you can often still succeed. Even when the bulk of the raid is dead you can still finish the fight.

Durumu was my favourite LFR boss, reducing a raid to a five man party in one quick maze.

Any time LFR has required any actual organisation it has been a failfest where you have to endure numerous wipes to gain stacks of determination to eventually brute force it down.