It's time to make forced mercenary mode

Merceneary mode would not solve balance. It’s lfg and player distribution that causes temp imbalances. The shard would still be balanced or not with mercenaries.

WM should be a challenging hard mode. Being outnumbered is a challenge. WPvP solution is to start a group to counter them. You are in WM to WPvP right?

Yep, not everyone wants to group, but that is the game design. You can go with the game design, or you can go against it. Your choice.

You want a reason to group up, apart from the joy of wiping the enemy? A reward? That’s why we have the bounty system

The bounty system is a natural player controlled faction balancer in a WM shard. Start a bounty group, and kill bounties. If as many enemy as claimed, and they are attacking your faction, there will be bounties.

Just attacking their group can cause half their members to leave your WM shard. Focus healers, should do anyway, but they may leave, then group may disband… leaving only the original member in your shard. I suggest camping their corpse as punishment. Grouping up doesn’t always work, fun to try.

It’s been shown on forum, that being outnumbered is very observational. Different from shard to shard, faction to faction. Nothing to do with overall region pop or individual server pop.

Reading complaints, you’d think it was a problem for everyone. But our war mode survey shows that a section of the wm forum community only feel outnumbered half the time or less. I’ve already been told the wm survey is not a source because of the the only 80ish responses. But if that’s the case, 80 complaints on forum about outnumbering are not a source either.

Well… you need raid group to succes vs horde in current situation with warmode. If you are in raid group you can’t complete quests.

Just go and try to do daily mechagon quests with warmode enabled and without flying. You will understand

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Agreed it’s sad, they rathe rhave a 20m BG queue than to use mercenary… Just make queue systems. Alliance > Alliance, but if one factionif hevaily outnumbering the others > forced mercenary. Can even do this for LFR (nobody makes friends or talk there anyhow) etc.

Had that problem last night, forced to go raid, but then I didn’t get quest credit to my weekly and all other stuff. Could only sit around for rares and farm the elite mechs at Mechagon… Then we had a Horde multiboxer atleast 40 chars DKs and druid who just lagged pou to death. The good news was though he was the only Horde left on the shards so we just avoided him and as a bounty he couldn’t fly. The rogue that kept ganking me for no reason and taunting me knowing there at the moment I would attack it would turn from 1vs1 to 8vs1… Yeah of course it was undead male rogue. Out of respect i didn’t engage and quest or Horde was on /sigh. I literraly was the only Alliance on Mechagon, yeah balanced, nice joke Bliz.

Think I’m now at 50+ Horde kills and still didn’t complete the weekly 25 kills!

My suggestion was to go for bounties and disband enemy raid. No questing involved. After, leave group, do quests. Too much effort for some people? They have nothing to complain about then.

Would have no effect on balance of a shard. It would still be subject to same lfg and player distribution effect that causes temp imbalances. Unless it just auto happened in shard in real time, mercenary on/off all the time… no thx.

Then get phased back to the shard where it was me vs an army of Horde… NICE SOLUTION. So no quest progerssion at all or do nothing.

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Won’t happen, if you do this simple strat.

Bounty strat…

  1. If you are outnumbered in a shard, you start a bounty group, that way you do not leave your shard. Invite in zone chat and encourage go bounty. In lfg group title, name grp “X BOUNTIES Zonename”. Lfgers in your group will go back to their shard when they leave grp.

  2. Cause the enemy group(s) to disband. Assume they were at least partly made up of lfgers. Shard balance should now be more in your favour. Ofc it might not work out… that’s just WM.

  3. So when you leave group, you are still in same shard, you never left it. The enemy group you disbanded, is still disbanded. Then carry on with your quests.

There’s gonna be varying motivations in different players. But proactive players will get the best experience out of WM. Same as in any other game mode. Seems like the non tryers have biggest issues in WM.

Do you regularly WPvP for the FUN of it? Alliance Defence Force WPvP community and/or guild needs you! Or see list of Horde and Alliance WPvP guilds and communities.

Ye, 55% horde with 90% WM ON, 45% Alliance with 90% wm off, you seriously think realm pop is a good source lmao.

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Wow wow wow… Take your communist propaganda and stick it where the sun don’t shines. I do not want to be forced to fight for the Alliance.


Wow wow wow you are such limited… Faction does not matter. If you want you can enjoy broken world pvp alone because if nothing will change you will experience empty world, only horde chars will play with war mode enabled.

How can people be so stupid? :smiley:

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So?thats player problem.Like those people who whine how people kill rares who fly,but did those same people try to be arsed and maybe join a group or ask people to maybe drive them,nope.
But somehow the devs should designe the game for the asocial people and fix it for them…aha.How about talking and doing some incentive on the part of players…talk and socialize in the game.
And same goes for horde players also.People from smaller realms get camped/farmed by Ravencrest/Sylvanas/Frostmane realms…so pls.

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I’m not denying there is a huge imbalance in WM but you have no idea what the actual imbalance is. So quoting 90% is just pure exaggeration. Only Blizz know the stats.


Yes it does


If I can get your 30% WM buff, sign me up!


amen brother id rather quit then play for the boy king and his pet dog


So defensive, even if I started a 5 man group (remember any member more was no more quest progerssion). Even then it would have been a lost cause, we are talking about a situation where I was literally the only Alliance on the shard. Immature emoting me a chicken when I didn’t want to fight back etc.

These situations shouldn’t occur and no I don’t do WM purely to kill other players, I also have to focus rep quest. That you don’t mind it that a simple daily can take 2 hours or just not be able to complete it, for a week… Doesn’t mean this is healthy or everybody is like this.

wel then WM is not for you look you get a whooping 30 % buff yet no ally plays WM says you ? I bet most turn it on do the daily and turn it off while the horde doesnt bother turning it off.

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Of course it’s an example. To show that faction balance means nothing if everyone has wm off. Generally speaking wm on means dead cities in wow on alliance for me.

Defensive? Trying to help.

Make sure use pvp group finder and not the pve tab.

For large outnumbering…

  1. Create a temporary lfg bounty raid to break a large enemy lfg grp. And it likely is an enemy lfg grp causing imbalance. Raid name can be ‘X Bounties Zonename’. You’ll get some raid members complaining they are not getting kill credit, refocus them on bounty. In addition, encourage zone chat to converge on bounties. Success is not guaranteed, but even just challenging an enemy raid can cause half its members to leave shard.
  2. In raid you are going for bounty, quests don’t matter, so progress is not relevant. Bonus compensates you for time loss due to wpvp.
  3. After enemy grp disbanded, leave the grp, you are in your original shard, balance is more in your favour and could be for a while, especially if your old grp stays in shard. Continue with quests.

For small outnumbering…

  1. Create a party, can use lfg or zone chat, community, etc. Benefit of lfg is, name your party right, get instant full party depending on zone. For example ‘WPvP Zonename’.
  2. It’s your group, tell them where you want them to be. Do your quests.
  3. If outnumbering ends, leave group, still in original shard.

Don’t have time for that? We have to remember, it’s called ‘War’ Mode… could even be called ‘Hard’ Mode. Shards will rarely be 50/50 balance in every subzone, that will never be ‘fixed’. It’s a dynamic of WM. Grouping up, by whatever means, is the correct counter to being outnumbered, and has always been the solution for overcoming challenges that are hard to solo. Don’t want to? No problem, continue solo, but proactive players are better suited to WM.

What are you on about?You said realm pop stats are not a good source,and now you post how it means nothing to you even if its data?Can you please sort out your thought process.
The point was always that the pool of players who chose to opt IN/OUT is close to same for EU,and those data prove that.The only thing they cant prove so far is that everyone has there own personal experience when it comes to WM ON.
I was campped on this paladin in Drustvar at every flight point by Alliance players from Ravencrest/Sylvanas/Frostmane,and we have all the time Russian farm groups when we are in Kul Tiras.
Also i have an Alliance 120 warlock on Alliance,so i can have a fair input doing wq on that toon also.

What data? Only Blizzard has the exact numbers, any other data proves as much as a random made up number. We have no clue what the real faction (im)balance is, and we absolutely have no clue about the faction specific WM participation.

We only know that there’s far less Alliance with WM on atm due to the 30% buff.

Don’t bind conclusions to inconclusive “evidence”.