Game’s been out for months and we’re still trash. I for one am working on my Hunter. Why play an underpowered class, there’s no need for frustration.
Just quit and re-roll a FOTM class like Lock, Mage, DK or Hunter.
Let the class censuses show 1% Demon Hunters. If they refuse to buff the class we can at least laugh at how the class is so bad that no one plays it anymore.
Wow this is some Spartacus level of inspirational revolutionary stuff.
Arguing that DH is a class with high mobility is report-worthy trolling, but making an overly dramatic exit -the wow equivalent of "waaaah stop being a meanie or i play no more :’( - is discussion-inducing quality forum content.
Bye dude, your mind blowing wisdom and objective cross-class insight will be sorely missed. Some of my personal favorites will forever be “wTf i PrEsS cHoAs StRiKe bUt sTiLl lOsE WtF bLoZuRd bLiNd?” and “LoL tHiS gUy WrItEs BiG wOrDs AnD pArAgRapHs rEmeMbEr tO rEpOrT gUisE ;d”
@Grizly duuude youre still trolling dh forums! Damn, good to know youre alive! As long as youre here trolling that means theres still a chance blizzard makes “whagahaga i pressed cs and i won!”
@Kellduril maaaybe hunter isnt the best choice…better go shaman, monk, warr, pala, priest, mage etc., or at least prep a second char next to hunt…just in case
Hes our honorary Warden/watcher, he missclicked the race tho.
Always there in the shadows, keeping a watchful eye on dh class to never again allow the travesty of dhs getting a buff that would threaten rest of dem classes of Azeroth!
Tank N1 in Legion M+ and RBG, 2x2 king the whole Legion in PvP, Havoc must have at least 1 spot in BFA raids, META in M+, FOTM in BFA PvP, Tank N1 in SL M+ - expansion not ends btw.
And I remember well that DH was QUITE OP in arena (2s+3s)
Stop talking sh1t pls DH were literaly broken back in BFA and by broken im not saying " huge dps " DH was broken by its insane utility/decent dps + tankiness
Most Mythic raiders only do M+ to get their weekly loot. It carries no worth or prestige. Compare Mythic raiding world first viewership with MDI lmao. And MDI is officially endorsed by Blizz, whereas the world first race is hosted by the guilds.
Okay? You said it yourself, it was average. Why does representation matter in this case?
You remember wrong. DH was bottom 3 in representation at high rating.
DPS aren’t brought to raids for tankiness. They’re brought for DPS. And DH was average.
It’s funny that you mentioned parses, how about we look at N’zoth parses instead? You know, the boss that actually matters and not the first bosses every rank 4000 guild can down?
Havoc is near the bottom. You brought one for the debuff and that’s about it.
Which is why you barely see any Havocs in Shadowlands, because Vengeance is meta now, which means Havoc brings nothing.
There are more Fury AND Arms parses for Denathrius than there are Havocs.
It’s literally bottom 2 played classes for DPS on Denathrius. If that’s your idea of balance it’s no wonder people are moving away from the class.
Again, all this does is make WoW look like a joke since it has 12 classes and one of them only has 2 specs, one of which is dog
Daily reminder to my double jump bros to report trolls like this guy so they get a nice time out from our forums and we can discuss in peace.