It's time to reroll boys

Have a nice day too, Kelduril :).

I’d wish you the same, but you have to stop trolling our forums first.

(If I was a troll wouldn’t I spend a good day by staying on forum tho ?)

That implies trolls have reason. As Grizly proves such is not the case

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rerolled long time ago…

Think I’m just going to stop playing.

Since wotlk been too busy working to play, but kept a char at max just in case.

Finally have the time to play, but the only class I enjoy is unenjoyable…

When I tank, I want to tank, not kite: otherwise I would be a frost mage.
When I pvp, I don’t want to die in a rogue, druid, hunters opener, I want some counter-play.
When I dps, I don’t want to know I’m letting my friends down for not playing my unhdk.

Everything just feels bad. And the lore / ingame shop is actually my biggest issue. But as WoW goes on, more gimmick mounts and pets will be added to the store, ruining the visual consistency of the game and breaking immersion. So if the gameplay is crap, it’s difficult to find a reason to keep going. At least in TBC the world was enjoyable.


actually in the same boat as you :slight_smile:

started to spend way too much time on forums and not ingame. When I do try to log other classes I just kinda cba.

Who knows, maybe 10.0

U should try it, I find MM Hunter way more fun in raids. DH has too much haste/APM, it makes my hand hurt after a while.

“Havoc was so strong so now it must be bad, almost unplayable bad.”

That’s some big brain logic.


Show me a single raid tier in the last expansion in which Havoc was ‘‘so strong’’. Also explain why Mage and Warlock have been top tier since 2004 but Havoc should be nerfed into the ground.

Why don’t you look on wowprogress and show me how many guilds are using or looking for Havoc DHs.

Stop trolling.


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If you think DH havoc is thradh rlly LEARN to play the class perhaps? If you think its thrash well ye. I have seen many dh that does alot of dps and you say they are thrash.

I hit 2.1k yday in 2s and 3s on dh in 1 session. Dh is fine now.
Use the leech/double eyebeam unbound build. Tanky as hell vs melee and abnormal aoe dmg and 40-60k burst in 1 fel erupt. (Immo>fel erupt>eyebeam(CA leg)>the hunt>fel rush) 100-0 ANY CLASS without defensives or trinket up

Vs casters its more tricky but with fdk u can easily wombo combo. I double turbo damage in 3s and even destroy rets in aoe.

Any rogue team is really hard tho… comes down to preblur/dark/double dark/nether their goes…
Going to try push glad in 3s with my partners this week…

Also pve dmg seems to be good… seeing M20+ with dh top damage after buffs is cool. We just need a small dmg buff and we’ll be competitive in all raid fights. If you are 0.001% top player than yes maybe reroll… but I think dh is fine. Let us use blur in a stun and dh is amazing <3

(Forgot to post on dh) this is the rogue from comment above.
My ilvl is around 222. Forgot I logged out naked in goldshire. No questions asked pls lololol

Your reading parses are grey my dude.

Dude you’re 0 Mythic progress, don’t tell me to learn to play.

It’s bad because the stats prove so.


It’s ok dude, dogs are usually colorblind.

TOP damage?


We’re above average but there are 2900 Havoc parses compared to 33,000 Fire parses and 28,500 Balance parses. So no, not even close to top damage. And pretty much invisible popularity wise. Rogue, Mage, Druid, Monk are all massively ahead popularity wise. They bring way better damage and utility.

amm Fadeclaws is right, your reading parses are gray :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

to clarify here’s what Fadeclaws wrote:

so i think what he/she/it meant by that is, that its stupid to think that just cause any class was strong in prev expansion can justifiably be gutted in current…or in other words Fadeclaws is defending dhs …

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So i need to do mythic CN to be good in the game and not being a Noob in your freaking godly eyes? I have a job i have a family to support so i dont have the freaking time like you to play the game all day. Dont think you are the best because you do mythic CN.

You definitely need SOMETHING. You telling me to learn to play when it doesn’t seem like you’re good at anything is laughable.

The best? No.

Better than you? To be sure.

You have 2/10 HC progress, 0 PvP achievements and never timed a +14 or up.

So who the hell are you to tell me to learn to play?

As i said i have a Life and cant be forced to get much time ingame,
you are willing to invest more time in it. so ye better then me ye probably except this is not my main. i dont care what you even think about me.

I’m finishing a Master’s in Chemical Engineering, I think I am doing quite well for myself.

What happened here is you tried to talk :poop: and got clapped back into oblivion. Don’t tell people they need to learn how to play when they’re far better than you are.