It's time to undo Legion's framework

Sooo no borrowed power to you means raid logging ?

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What did people do before Legion?

A lot of things be more specific.

It’s raid logging even with borrowed power

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I don’t get it, there are at least 3 activities to do at endgame, raid/M+/PvP, if you are into only one of those things sure but don’t tell me that you are only into lets say raiding and the only thing thats keeping logging in daily is an AP grinds and thats better for the game then I’m sorry but you are drinking the Ion kool-aid.

Also if thats the case give ideas as to what you would like to instead.

Wasn’t talking about myself, but actually I just do a weekly on my main and only play alts.

Ok, the question still stands though, what would you rather do ?

Well, it’s a tough question. I don’t mind having something to chase to gain power, but the research grind was so bad, that it actually made me give up on it.

IDK I would much more prefer to have more cosmetic grinds, and by grinds I mean actual grind not timegated BS. IMO power should only come from gear.

just bring back rng loot i’ll start to play again wow is fun when you got big ticket item and they haven’t. :slight_smile:

Going back to what they did before where spells where created to be permeant additions to a class until the class needed to be reworked, instead of adding spells that only had a years long shelf life.

No it will take more then that maybe 4 or 5. Also they can just do another level squish if it gets too bad, we have already both that and a stats squish before the level one and no one really cared that much. Doing something like this is better then basically making talents that disappear each expansion.

Build additions to the class that you want to last more then one expac


Well, shadowlands did bring more cosmetic grinds than power ones, so it’s kind of better.

No the reason people only started complaining in BFA is because you cant really feel that power is borrowed until your time borrowing it is up. From the every-players perspective legion just gave everyone the typical spec revamp we had been use to the past couple expansions.

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The “not timegated” was a key part in what I said.

Retri paladin barely got touched in SL. They have 99% the same roration as bfa if i remember well.

To many systems is a downvote from me as well I can accept 1 for example just for diversity like legion weapon .

^^ This. I was one of the stupid ones back in Legion that though that the artefact weapons were a permanent addition to the classes, I mean what were they going to do, scrap all those talents that came with the weapon and leave us with 1/2 of our spec…
So anyway yeah, back then it didn’t think the weapons would get scrapped and honestly i liked the gameplay of most of the specs.

Timegating is normal. It’s just a consequence of players consuming content at a much higher rate than devs can produce it.

very few people would be interested. Any time they’ve tried to remove power from progression people have complained and ignored it.

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For somethings, yeah probably.

Oh yeah I am sure that because the WF guilds can clear Mythic within a week we need to timegate the story campaign, I was so invested in the story doing 3 quests per week and get a “to be continued…”.