It's time to undo Legion's framework

And that is not a bad thing, content should be optional not mandatory, look how many people absolutely love Torghast… oh wait.

Can you give me examples ?

Just imagine if instead of covenant abilities that will be gone in a year or so, we got spec abilities and every spec in the game got their own cool ability… :frowning:


Nah, that’s way too outside the box, it’s so out of the box it reached Australia.

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Sounds expensive, denied.

What a smooth brain take, firstly I didn’t say what I thought. Secondly, no one thought they would be permanent, can you even read? I literally wrote here what most players thought.

Come on i know your not too bright but if I say class revamps where common from expac to expac be4 legion, do you really think that means that people would expect the artefact weapons to be a permeant part of the classes. No ofc not, it means people expected some classes to stay mostly the same(which happened) and others would have that 1/2 that didnt work in legion to be changed into something new, loosing huge parts of your spec without it being replaced is a new thing brought in bfa.

If you don’t know anything about the game pre 2016 don’t speak about it, God its so embarrassing when people argue from ignorance like that

I mean yeah, they can just put the whole story in the first week. Not sure how many of the solo “casual” crowd will stick with the game if they finish the main thing they play the game for in the first week.

Firstly I am not arguing with you I am agreeing with you.

Secondly, Mr Huntard, no need for ad homs but if you insist. Also funny how I am the “not too bright one” and yet you are the one lacking basic reading comprehension, lacking so much of it that you are clueless when someone is proving your own point for you. I don’t usually believe in stereotypes but oof you really do proove that hunters share the same amount of brain cells as their pets.

And thirdly, I said “I” as in me personally thought back then that they were going to be a permanent mechanic (or atleast for the current era) if you have played the game before you can see somewhat of a pattern where every 3 expasnions the game goes under an overhaul (classic-WotLK, Cata-WoD, and if the theory is correct Legion-SL).

They make it so disgustingly obvious that story time gating is only for money and subscription numbers…

In 9.0 we had 9 chapters for the story, we had 8 chapters for 2 months and then if you wanted to see end of the story you had to buy one month of game time.

Same with 9.1 story, it has 5 chapters so you have to buy another month of game time just to see the end of the story…

And then they removed 1 month option for game time, so you can only buy 2 months so you basically have to purchase 2 months instead of 1 if you want to see how story ends.

Yes, and how it’s different to Legion Broken Shore campaign?

It is not, it’s still disgusting.

You’re aware that you could have skipped all of it and just played when the whole campaign was available, right?

I was just giving the story as an example, right now I don’t really feel motivated in unlocking the anima cosmetics because it doesn’t really feel like I’m actively working towards them, like doing the 5-7 WQs that give anima don’t feel like a progression, same with rep, its just feels like something I will have in X amount of time and not because of effort.

So it’s better to not play than actually play…

No wonder why so many people say it’s best to start WoW at the last patch of an expansion.

Same with me. The whole point is that it’s either timegating or endless grind. That’s the whole point of subscription busyness model. The company has to do something to keep player subbed.

Yes, it’s better. But they have also curves and CE to keep raiders hooked.

Here’s a thought, and I know its crazy but bear with me, make the game fun to play.

Well, I already addressed this. It’s not possible to deliver content at the rate the players consume it. Fun or no, without a grind everyone will be gone at the end of the patch.

Yeah but they need to make sure players don’t realize that, so players can keep having fun and they are making money at the same time.

I think that everyone that’s still subbed is aware of that. It’s just a Stockholm syndrome.

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He is right tough, Right now (speaking about the past few expansions) If you start playing day 1 you are basically a sap and you are just begging to hit the timegates, and honeslty BfA and Legion proved that the best time to play an expansion is just near its end where all the catch up is activated and the “fun and exciting systems” are way less restcrictive.