It's time to undo Legion's framework

What baffles me is that they kept the game “simplistic” from wrath to Wod and somehow decided to make the game the way it is now since legion…


I never understood why they did it. WotLK was great, I PvP’ed, I raided, you didn’t have to spend hours doing something you hated, just to progress. I enjoyed the raids back then, although I don’t raid now, I prefer to just PvP at the moment. But I have to do all these boring grinds just to progress further.

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Blizzard gate keeping our fun by yelling “YOU SHALL NOT PASS”

Especially when it comes to alts in this expansion. I’m leveling my Mage and dreading the huge grind when I’m 60, especially several runs in Torg, sigh.

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Then here is a piece of advice : don’t. Really, don’t. You don’t wanna do that, trust me.

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Friendly advice, 90% of the forum tried to reason with that hunter and failed, do something else with any chance of success :smiley:


Question. Why do you care exactly ? I mean all you do is solo content and the odd dungeon/LFR when the quests demand it. Why do you care how we create our groups and which people we pick for them ?

Nope. Still can’t trade loot if RNG decides to troll you and BiS list is still unachievable, just the 2 problems that came to mind first.

Oh look a cognitive thought

Remember that thing I said a few days earlier that its “all about you”. Glad you keep proving my point. None of your ideas are for the betterment of the game, all of them are for Tahra and her magic playstyle.

If that’s the case, why not ?

Yeah I would imagine that when doing bottom of the barrel content getting Normal/HC rewards must have made you feel real special.

Because 10 ilvl is 1 raid difficulty and ~5 M+ levels. That is huge. And because you don’t know, because you do not do group content where it actually matter who you bring with you, when we had TF/WF people that were barely completing +7 were signing up for +15 and depleting them. You know that addon that a lot of the player base hates because its “elitist” and “segragetes the playerbase”, you know the one Raider IO, it got invented because of TF, because overly geared people due to pure luck were signing up for content way beyond their belt.


Probably because they screwed up wod and they started with this systems to keep the mau numbers up after the wod exodus.

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Oh really ?

You only speak for yourself.

So is saying this :

You can’t have a clue aboot a subject if you haven’t experienced it by yourself. Do I talk aboot PVP ? I don’t, because do you know why ? I don’t have a damn clue aboot PVP whatsoever and that’s fine. Only pvp players should be talking aboot pvp.

The thing is that my reasoning is stupid because trying to defend such bleep sucking stystem is just stupid.

And many other players felt the same way I did with TF. See, goes both ways.

It makes it frustrating, because I felt like a lab hamster running in his spin so that he can get more dopamine shoots in his brain.

Macro avatar+wear break → Ancient aftershok → Bladestorm.

No effort whatsoever. Even my grand ma could do it.

Raiding evolved over the course of the time, therefore a TBC raiding experience is kinda worthless in retail. Only recent experiences like during BFA and SL matter.

And you’re showing the other way.

And I think you’re overestimating players enforcing meta, because it matters at some level but it does not in LDF/LFR and worldquest. If you think those contents are subject to meta slaving, then I’m sorry to tell you this : you’re wrong, because there is no need to follow a meta in such low level.

Nope, I’m right.

What are ya doin’ then ?

I’m jobless, therefore I’m bored. And I have insomnias, so I’m even more bored.

Because he has more clues than us, players who are actuallay engaging with content. Only LFR heroes are right.

That’d be a really bad game.

The same rule : he has more clues than us, players who are dealing with the issues with such wrongly done system.

Did they need to do that ? Wod was not bad, it only lacked content. Sure, the garrison was bad. But it defo deserved the cut content.

Because you don’t deal with it, because you have no damn clue aboot.

I do also care aboot the overal health and quality of the game. So is Amonet.

With your ideas, the so called “big 3” would be dead, therefore patches would die in less than a couple of month. Sounds brilliant.

You’re using this attack on other users, fair enough. But don’t you think you’re kinda doing the same ? Don’t you think you’re talking in the name of non big 3 players ? Because frankly, that’s exaclty what you did and you’re still doing.

You really don’t have a clue, eh. 252 - 246 = 6 => 6 < 10 => 10 ilvl IS 1 raid difficulty.

No. Because of welfare gear, we had to find ways to tell wether or not a player is deemed capable of achieving a content. Prior to Legion, we could tell if someone was a good player by looking at his ilvl. Because of Legion’s welfare gear, that was no longer the case and people got tired to get keys ruined by WQ players that have no clues aboot wtf they were doing in there.


I think is more planning ahead, they add the grind wheel to slow everyone down and keep the same content relevant for longer in case they end up in needing to cut something or go long on development, to avoid another wod.
Proper development goes a long way, but honestly, if it wasn’t for all this system and grind etc, how many would have sticked with BFA especially in the first patch?

I’d say more people would have sticked during 8.0 if Uldir had tier sets instead of azerite armors.


I honestly sticked around just because of magni saying “uldeeeer” every 4 step in the raid.

Still…I need to know why I went in there as an Alliance adventurer X’)

Oh no I agree with it, its just funny to think anyone would want to do world content for “world content gear”.

Nothing you have said here or in previous treads has supported your claim. Remember how you used to argue about covenants and how they would be “good for the game”, a system that A) majority of people didn’t care about it’s #meaningfulchoice and went straight to icy-veins to roll BiS , B) Actually prevented casuals from doing content ( 1/4 of cosmetics and story) and C) prevented players in general to experiment with their playstyle.

If you fail to see the problem with person A gets gear that he doesn’t need, person B really needs that gear, Person A can’t trade it to person B `cause TF preventing him.
And I have been in the position of person A more times than not, it feels horrible that instead of helping out a guild mate I have to disenchant the gear.

Oh no, I agree with OP, he/or she can speak for me on the matter. Soooo more than one person, bare minimum requirement for using we.

Not far from it but more engaging and more difficult than WQ, soooo nope you are still at rock bottom.

It doesn’t deserve anything at this stage, because it is nothing.
What it needs is actual content, and I am happy to hear your ideas on how you can make it interesting for the majority of players, and I do not mean with gear and rewards but with actual activities, how would you convince me to do world content for fun and not because I have to for ilvl or AP part 4.

Yeah, forgot its 13 actually, still close and doesn’t change the issue. Previously it was 15 ilvl, however Blizzard decided to to change how gear level scaled and now 3=5, that makes that the new raid difficulties actially jump 4 levels sooo 10 is actually right for precious standards.

How is it elitist to want to complete your +15 key in time? And yes the people that were going to said 15s in Legion (before IO) absolutely were the reason for failing the timer , not doing mechanics, not knowing Affixes, not interupting, doing less than the tank. All of that and still having high ilvl. I do not like IO, I do not like that it’s part of the game itself now, but that is the reason it exists, because TF made ilvl meaningless.

Also no idea why your posts got flagged, and to the people doing it please stop… Idk what I would do if I didn’t have Tahra to argue with.

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Easy, much like GearScore in the ye old times of WotLK it became popular to use and became a criteria of sort, so thats why it’s in the game. But same as TF devaluing ilvl as a criteria, boosting has devalued IO (or whatever its called in game), its likely that we will get another addon that will make people jump trough hurdles just to get invites, just because Blizzard implement stupid systems and/or allow boosts.

Idk about that, I mean yeah sure but you need to sell me a few ideas on how to rework world content.

Which brings me to…

Mind linking it? Would like to hear said examples and maybe discuss.

Ok maybe “engaging” isn’t the right word for what I meant (language barrier and all of that). What I meant is that in Torghast you will have more interactions and decision making per minute than in WQ.
And no I did not say difficulty=fun. The argument was which content is bottom of the barrel considering difficulty.

But I’m not, 10 ilvls is pretty much a raid difficulty and I explained very well how factoring the old expansion criteria it still kinda is, If you are going to cling to those 3 ilvl its short, sure, I’m wrong, but 10 ilvl was big in Ledion, BfA and in SL its even bigger.

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Fair enough.

But I do fundamentally disagree that things like IO should even be allowed to be a thing.
In that regard I think Blizzard would do well to limit what people can do with their API.

I don’t remember which thread I posted it in XD
Sorry, I’m tired and don’t feel like looking it up at the moment.
Maybe tomorrow. :relaxed:

Ahhh well that’s different parameters than I was thinking about.
Difficulty wise, sure I agree.

But I was looking at the whole package; fun, rewards, engagement, immersion, story.
I think Torghast is bottom of the barrel content in that regard. It’s just levels of corridors with a bunch of mobs. And then a boss.

I really hate how dumb and simple it is (not speaking of difficulty here).
Also; it’s a depressing place to be in. But then again; most of Shadowlands has that problem.

Fine; okay. You think it’s big. I don’t.
Let’s agree to disagree and talk about more interesting things… :sweat_smile:

Could have been good. We were never going to get story in there, but in the beta when it was longer and less formulaic it was more fun, most of us that played it back then were hopping Blizzard would add more stuff in their however Ion and company decided to go the other way.
I think it was preach who suggested that instead of the generic bosses it would be cooler and more fun to fight bosses from previous dungeons and raids that we have deaded.
My personal suggestion was for the floors to be more random, like they pitched it at Blizzcon, randomly generated maps. It took me 3 runs at launch to start seeing repeats. The other thing I would want is for the vendor level to appear randomly, It feels very boring to know that every 3 floors you are safe.

It’s just not content for me.
I don’t enjoy running corridors full of enemies. I just don’t.

I don’t enjoy ‘levels’ of things.
I want a ‘world’. A big sprawling world.

Fair enough. And that’s why I say Blizzard’s greatest mistake with Torghast was that they made it mandatory.

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Nonsense ,AP was great but people didn’t understand simple math behind it and were crying over imaginary non existent "problem " .

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