It's time to walk away

I didn’t enjoy Cata back in 2010 and that was the key moment when I realized the game had lost all of its previous appeal. I gave up. I stopped subscribing and didn’t return until Classic came out.

I was present for Cata’s launch. I’m going to give up again, just like I did back then. For what reason would I remain for the original reason I quit the game in the first place? Runescape 3 was Cataclysm in World of Warcraft. The game was utterly ruined by it.

You had a special chance to preserve this once-excellent game with Classic. Don’t forget about that. This is very easily fixed with a Wrath era server. One server would suffice, even. Thus, just go ahead and do it.


But you can buy tokens in Cata Classic just as you can in WotlK Classic.

Wotlk classic was like way worse then was Vanila classic or TBC classic, how the F preserving worst “classic” expansion is goin to fix something ? bunch russian wotlk fanboys gonna play wotlk era, thats all. Online dropped all the time since Ulduar.


Classic Era is staying online isn’t it. If you want more pure from GDKPs there is Classic HC SSF incoming in mid of February.

Oh wait I didn’t red the nickname… Well I started playing WoW in may 2005. Wrath is way closer in design to Cata, especially in it’s late part (ToGC and ICC), than to Classic or TBC. It is like 2037 is closer to us now, than 2010, but somehow 2012 feels even older… Damn I miss MoP so much. Want to beat challenge mode golds on all classes, not 6 I did in original and go to ToT and SoO again. For that I will play Cata and support the Classic progression project with my 2 subs.

Couldn’t say that better. Classic needs to stop at Wrath and if it dies then it dies but no to this nonsense Cata. Unsub.


Just canceled my sub, just waited to see if they change their opinion. Goodbye!


B-But the Flame Mount !?!?!?
Don’t you want to buy the new 80€ Cata Deluxe Edition ???

Mount+mog worth 30€

You do you buddy.

Surprised they didnt have an even more expensive version with 3 days early access to get some more FOMO money out the sweats like retail


not everybody wants to play dead content afk in dalaran full BIS
for many people progress is the point of the game
many people liked cata and even more MOP
nobody promisd you forever wotlk. no need to generate useless threads telling that you are so special and because of you blizzard should cancel cata and keep dead wotlk
Like I personally quit retail in WOD, it was when the game turned not into my liking, never have I ever cried on forums about it…as there are peopl who enjoy retail.


Wrath Classic was not a bad experience, at all. I loved the changes to dungeons to keep them relevant for example, but I personally fail to see the appeal of a permanent Wrath server.

I mean even in p1 it was a raidlog experience. Naxx was bland, especially after doing the 40man version a few years ago, Ulduar was great but was a bit long, ToTC is merely ok and ICC got stale a few resets ago. I can’t imagine staying at 80 to keep doing ICC.

Sure you can level alts with heirlooms but if the old world truly is your appeal then you have era which is here to stay.

A fresh server is a different story but I feel TBC deserves this treatment first imo.


I think we’ll get either fresh or seasonal servers but first the current Season of Discovery needs to end, Cata servers to lose much of their players, not having a lot to do in War Within.

I’m sorry for you OP. It’s unbeliavable but Blizzard managed yet again to ruin things after 14 (!) years, same mistakes…

Sorry to see that you didnot enjoy cata . For me cata is one of my favorite expansions after mist of panderia and i will be playing it along with retail

Cataclysm is essentially Wrath but way better class balance and better raid mechanics.
Cata did go harder on the LFD.

But people who do not enjoy Cata, can you give fundamental changes, that breaks the game for you? Not baiting or anything, i’m genuinly curious.
Because I hear it all the time how Cata ruined Wow, but I wanna know your pov, what specific changes & additions made you quit cata ?

If you have a video of someone you know captured those reasons, i can take that to. I just wanna know.

They destroyed, annihilated original world. Flying erased social aspect of game along with Raid finder. And personally I never liked new quests compared to old ones - design wise most of them were better, but lorewise they were downgrade and some of them even cringe (remember that “fart in the wind” quest on redridge? all that glory of redridge mountains turned into cringiest zone in the game).

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Flying was introduced in TBC & worked all over wotlk & it’s not available in Classic zones until lvl 60, which means you’ll be on foot during the content & time it has always been. Nothing has changed there & flying in Cataclysm zones is the same as flying in wotlk.

Raid finder i can buy, came in the last content patch so not relevant until then. But ye I’d rather not see it at all either.

Aight questing being worse, thats personal preference & i respect it.

Although you can pretty much avoid all of it, during your entire playthrough.
You don’t have to quest or you can just rush through it from 80-85.
You can raid & gear as normal until Dragon Soul without any Raid finder.

Not personally seeing enough to warrant all the hate but aight.

edit: Another pointer, they HAD to remake the old world. It was horrendous.
World needs to change, to make anything feel relevant. Having a dude that died lorewise just live for 10 years is a bit weird.
Or you conquering a zone, just for it to stay unconquered forever is wierd aswell.

Besides the questing had so many storylines just dying midway. And most people do not like them, thats why everyone rushes to 60. People dungeon aoe farmed for god sake from lvl 33-50+. Nobody cared about the old questing.

You can still visit it in SoD or Classic Era in Wrath everyone spams LFD, pays for boosting either to Blizzard in shop or other players in dungeons and raid logs in Dalaran.

Lol what? I see where it is going. You have no clue, don’t you? Flying is here from TBC and the only thing it started killing was wPvP. If I wanted to find someone to instance I used LFD chat just as in Classic or went to Capital in Vanilla since there were no global chats back then outside of Capitals.

Raid finder arrived only in last path of Dragon Soul. It destroyed not only social aspect, but stability of the playerbase as well.

They updated the old world and in 2024 we can directly compare both worlds and anyone with a sane mind can see why the Cata 1-60 world is MILES better than Vanilla,

And lorewise its not only better but its has also better pacing and better storytelling. Cringe questlines? Vanilla has ton of them, the problem is that you probably can’t find them or complete them because you have to travel the world 3 times carrying some dumb item in your inventory.

Redridge is one of the best storylines in Cataclysm 1-60 and 1 quest name doesn’t change that.

TBC had flying. Wotlk had flying. Not Cata-only feature.

Raid finder its the ONLY “feature” that probably 90%+ of players want it gone, and its not because of “muh social aspect” but because its boring and annoying, and in Cataclysm was almos mandatory to get Tier Items faster.

Its obvious you are biased against Cata.

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