I've been extremely disproportionally hit by this frog nerf

I never pretended that.

I’m merely advocating for nuance.

Punishing a player by nerfing their cloak by 70%, while only 10% of his stats came from frogs is unfair.

Punishing a player by nerfing their cloak by 70% while 95% of his stats came from frogs is fair.

See what I’m getting at?

It’s not as simple as that as I explained, people gained extra stuff from having the stats from the frogs. It’s not just “remove frog stats” because the calculation also needs to include the benefit of farming afterwards.

This is clutching at straws. We know the reality is the opposit way in pugs, “link cloak stats” “frog farmers only” and people being kicked for not having a frog cloak.

So the people that farmed for 1-2 hours and got hundreds of charms to turn in and did turn them in didn’t gain any significant power whatsoever? Crazy that those who claim to have just farmed a bit gained alot of power while those who haven’t touched the frogs didn’t gain as much.

“Many people though it was a normal thing” Feigning ignorance. It’s easy to say “it was in the game when i played back then, how could i have known” or “i was just doing what everyone else was doing”. We know why they did it. People noticed that you could repeatedly turn in the lesser charm daily infinite amount of times and then they remembered the frogs dropping them like candy. So others found out about it and wanted a piece of that pie.
Again, Wowhead pushed it because they’re a wow news site. Keyword: news Look at how news sites earn revenue.
Just because an event is advertised as become powerful, doesn’t mean you can use exploits to become way more powerful within a day than by playing the normal way. The intended way. Otherwise, the event wouldn’t last for 3 whole months.

People got banned for using the seed exploit in Retail. Exact thing happened there. Nothing from blizzard until they said they would punish the exploiters. Back in Legion, people exploited the XP bonus flasks that didn’t stack. Oversight from blizzard and people got banned. Didn’t matter if they used 2 stacks or 20. Didn’t say anything while people exploited it, only after saying they would punish them.
This shows that Blizzard has never been good at communicating stuff and they should obviously get better at it. After all of these exploits, you would think people would eventually learn, but they don’t.

Of course they have. Wowhead has been a thing for years and is the biggest news site and source of information for the game. But wowhead is not owned by blizzard nor controlled by them. Backed by blizzard in the sense they use wowhead as their forefront of advertisment. Not money wise.

The same arguments when discussing the same topic with different people. You tend to repeat yourself with the same thing.
You’ve yet to hear an argument you deem as an argument.

I’m not sitting here “haha you farmed for 5 min and got punished haha you deserve it! suck it cheater!”. If you got hit, that sucks. It’s not the first time this has happened, but it still sucks nonetheless.
Blizzards method of nerfing people have not been successful at all. I’m certain a lot of these people got caught in the crossfire because blizzards implementation was either too soon so the coding wasn’t properly made or the method they used was too simplified and flagged more people than it should.

This claim is utterly false.

If I missed the frog farm, I would have a 9000 Agi cloak now instead of a 2500 one (well, 3200 now because I’m farming again this weekend while I can, it’s obvious how I can grind this out over the days, there’s nothing at all about frogs that gives me an advantage here, other than a higher total at the end of it, and I’m happy for that to be taken away.

But all of it? That’s not right. Not everyone’s circumstances are the same.

farming isn´t an exploit.

I feel bad for the cloak farmers and people like OP that have a real-life job so he has to wake up before anyone else to grind his progression.
This game should be an MMORPG where you have 4 ways to progress, it is unhealthy for a game like this to have a one-way script to reach the end goal.

if anything, the 3-day early access for war within is an exploit, but that’s a scripted path to alt farm and get maxed level before anyone else.

Farming for character progression shouldn´t be a crime or gold farming. and I’m the lazy one who doesn´t like farming, but I won´t cry for missing out.

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I actually laughed out loud, There is no point discussing with you about this issue. The blatant ignoring the obvious is laugable.

Strange - i didnt have to link my cloak even once while pugging.

You are projecting based on 1-2 groups in lfg filled with other groups

Itlv is still absolute King whne trying to join groups.

Punishing wise this is quite mild tbh. Did they remove your cosmetics and rolled back your bronze? Did they remove your heroic title? I guess not. You probably already finished the core game within 2 days instead of 3 months. Feel lucky and play something different.

That’s not an argument, that’s just derision. If you cant quickly kill open world mobs as a hunter at level 70 (with all the advantages you have in MoP remix), there’s something very, very, VERY wrong with what you’re pressing.

You don’t even know the frog farmers got the ilevel faster than people playing by intended means? yet you’re saying stuff like this? lol. Didn’t think I had to keep stating the obvious.

“quicker” not quickly. There is a difference, pretending there isn’t so you can whine about an advantage being reversed doesn’t change reality.

By that logic you should still consider the benefit everyone else got by having frog farmers in their group because there’s people purposefully searching them out.

Both our arguments are grasping at straws. You’re looking to justify hitting people who killed even twenty frogs.

But honestly this entire conversation is moot. I’ve heard reports of people who haven’t even been to the timeless isle who had a cloak of 70K that were nerfed as well, which means that Blizzard is likely not even looking at “who killed frogs” and is just blanket nerfing anybody with a certain amount of stats on their cloaks.

Nothing compared to the ones who farmed it for 10,15+ hours and who can solo heroic raids.

You’re either purposefully ignoring how oblivious the average WoW player is or actually totally unaware as to how many people don’t just go with the flow and their research for whether or not something is legit is at best checking WoWhead.

Yes. To get stronger in the game mode that advertises being overpowered. Jeesh I wonder why they’d choose the best and fastest way to go there that Blizzard put into the game themselves?

The only fact that matters is that they’re the main source of information on the game, one that Blizzard’s own Game Masters has been known to send players to when the player can’t figure out a certain piece of information.

To then punish players acting in information from a source that you’re known to refer them to is absolutely ludicrous and makes it at the very least in part your fault by proxy.

They never said that they would punish the exploiters. They only said that they were looking into the issue, and only after 5 days of frog farming.

what they SHOULD have done was shut down the servers at most 1 day after the bug was found and then have done a rollback and fixed the bug.

Again, Game Masters themselves often refer players there as a source of legitimate information.

When a company legitimizes a third party they should not then punish players for following the information on said third party website.

An argument in favor of what?

Are you seriously trying to justify the way that they handled the situation by reducing them to a bunch of college kids running an online game from their parent’s garage?

This is a billion-dollar company. They should know how to do the most basic things such as this right, and if they don’t then don’t take action until you do.

So we’re finally cornering you into a difference that doesn’t exist when the main concerns are gathering the right packs of mobs enough to efficiently loot, the killing time is almost neglible.

Sure over the course of 10,000 mobs you could argue there’s a 10% saving, but don’t be ridiculous, you obviously haven’t done the farms in MoP remix.

So why did you farm frogs then? because it was fun? No it was to become stronger than not doing it. Conversation over. Acting like having 1000s more stats in wow does nothing shows how much your lying to yourself. Going round in circles here, no point discussing it with you anymore like I said.

This is where I agree with you. They should have done a rollback on the first day for frog farmers. Why wait so long? They are so slow at everything. Customers waiting 14 days for a ticket is shocking.

You know what’s sickning? how quick they fix bugs for the worlds top raiders within mins of them reporting it.

As I said this is on Blizzard.

I want to know how long it takes you to clear a pack of mobs at level 70 Baltic in the open world in MoP remix with all your extra power and gems. I think we’ve identified an issue of skill here.

Want a piece of knowledge that’ll really piss you off?

There was a raid to world first for Mythic SoO that people got to do after farming frogs.

Want to place bets that Blizzard didn’t do a roll-back to protect those people, and wait until they were done with their little race? (which was over before the nerf happened)

I know what angle you’re trying to go for here. I’ve played the game since I was 16. I’m now in my mid 30s. I know how to play and I know how stats work. If you want to go down the “l2p” route and pretend you don’t get my point then you can come in game and watch me play if you like?

I’m more questioning you who thinks a character with 2000 more stats doesn’t see an advantage or kill stuff faster in the game.

You haven’t farmed, otherwise you’d know the main challenge of efficiency is logistics and effective tagging before stuff just dies. I’m sure you have skill in other areas, but here, you have no idea at all what you’re talking about. And that’s very clear.

So why did you farm frogs then? If it didn’t give an advantage. It’s a simple question.

Just going to post this here.