I've been extremely disproportionally hit by this frog nerf

I mean that question is actually irrelevant to my situation, but I farmed frogs because I wanted power. The same reason I farmed mobs, to gain power. That’s the whole reason I was farming.

Power for what? According to you it doesn’t do anything.

Now I’ve got you. I never said it doesn’t do anything, it does almost nothing for farming, which was my situation.

This farm was intended in the actual MoP and is still in the game to this day. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

“almost nothing” you know that almost part. That’s what you call an advantage. Not got anyone.

Let’s just ignore the farming in the raids I guess. To suit your agenda.

Farming frogs for 1-2 hours does almost nothing. It’s negligible.

Farming frogs for 15 hours moves mountains and stops planets from turning.

Which is why I want appropriate punishments and not “a giant blanket nerf across the board.”

We’ve already discussed it makes no significant difference to farming, and you have no counter to this, you’re going in a tiny circle of illogic.

I’ll grant a 10% advantage which rapidly fades, very, very quickly, like say, an hour? That’s being exceedingly generous, and honestly, just betrays the fact you don’t know the farms.

Is this nerf even real ?

Just logged in and saw some DK with over 10M hp lol

Still made a difference even if you did it less.

Someone who farm something for 1-2 hours and being oblivious just doesn’t “go with the flow” and act like they didn’t know. Don’t be stupid.

And that advertisment wasn’t get stronger within days of a 3 month event. I wonder if people do this to get stronger faster or get stuff faster if they get a chance to. Not like i brought some points up.

Gee i wonder why GMs direct people to the biggest database about wow. Not like they are players themselves. Who am i kidding. No one working in blizzard plays wow or any blizzard game for that matter /s
Blizzard is not responsible for Wowheads actions nor vice versa. Its on the player if they read something that says “gain power from a monotonous farm for hours while practically having to do nothing!”

Its not uncommon for game devs to refer to fansites.

An argument you deem agreeable.

Honestly, yes. It’s not the same dev team it was 10 years ago. With how poorly they handle almost everything and how absolute tone deaf they can be, it honest feels like it’s a bunch of college student working in a garage. You have the meme multi dollar company and indie company for a reason. We want them to act like a billion dollar company, yet they don’t. And there’s multiple reasons for that.
Sometimes they take 2 steps forward and then take 1 step back. Sometimes 1 step forward and 2 steps back with their decisions. This is a 1 step forward and 2 steps back thing. Punishing exploiters while also punishing innocents.

It missed many actual offenders and punished many innocents.

And others were left entirely untouched, offender or otherwise.

And you want to know why? Because it doesn’t give you any power from doing it.

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Getting like 10 Times the Power/Time compared to everywhere else, is in my Opinion very Obvious an Exploit.

Hah, good one. I Roamed the Timeless Isle early before the Frog Nerf, every Mob dropped Charms, and I picked up, just by roaming the Isle, around 200, and it felt like a Massive boost to turn them in.

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They were used to buy [Elder Charm of Good Fortune] that rerolled loot in raids.

So yeah it LITERALLY did give you power but okay. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

No. You farmed the lesser charms, turned them in for Elder Charm, bought bonus roll seals and hope the loot rng god was on your side and your bonus roll wasn’t gold.

So no, it didn’t LITERALLY give you power.

Sorry… what do you think people were farming this time?

Which would matter if this entire game mode wasn’t literally meant to eventually make you this powerful.

…Your problem is that it happened a little bit sooner…?

They farmed lesser charms and turned those in for one of those repeatable caches quests that gives you gear, gems, threads and bronze. Break down the gems and gear for even more bronze.

Already said something regarding this but it seems like you’re ignoring it or you can’t read. But fine, i’ll say it again since im nice:

Over the span of 3 months. Not 3 days.

If you actually look around in the forums and other places and read, you can see why people had a problem with this.

Or… I just missed it…? There’s really no need to be this hostile. Settle down.

3 months is bull.

You can easily farm 10-20k stamina on your cloak per day, meaning they’ll be back at this powerlevel by the end of next week if they really wanted to.

Well my Dk has 12 mil .

Haven’t touch Frog goats cranes or whatever hyper spawn so I’m like anyone else should be .