I've been extremely disproportionally hit by this frog nerf

Frog farming would have been fine if it’s roughly equal or slightly better opposed to raiding.

The fundamental problem is that it created a situation where it was go frog farm or fall behind forever.

Completly making lfr/scenarios/heroic dungeons/normals irrelevant once you have your ring/trinket/necklace achievements as hyperfarming would have given to good rewards to avoid doing it.

With as a result long queue’s and a requirement to grind frogs before you get accepted in heroics to get a chance at some purpe items.

So it’s no surprise Blizzard had to hit those farms with a nerf hammer to maintain a healthy player population willing to do content.

But then you also remove all ability for players to catch up.

But no worries - those players can always go out and purchase a boost if they want their achievements or 10 quick tusks per day. /s

I think a soft reset for the cloak is a decent deal all things considered.

The power spike allowed you to jump straight over normal mode which allowed you a higher daily income of bronze.