I've been extremely disproportionally hit by this frog nerf

Saw on reddit that someone and her boyfriend did the farm together. He got axed and she didn’t. Only difference was that he turned in all that lesser charms while she didn’t. People who turned in lesser charms from the frogs got axed while those who did frogs and did not turn in the charms didn’t get axed. That seems to be the theory so far.

So, did you turn in all those lesser charms for the caches?

The real exploiters got all the stuff they want out of this.

All the bronze for the things they wanted to unlock and easy mythic clears.

They’ll do it again.

i turned them in to get exalted with august celestials and dominance offensive. of course i got my caches from the turn ins and i did open them. i dont see how thats a bad thing though, they were secondary rewards to me wanting to get exalted reputations. changed my char btw for you to see

Yep, well let’s hope there is a 2nd round of punishment.

Because the exploit early, exploit often crowd have been taking advantage of these exploits for a long time.

Early dragon flight Professions suffered because of it.

And they’ll continue to do it because more often than not it’ll pay off.

People are still buying accounts and duping achievements to this very day, as well.

Blizz just need to get a hold of their game, and stop allowing this stuff to happen.

I was really into Professions at the start of Dragonflight, and the exploiters really ruined what should have been a really great experience for everyone.


That’ll never happen though.

The cloak was whatever. Blizzard did this to calm down the rage mob.
You can level the cloak fast now. So it is whatever.
Sadly they did nothing about the real problem. Bronze.

The main reason was gear upgrades from bronze and not the cloak. Frogs provided so much bronze that these people have 500+ ilvl gear now. And bronze farm is still a lot slower than leveling the cloak. Due to the upgrade price per item.
That is what blizzard should have rolled back.

Did you farm charms from frogs? But what i think it was that if someone turns in hundreds of charms in a very short timespan, while also having frog kills, they got flagged.

We know why they just let the profession stuff stick. Lots of the ones who exploited it are in the world first teams. They all friends with each other. Different rules for certain people.

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i only turned in the charms i got from my frog kills for the timeless coins. i turned them in once i realized i can get reputation with major pandaria factions.

Yeh, basically.

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So you farmed the frogs and turned in the lesser charms. There’s your answer. Even if it only was for timeless coins, you still got more than that.

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Yes they literaly completed the whole mop remix in a matter of hours from doing frog farm. Bought every cosmetic, got every upgraded gear.

And still they get to keep this stuff.

yeah idk, dont see how me wanting to get the heavenly golden cloud serpent was a bad thing. from what i know this is the fastest way to get timeless coins. my whole point was that people got nerfed disproportionately

Of course it’s not. This method blizzard has used could’ve been handled better. Like sifting through countless characters data to see who did what. But let’s be real, blizzard would never do that. Nor would any other company. That would take ages.

Still, getting hit when your intentions weren’t on the exploit sucks. But, you were there and got hit in the crossfire.
Although, that farm is perfectly obtainable in retail. So look on the bright side, at least it wasn’t a ban/suspension.

oh definetely, im happy that i was not suspended lol, and im happy that i almost got all the coins aswell. anyway have a nice day man!

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Hi, i totally agree with you. I hit lvl 70 a bit late and frog farm was state of the art. I pushed my cloak from around 500 mainstat to 1500 mainstat with frog farm it was boring an really bad content for the most effective way to farm.
After the nerf i did content which rewarded me mostly with cloak threads, and i pushed my cloak the last days up to 6000 mainstat it was really fun because the content were into world bosses, dungeons and raids.
Today i logged in and i was devestated you nefed me from 6k to 2.5k.
I rethink to play wow now it hurts and it was frustrating - shortly: **** you, ****your game

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I had the same, apparently 2 hours of frog farming and getting 1 or 2 upgrades on my items was “excessive frog farming” that deserved a full week of rollback, just cause some bad players cry on forums. They always cry for nerfs, and they are still bad, its the same for 20 years now.

well duh - they nerfed cloak not gear.

stamina stacks like crazy on last few levels of upgrades of chest / pants. .