(I've found a guild, so this thread can be ignored)

Hi! I’m a pretty recent returnee, and the last time I raided in Classic was pre-expansions, and the last time I raided in retail was in MoP. I haven’t really played the game properly since Legion, but that was solely focused on PvPing.

I’m not interested in PvP anymore, and I’m really not interested in doing any kind of real pushing in PvE. These days I’m basically at the same level as a new player with just a tiny bit of general knowledge about how the game used to work in the past, so I’m looking for a guild that’s planning on doing PvE content on a casual level in the new expansion but also being ok with providing me some handholding so I can catch up. I’m not in any rush.

My schedule is very flexible, but my heart isn’t really in the game anymore, so what I’m really after is a guild where I can get to know people and enjoy some time doing things in PvE together. I hate pugs, and I didn’t return to the game just to play with players without personalities, if that makes any sense.
(For example people that never socialise and writes nothing other than “LFM x for y” or “LFG z” in guild chat. Those are the kind of people I’d categorize as players without personalities, since they don’t show any personality in the guild chat and make no attempt at getting along with other people.)

I’m 32 yo in case that matters, and I’m Swedish but I prefer international guilds that uses English.

I’ve got everything on the horde side at lvl 60, and I’ve got everything on the alliance side at level 60. Although one exception, which is that I only have a hunter on the alliance side.

I can’t play tanks anymore, the game is just way too different for me, and I don’t think I can get into healing before getting used to the game as a DPS once more.
I’d prefer playing as a melee, but I can also play as a ranged. However, I’d prefer not playing as a hunter because I never liked it no matter which expansion, but I can play as everything else except for evoker (I never spent any time playing it, and I don’t like the class design).

I don’t know how guilds works anymore, if they’re limited to the realm and/or faction, but if need be then I’m willing to pay for realm transfer(s).

I hope there’s some guild out there that will feel like this is worth a shot. Have a nice day.

I’ve found a guild that I’ve decided to join, so this thread can be disregarded from now on. Thank you for all for having read through this.

Hi there :slight_smile:

You could consider us as an option

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You sound like you’d enjoy your time in Resolve, have a look below and let me know what you think :slight_smile:

Give us a look and see what you think