Jeff Kaplan left Blizzard Entertainment

Yikes this took a turn :sweat_smile: So he didn’t see it, oh well.

Next time he’ll make a search first for sure, right?! :wink:



Well me and you always used to debate but we ended up being civil and teasing each other :kissing_heart:

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Life was so much simpler back then :grin:


Atleast Nagrash was useful, linking the thread in his petty comment.

I find it very strange you don’t face consequence over the drama stuff you start and say. You claim that I should direct my anger at another person and that you’re free to make comments like that, aslong as you’re indirectly speaking about another person and not directly replying to them.

Could of formed your message better there brother. No need for this passive aggressive crap and then come and start to tell people to get along.

I guess you’re used to interacting with the forum clique but damn, you’re chasing off forum goers with this behavior.


I prefer the dwarf’s thread, he wears stylish sunglasses.

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Passive aggressive? I suppose sarcasm doesnt translate that well to text.

Twas just a joke man, as was my first msg really.

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He successfully led OW for a while, but the game has been going downhill in recent years. It’s probably time for a shift.

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He did a great job with Overwatch!, and I wish him the best of luck with his next adventure.


Well, that’s unfortunate.

Oh nooooooooooooooo a Blizzard employee has become an ex Blizzard employee…


a Not accepted it.
B gave every cent of it to worthy causes.
C gave it to employees
D. gave it to me.
E. Filled a moon rocket with it and send it with a time capsule to Mars.
F. Become a very highly paid CEO of another company, not the saintly do no wrong Blizzard.


FAREWELL JEFF KAPLAN, I didn’t know you, never met you, but I just want to say that this has left with me such a hole in my heart not even raisin pizza could fill it…

Farewell sweet prince, may you one day return as Sir valiant and rescue Blizzard from it’s inevitable demise in…

2 weeks…? 4?

I think they’ve just scaled up their plans for it.

Originally it seemed as if OW would be driven by small content updates and DLC.
Then they shifted toward the idea of Overwatch 2 to spurr re-interest in the game.
And then they have clearly scaled the Overwatch 2 project up in scope since its announcement, because they realize they can’t just release the same game with some co-op missions and a few extra maps and a new hero or two. People expect more. So they’re clearly just developing a ton of PvE content (hundreds of co-op missions I’ve heard) and re-imagining the gameplay and the heroes and totally re-doing the game, a bit like FFXIV it feels like.

I think Blizzard would like if their games fall into the realm of being small projects with frequent updates, like Hearthstone. That’s the model to strive for.
But all too often they find themselves in familiar territory where they are producing these giant juggernaut games that Blizzard are known for, and which unfortunately takes years and years to come out. And Overwatch 2 seems to be a good example of that, where the project just keeps growing bigger and bigger.

From the beginning I say that OW2 is one of the biggest nonsense I have heard. Small graphic enhancements, a few pvp maps, pointless pve missions and put 2 on the box. Great… They could put all that in the current OW and call it a patch, not OW2. If they really want to make a good, quality OW2 game then they need to make something like Destiny 2. I haven’t followed the development of the game for the last year, but if they still stick to the original plan then I still think OW2 is complete nonsense. Anyway, we’ll see what comes out of that game.

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All the talent are leaving the sinking ship that is Blizzard. Kaplan was very popular among the community, he has a certain charismatic charm about him which people like, almost everything he said was worthy of becoming a meme. I enjoyed listening to his views and his updates on Overwatch despite the terrible direction they decided to take that game.

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Some people would describe him as a guy that would “fail upwards”. Some people are blaming Jeff for turning WoW into this elitist raid hierarchy.

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I don’t specifically know his involvement in WOW, I know he was one of the OG Blizzard devs and he designed a lot of Vanilla raid content other than that i’m kinda clueless.

I mean hes not had an impact on WoW iirc since Overwatch?

totally agree.

Saddening this is as crushing as when alex afrasabi left quietly last year, who actually wrote a lot of the quests and lore from vanilla to legion.

rip another classic dev, blizzard is weaker without you jeff.


I’ll miss him a lot, it was always nice to see him at blizzcon, he was among the last developers who could stand on the stage and I would genuinely believe that he cared about the game he was talking about. He still did this out of passion. It’s really sad that he’s gone, but I wish him the best for his future plans.


Said this before Could just released a free dlc with pve modes Overwatch 2 just feels stupid Same game but with pve mode