Joined epic bg for fun only

Alliance doesnt enjoy of fair Game when we Talk about Epic bgs, this is why we do premades. If they remove premades from Epic, your queues will stand for a hour and all premades will play normal Bgs, making it a nightmare for Horde players. So GL xD

5 man premades are already playing normal bgs Delenis (since forever). You should know this already, since you premade also in them. I repeat, I really don’t see any issue, but if what you wrote makes you sleep better…go for it!

Yes, I mostly play normal Bgs, but a single Epic can hold a large numbers of premades that doesnt queue to normal BG because they center in Epics. If they cant play Epics anymore, they will queue to normal, so we’ll have a larger numbers of premades, while you get longers queues to Epics xD

Ok, Delenis, I’m already trembling in fear. Gotta go back to work though, thanks for the amazing conversation :wave:

Cya, enjoy!!

why do people always just assume every russain team is a premade? most of them are just random pugs.

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Cannot read their names. It is just weird that they don’t blend them in with the rest of Europe if they really wanna be playing on European realms, likewise for Germans and French… Kind of a nation thing that has impact as well. All random or just nation vs nation. Many times I see people from other countries in Europe that don’t speak a word of English.

I agree with that, everyone assumes it just based on all their names being Cyrillic. However, there certainly is a lot of premades as well.

But sometimes it’s literally just 1 person using Raid Warning to spam commands to the entire raid group, and the majority of the people will listen/follow the death ball of players. Which obviously gives the illusion that they’re premade, but they’re just somewhat organized randomers listening to one guy.

Not that my personal anecdote means anything at all, but in all of my years playing since we were paired with Russians (back in what, late MoP iirc?) I don’t think I’ve ever seen a 10/15 man Russian team with greater than 3 different servers comprising it.

Either Russian homies have a total of like 5 different servers to play on or I’ve never seen a Russian team (that I can remember) that couldn’t at least pass for a premade at a glance.

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Pretty much this, whenever I’m playing Alterac Valley, I only use once or twice before match starts, dictating a handful of players to hold Iceblood tower, and im talking about 10 defenders at the least.

Do you like?

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Woah, top notch level of skill over there. My day now feels definitely complete. Thanks for sharing! :kissing_heart:

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Well atleast i can thank blizz for solo shuffle so i don’t have to deal with this anymore.

Thank you so much.


I don’t know but talking to that person is the biggest waste of time on forums.


It was always that way. People with low to zero skill made premade groups to farm uncoordinated pugs. And sadly this is what kills WoW pvp faster than the not-existent developers could.


The funny thing is we found Horde premades in 8/10 bgs, but they arent a match in the most of times.

Anyway, you arent the better to talk about skills xD

Tbh, you seem like the type of person to walk into a Kindergarten with a cricket bat and beat toddlers with it.


There is also alot of premades and horde with Duelist title playing in these randoms BGs:

Saying that in Bgs we only deal with pugs is a fallacy since horde do even more premades, and I find the same horde teams almost every day.

At least the enemy there is beatable.