Joined epic bg for fun only

U saying that all time ofc i can get into em for solo que.

Stopped epic bgs since shuffle, its alot more honor gain.

I dont want to blame one single nation for it.

Even our nation is doing premades.

Especially alliance at low level bgs.

Listen alliance premaders, I know I am 0 rated but I have to say:

You are acting like you are above me while you have your 5 healers topping you, but it is always a bliss to global you when you are so brave you enter the WSG cave after me while your healer are LOS:ed.

And I have met the same 15 man team over and over, the same names and servers. Ofcourse premades does not exist, its just my bad luck.


Well u don’t need to face premades anymore, shuffle is better honor gain.

Just get good gear, if u win over 3 games u get insane honor.

Imo. As Alliance you get queued up often against Russians and it is 99% of the time a lost because they premade
 Let them VS other Russian teams. I can’t read their names either. Language barrier is a BS argument since they are all mixed up in Epic BGs. Either let the Russians, French and Germans VS each other or mix them all up. Some players cannot even speak English and we are in the same team, its BS and this issue should have been fixed years ago.

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U my hero :smiley:

Counterpoint. That guy exploits a loophole and actively seeks to make other players game time an absolute misery. I’ve come up against his 40 man premade in IoC and AV, each one nearly an hour of barely being able to play while you get HK farmed.

He might not be “breaching any rules” but Blizzard certainly doesnt intend there to be 40 man Discord premades who are all but unbeatable in epic bgs.

I hope Blizzard implments something to deal with people like him and other 40 man premades.

Russians shouldnt even be playing this game right now

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They can leave the BG. Horde players just want easy victory, so making horde player’s time an absolute misery is a victory for this game. :slight_smile:

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Your ignorance let me speachless. I know, since you stated it clearly on this forum in the past more than one time, that the only way you play epics is through premades, but gotta start to use your brain a bit more before writing senseless senteces.

Let’s reason a bit. Who wants an easy victory? Someone that organize a premade group of 25-30 (or even 40) people while being ALL on discord to join an epic or a group of random players that are supposed to face a group of randoms? The answer is quite easy.

I know that you defend epic bgs premades because you are part of them and you can deny what I’m gonna write as much as you want, but your beloved epic bgs leaders are just circumventing the rules to get easy victories and brag about them on this forum. I find all this pretty pathetic.


You are the one who think synchronizing premades with discord is “Exploit”

You play this game in easy mode (like every Horde) so you can’t afford the defeat and come to this forum crying about alliance premades. This is pathetic.

I really Hope thing turn even worse for your faction in next expansion.

In Epics? Someone that play on Horde side, because the bad design of this game that allow big ilvl and number of healers imbalance.

Yes, it can be defined as an exploit and you know this. Is there an official and authorized option that allows players to queue as a 20-30 man group? No. You are bypassing the system. Everybody knows this.

I played both factions during this xpac and, just so that you know, I was Horde when Alliance was on the winning side because of the Human racial back in WoD.

Gotta stop with the healer number excuse that you bring up every time. The problem can affect both sides. I lost the count of the times Alliance had more healers when I was queueing as Horde. However, I do agree on the fact that ilvl gap is a big issue, if not one of the main problems.

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9/10 times its happens of alliance due the lack of healers in this faction. as long as this imbalance persists, we will continue making premades.

Bla, bla, bla
 Whatever you say. Get a kleenex

As I said, find a better excuse. This one is getting old.

This is the answer you usually use when you don’t know what to say :slight_smile:

What you expect me to respond when you base your arguments on your belief that what we do is an exploit, even though we have never been penalized for it.

We Will not stop, dont care how much you cry on the forums.

If one day they make it illegal, I hope that the alliance stops queuing epics and that all those 5 man premades storms in normal bgs, making it a terrible experience for your faction :slight_smile:

Look Delenis, I’m not crying on the forum. As I already said, I’m stating facts and at the moment I’m not even playing wow.

My point still stands though, you are bypassing the system to score an easy win. Just accept it and continue to take part to organized 20-30 man premades till Blizzard will eventually find a way to penalize you.

Have a nice weekend full of premades!

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Blizzard doesnt give a cent about premades.

I reported a 40 multiboxer premade that caused isle of conquest unplayable lag by using items and aoe together in a tiny area in the keep.

It went on for a year.

The person propably gave up on this game and propably did not get banned.

So basically it is okay to exploit the bgs. It is okay to cause lag. It is okay to clip thru walls to los everything as a flag carrier or whatever. They dont care.

You’ll wish

Sooner or later it will happen

People as you said the same 4 years ago xD

And if this happens be ready for alot of 5 man premades queuing for normal Bgs. Will be even worse for the Horde.

Years ago Blizzard banned an addon that allowed people to queue as big premade and even before they reduce the limit of people that could join as a premade to 5 man.

So yeah, I’m confident that sooner or later they are gonna solve also this issue so that everybody (Horde and Alliance) can enjoy a fair game.

But Delenis, I play randoms bgs since an eternity. I faced already 5 man premades. I mean, nothing new there.