Joyous Journeys – Summer XP Buff Event

Is this from the “discord picture” leak? That was fake as duck

Any sources on this? or just speculation?

Arena season end date is very possible considering they need to do the merge before season ends. And the merge is confirmed by blue post.

Rest we have no clue about.

There are no sources as it’s just a guess, like mine.

incoming weeks just turned into incoming months ? gj blizzard as always <3


Still no more precise dates?


We continue waiting :confused:

Quite useless for TBC Classic players. Why level when you going to force everyone to WoTLK?

Are you implying, that it is useless, because of new lvl 68 boosts? Well wasting a lvl 68 boost on alt, like mine Warlock to get only 18 levels is a dumb desidions, and I better level her up with exp bonus instead, saving boost for some other class, like warrior, that I do not have yet.

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They aren’t going to be free you know.

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Here is my point. I owning renting 2 accounts from Blizzard. Boosted lvl 58 rogue on one and lvl 58 dwarf priest (priest was lvl 31) on other. I was so certain of our small PvE server making up to Wrath with it 3K population, however certain events happened early this year and our server lost 2200 raiders. With my boosts wasted on dying realm I had to level Horde alts from lvl 1 (now lvl 67 mage and priest) just in case my realm wouldn’t make it into the Wrath. You never know when you’ll need a boost, better keep it if you have main. Like players on Firemaw could still make boosted character on Gehennas if they had it saved.

Please open a Faction Transfer Service at the same time.

Where xp bonus buff. Berny wants to level a death knight monk.

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Summer lasts from **June 20 or 21 until September 22 or 23 !!!

So yes their summer is different

31th August is still Summer if you know what I mean.

Summer used to end in early September.

Now in 2022, summer ends in late November.

Just gib the xp buff right now.

Can you shill out the XP buff already? The summer and the holiday have started everywhere and I’m sick of paying boosters. We’ve waited long enough.

If you think about it, realm consolidation happens on Aug 10th which means the arena season 4 will ends before or on the same day. I don’t see Blizzard making us wait for weeks after the arena season ends before pre-patch. Based on that I am pretty sure the buff will come next Wednesday…

Beta still needs so much work, I doubt this will happen in summer.

Summer XP buff turning into Summer of 2023 XP buff :smiley: