Just a thought, remove the monetary cost for spec change

i am pretty much 99% no changes in era, but just a thought… remove the monetary cost for spec change and maybe have a CD like 24 hour or something?

it might help increase the pool of healers and tanks as era has a smaller pool of players than retail or SoD. maybe not even need such a high cd. depends what community wants.

Please give us dual spec. Or atleast an option to be able to respec without having to allocate points all over every time and re-lvl weapon skill. Just same 2 spec on mage on the class master we just change with a button click and gold… Or give us the regular dual spec… IK its a tbc+ thing. But please its the only QoL thing we r jealous about…

No thank you please. You can suggest it in the SOD forums, but this does not belong to Era.


It could help with finding more tanks and healers though. Plus i would make raid more enjoyable for off tanks if they can respect to DPS on fight additional tanks aren’t needed.

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i do feel that flat out dual spec is moving too far away from classic/vanilla as Andruid says, and just making it a new option available with gold falls too much into the blizzard trap of just pay us to fix the problem. Cause we already have what you say Everstorm: just talk to the class master, and with a click of a button and some gold, we’ve reset out talents! i know you mean to additionally have the talent tree filled in but in classic there are probably only 4-5 specs people will ever need TOPS. the content is set and wont change, so the best specs were worked out over a decade ago.

The issue isn’t about being able to spec change at whim. its to try be useful in group content with out the penalty of constant gold cost. I am lvling as prot war (bad idea i admit) but when i join a group as tank, i want to actually do my roll. however im not sure how i’ll feel about tanking raids beyond MC, so, like when i lvled on classic launch, i’ll prob be niched into arms/fury to be a dps when i hit 60. :\ i would like the option to change between tank and dps as needed with out the gold penalty.

but maybe thats just me personally, but i do think it would provide more tanks/healers to the pool, and also make people more ok with going dps when there are too many tanks/healers (only really a problem within a guild group.)

Dual spec addressed this but guess what happened? Nothing. They also allowed free respecs in retail and it changed nothing. Still few tanks and healers. It’s just a fact of life that dealing damage and killing things is more appealing than sitting idle healing or tanking. This has never been changed in any game and you just need to accept it won’t change and move on.

Removing the dedication to a build by way of removing any respec costs is a negative to the game as a whole. It cheapens builds immensely and takes away from the class fantasy/immersion. Can’t take retail as an example of where it doesn’t detract from the game because retail is a whole different game to era.

What they should do is introduce Dual Spec but not be as expensive as it was back on launch(I remember when it was first introduced it was a lot of gold for the level you were at when it was available to buy). They also lowered the gold cap for respeccing to like 25g from 50g if I recall correctly(Could be wrong on this). But Dual Spec would help for sure.

I disagree bro… i just wanna play classic era, i just wish to be able to play more of it, playing more of it= dual spec, coz i can play more roles. Why so negative about? If i had dual spec id heal in any instance and pvp with enha or go do some tanking at 5 man or dps, farm my consumables easier than resto etc. Im pretty sure lots of ppl would benefit from dual spec or a way ppl being able to respec. Not to mention the issue of not finding a group would be solved. The only ppl that benefit from non-existance dual spec, are the boosters and gdkp runs, because ppl stick in one role and sometimes they cant get a dungeon going if they had the option would be way easier. I know this might not be a vanilla thing and might be ruining the nostalgic touch we all loved about, but life moves forward, and some changes r good changes… besides its a minor tweak, i havent seen anyone complain about boon, so why you ppl dont like saving ur alt spec, but you dont mind saving ur wbs…

Changes to classic is fine, as long it is done in the seasonal branch - SOD for the moment.

We asked Blizzard for a Classic servers for many years - and finally got one. Now, please don’t destroy it with features not belonging to Classic just because YOU like it.
Keeping Era as close to Vanilla is the only way - as soon you start making changes everyone else want another “small” change added and then rolls the ball …


Hm… so what about the changes already made? What about pvp new ranking system that brought classic back to life… is it a bad change? Without it, it would be dead even up to date… Im not saying change everything but only tweak what needs to be tweaked to make classic even bigger. If they would let for example ppl invite each other from different realms, and walk into a dungeon together would be a bad change? Or a change that could bring friends from different realms together? Will that change the aspect of the game? Will it ruin it? Those are just minor tweaks… Its like saying “bring back classic wow to DX9 oh just coz this was the true classic exp” and gl getting to play this game in modern gpus nowdays … or “bring back 32 bit being only playable at windows xp coz oh that what was like”. I do belive that some tweaks are welcome from the community, besides you ppl already got over used to new UI even if u didnt ask for… Feels like drama and whining takes more time that getting used to something new, and always at the end ppl like it, at least thats how ppl are anyway.

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If you ask me: yes, all changes are bad. Blizzard should not touch Era at all. Not change the UI with Retail interface, tune spells for SOD or modify PVP.

Just leave Classic unchanged, and then apply whatever change to Seasonal servers.


Ok… I respect that. However keep in mind that you would not be playing this game as well if those changes was not made. Because you would be just on a desert realm community without any ppl to play with you. Also please do recall… How many addons you had back in 2005. How many addons you have now… And tell me is gaming experience the same, with them now and without them back then?

Andruid would not be all alone. I’d be there too.
I had 5 addons back then. I have 3 now - one of them rolls back one of Blizz’s changes, one is purely for fun, the last one is VendorPrice, and I could do without this :wink:


Don’t take this personally…

There has been so much of this over the years. “Oh they changed things, it isn’t #nochanges anymore so add this!”

The answer to something bad isn’t to keep piling on more bad stuff… otherwise you end up with retail.


Not happening bozo

no it’s a much needed gold sink. inflation is crazy in era, dual spec costs close to nothing

Players: We need dual spec!
Blizzard: OK guys we’re listening, we’re giving you dual spec.

One week later…

Players: We got duel spec, now give us heirlooms
Blizzard: OK, fine, here’s your heirlooms…

One week later…
Players: Now we need level boosts, we’re sick of levelling alts.
Blizzard: So be it, you can now buy level boosts in Classic…

One week later…
Players: Farming gold for our GDKP runs is stupid, why can’t we have WoW Tokens?
Blizzard: Here you go…

One week later…
Players: I never win the damned loot I need, why can’t we have personalised loot? And those complex talent trees are just stupid, retail system is far more convenient, and why do I have to keep buying reagents, ammo etc?
Blizzard: We hear you…

One week later…
Players: FFS having to grind through raids is stupid. Why can’t I just buy what I need from the cash shop? This game needs to be made CONVENIENT CONVENIENCE is all we’re asking for…

One week later…
Players: Bored lul! Nothing to do in teh game!!! /quit


Era = Era

Do not change how it was please.


No, let Era remain Era.

Also these days, and with the amount of inflation, you can pretty much sell whatever crap and get the respec costs financed. No excuses!

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Lmao, This post is perfection incarnate, well done it sums up the situation so well! :rofl:

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guess in general thats a no then. on the specific topic of removing/reducing spec change cost.