Just ban premades from PvP random queuing already

The title. No elaboration or explanation will be given. This is as basic as “if you need to breathe, inhale oxygen”.
Disagree all you want, I don’t care.
Fix this mess. Thanks.


Let me guess you started beef with some one in an dungeon and then you discovered they where all premades and they will all report you and no one will take your side.

Was it something like this that sparked this post?

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Dungeon? (also, what?) You seem confused. Let me explain.
In PvP random BGs, it is very likely that in one in five matches, your group will be facing a premade group. These groups are usually players that aren’t skilled enough for rated but pretty much OP against a random grouping due to their coordination.
Of course being premade, this is in direct contradiction with the term “RANDOM”.
I hope this cleared things up.


Why shouldn’t people be able to play with their friends.

Random just means you don’t know who your opponent is in advance, in the same way that if I complete timewalking with a friend (or a group of them) to avoid the queues, I don’t choose the dungeon.

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Then they can go play rated. If that’s too competitive then I suggest either dropping their PvP aspirations or switching games. You know who your group is, but you don’t know who the enemy is. Random BG means Random BG. End of discussion.

EDIT: I knew common sense had departed this side of the internet millenia ago, but my goodness


Yes but facing premades in pvp is the opposite of fun and generally an auto lose.


That doesn’t make it any less random, nor should people be banned from playing together in a game designed for people to play together.

I don’t do much PvP, however I have played BGs before (non-rated, because I’m not in any way good at it)

But I note the following:

  1. Did you decide which BG it was? No
  2. Did you decide to face the premade (Or indeed not to)? No
  3. Did they decide to face you, (or indeed not to)? Also no

There are 3 levels of RNG here, it’s as random as random can be.

If you want to restrict players from having fun together, then it’s not me who’s on the wrong side of “fun” in an MMO.

From vanilla until modern times, the game has always been “It’s better if your friends come too” this is just another aspect of that.

See and now you gave context.

Nothing in your post says it’s about PvP so I assumed pve content.

As I don’t play PvP I will not talk about if that’s good or bad for pvp

If this isn’t ragebait and you’re for real, I sincerely hope things get better.
If you know who your group is, aka if your group is pre-made, meaning hand-picked by you, it. is. not. bloody. random.

Thought it was implied since who cares whether your dungeon group was premade or not. Anyway, fixed the title.


So when I do any event using group finder, with one or more friends, despite having no say over whether I see the same dungeon 4 times, or a different dungeon each time, isn’t random, just because a friend came too?

That’s a bit like saying if I use the “random” feature on my cd player, it’s not random because I chose the album.

For the final time and I will reply to you no further, facing players who have been waiting 15 minutes on the queue to play PvP only to face a coordinated group of guildies or friends isn’t the same as brainlessly clearing a room of dungeon mobs.


Yet both are equally random, so while it’s unfortunate that the circumstances aren’t ideal, the game mode is working as intended.

In any case, WoW is a “friends make it better” game, that’s why guilds, communities and other social aspects of the game take priority over not choosing to do those things. This is by design, I don’t know enough about PvP to decide if it’s good or bad for the game, but it certainly isn’t incorrect for what to expect from a random encounter.

The PvE comparator is something like group finder, where the leader of the group chooses who joins, and what they’re doing, I don’t know if PvP has a similar service.

If you try to convince me that you got 20 + friends online for 2-6 hours almost every day, let me tell you the truth- you convinced only 1 person, and thats yourself.
Proper delulu situation.

Nobody finds it so disruptive if you respect the system limit of 5 players per battleground type of premades.
We all know this limit is there to serve a purpose.
You bypassing it, would be a bannable offense if there was a way to prove it in combination of Blizzard actually giving a damn about PvP and the casual player.
Still not convinced ?
Then lets reverse it- why is the system limit of 5 man premade there in the first place ?
To que as a RAID group of 20-30 people into RANDOM Epic BGs you actually have to form a way around the system limit and thats by using a tactic called “que syncing” where players would form seperate groups of 5, and communicate the time stamps of when the que pops. PvP population is so low in this bracket that theres almost no chance you’re in a different battleground.
This is the same concept as que syncers in Rated Blitz. And theres an ongoing discussion right now, and even some banned fellas.
Heres other problems with premades:
Premades sometimes dislike certain individuals and have the full power to kick them INSTANTLY out of the battleground.
Now you might say - yeah right, you first get a 1 min debuff ,yadi- yada, and then if you dont hit someone, then you get kicked.
If you die, and you get spam reported in Ashran or any Epic BG, the respown timer already takes 20 seconds of your time to react to the debuff, chance is you wont get to any player during the other 40 seconds either.
And as a bonus- if enough people report you for allegedly “afk” from that premade- the battleground kicks you instantly, no debuff, no warning. Trust me - i know.
Another situation:
If they decide to troll- you’re stuck with their choice.
If they decide to prolongue the battleground - you’re stuck with their choice.
If they decide to all leave together- you’re left 10 vs 40. And depending on the hour you might find yourself in a permanent disadvantage.
And yes this all has had happened to me in the past.
No community should have so much power over the battlegrounds.
Its like an underground monopoly.

Its just bad sport:
1 team gets to preselect their players, composition, discuss strategy, get consumables and use them on a signal. Have infininite amount of time to prepare before even entering the battleground.
A bunch of random nobodies, no gear, random skill, only 30 secs to discuss strategy, no consumables, no syncronization.

So you can either play dumb and pretend that you’re not lonely in your delulu island or you can acknowledge the fact that you’re simply wrong and Party Syncing practice is simply a bad sport and should be bannable offence.

Like it still boggles me to this day that you can get someone banned for saying “shut up” but you cant ban someone that ruins the game for tho majority of the player pool in the casual level of gameplay.


I had no idea people would even do that, I thought the complaint was against 5 mans, I really know very little about PvP

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By all means, all my respect goes for you being open and honest right now.
But this is the situation, unfortunetely.
Yes, even 5 man premades are impactful but it an okay practice, as you said - people have friends.
Knowing WoWs community and their age (25-35 +) you will detect 3-5 of your friends one in a blue moon because of their and your busy lives and quing together isnt a complaint even.
Even meeting a full 20- 30 man premade occasionally wasnt a problem until it became a mass practice on the daily.

At one point we have to ask the question, why do we not get new commers and why are casual players leaving and then we gotta take a look at casual/new commer spaces like normal random battlegrounds.
And when we do we just ee that they’re simply getting disproportionally bullied.

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If people are genuinly premaking groups of 20 and somehow defeating the 5 man limit, that is an exploit and should certainly be bannable.

I withdraw my previous objection.


Thank you Mr.
You’re a respectable good man.


I haven’t done random bg for a while and I have decided to give it a go yesterday and I have faced full russian premade in Arathi. They took 4 bases and killed rest of the team until game was over. Other thing I should mention, game was laggy. Premade in so called “random” should not exist.

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Manual PVP syncing is not against the rules.

But, it is certainly not fun to see if they’re an actual premade of 20+

The thing as others have said is that if they ban all premades then you can’t queue up with friends anymore either for whacky tactics. Can be too much of a trade-off.

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Maybe the rules need changing then?

As soon as it becomes clear its a premade people leave. Lose first group fight, even more people leave. Then the people filling the slots are now stuck in a losing bg. This entire thing is just frustrating and wastes everyones time. And thats just for random BGs.

The longer Blizzard pretends its not a problem the more people will just end up not bothering to queue anymore and/or leave for good. Why pay to get annoyed every day?