I think they did adjust so that addons cannot be used to help with syncing, but that was quite a few years ago as a response.
I don’t PvP much but when I do I didn’t find it a massive problem. Just let them win and the match is over very fast.
its actually tricky thing to do.
so like when i was getting level boosted we had to make sure we were in the same pop, not allowed to be in a group because i get an exp debuff of some sort.
so like with the pvp ques im guessing its the same thing, everyone is in voice chat and let each other know if they all got a pop or not. its not a premade, its an exploit.
I have seen people like that a bunch of times.
They complain about the “unfair” premades and it always boils down to them starting something and then being upset that there is no one they can pull to there side cause the others are premade
If its not against the rules it absolutely should be. 20 people on comms and co-ordinating makes it an absolutely miserable experience for their opponents who are just people trying to have a bit of fun within the parameters of the game.
As to the “can’t you play with friends”. I think you should be able to, its a multiplayer game and my friends and I often used to queue up for a random BG for giggles.
i think the problem is that bliz can´t track these coordination groups since every second someone leaves a pop for whatever reason while queing for group finder content.
I cannot add anything else in this conversation than just to skip the Random BGs if it frustrates you, there are probably other game modes that are more fun and fulfilling for you. For an example i’ve stopped playing m+ since DF because of the toxic community, and i’ve yet to be frustrated this expansion. It helps focusing on other stuff
Sadly and at this point after so many complaints, both here and social media, its not gonna happen. I think by now it is pretty obvious that they are NOT breaking any rules.
It’s unpleasant for players to be caught up in one of those bg and more so because it is disorganized content, but the most likely counter argument is going to be: “Join a pvp community that offers the same boost.”
Lol that vid is so on point
Just wish killing a druid did turn them into KFC.
Ngl your behaviour makes me wish Blizzard openly states they will allow premades to queue without having to use any tricks from now on.
This is the thing, he and people who say this are right that its not against rules to sync ques but it shouldnt be possible in first place as it ruins the game mode for people who dont do gimmicks as syncing ques in comms with 20 other people waiting for the que where they all get in same game with their separate groups. Game allows 5man to que for these, its bit extra to then do these tricks of quieing same time with multiple groups and waiting that each of them gets theirs on same time so they can bring 20man into same bg for example. One has to agree it is bit extra
i love how we have that one dude that explains what to do n stuff, but then we all run like headless chickens anyway.
Just play the solo version.
No premades and tons of casual fun. There’s no need to worry about being able to play at 2300 rating or whatever. Just chill out with solo BG’s like I am sometimes.
Also the rewards are HUGELY better.
No premades and tons of casual fun. There’s no need to worry about being able to play at 2300 rating or whatever. Just chill out with solo BG’s like I am sometimes.
pretty much this
If Blizzard say it’s not against the rules, why do people have to do this weird “sync” thing I’ve never heard of, when Blizzard could simply allow raid groups to queue for BG?
If Blizzard say it’s not against the rules, why do people have to do this weird “sync” thing I’ve never heard of, when Blizzard could simply allow raid groups to queue for BG?
a very valid question
That question inspired me to see a pre-made group finder.
If you try to convince me that you got 20 + friends online for 2-6 hours almost every day, let me tell you the truth- you convinced only 1 person, and thats yourself.
Well in theory you can only queue with a group of five which is not detrimental in most cases. However I’m well aware of the BGs where you end up in an Epic BG against a fully or almost fully coordinated group. It’s no fun for anyone.
Some of the older Blizzard sayings might get harder to find with time. The following is one of the rarest gems from the era when they talked to the playerbase way more often and way more openly. It’s been never disputed ever since, so I consider everything here still being valid and able to represent their official position.
Several blue posts are recorded there. They describe Blizzard’s stance on premades in random Battlegrounds in the clearest terms and explain why exactly the addons were stopped from allowing people to group up and create an unfair advantages for themselves.
Here’s a couple of handpicked Blizzard citations.
What is true that there’s been an increase in pre-made groups disrupting the PvP experience for other players, though. Pre-mades in the normal queue, however they are formed, are not something that we’ve ever been particularly fond of. It had become more of an issue of late, so we addressed it accordingly.
We understand that players want to enjoy coordinated team play, and we invite those players to queue into Rated Battlegrounds or play Wargames to have that experience.
The ultimate effect that this kind of queuing has had is to drive players away from PvP. Perhaps it’s been a long time since you’ve been in a random group, but a lot of players will see that they’re up against a premade and simply quit.
Bold text is mine. A lot of interesting stuff. I can’t recommend reading it enough.
It’s interesting how Blizzard has shifted over the years. Then again with how some of the ideas threads in this forum become elitist messes I’m not shocked they don’t want to read them anymore.
I own an audio streaming device (I like hifi) that has an active community around it, and the developers look at the threads and sometimes, the ideas make it into firmware updates, if people had basic respect for each other, we could possibly see that here, alas it’s not to be.