Just ban premades from PvP random queuing already

but but “we hear you!”

Random battleground means the battleground is chosen from a pool of battlegrounds at random. For example you will either get Ashran, Wintergrasp, AV or IoC. It has nothing to do with players being or not being grouped together.

I don’t mind premades as much as I dislike people who cry premade even before the BG starts and demoralize the whole raid with their defeatist attitude.

A few days ago we beat (barely) a Horde premade in Wintergrasp. An especially tryhard one that even covered our vehicle build NPCs with toys. Was a fun game, except for the toy abuse, that was lame.

I say don’t ban them. Reduce them. 3 man groups at the most for smaller battlegrounds. 5 man for epic battlegrounds. The queue synchronizers however, those should be removed.

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Known troll, don’t bother with him.

To be fair, you dont know this in rated pvp either.